Site map
General public
- Life events
Automobile insurance
- Automobile dealers and insurance: What you need to know
- Buying an automobile: Life insurance mandatory?
- Replacement cost and replacement insurance
- Cost of automobile insurance: How is it determined?
- Automobile insurance claims file
- UBI: Discount on your auto insurance?
- How to limit auto insurance problems
- How to cancel your auto insurance contract?
- What to do in the case of an automobile accident or theft
- Offering your services as a driver or delivery person
- Home Insurance
Life insurance
- Main types of life insurance
- Five steps before buying insurance
- 8 questions and answers to demystify life insurance
- The cost of life insurance
- Could the cost of your universal life insurance increase without warning?
- How to access the cash surrender value without cancelling your insurance
- Cancelling a life or health insurance contract
- Searching for insurance contracts?
- Insurance sold by lenders and merchants
- Legal insurance
- Group insurance
- Disability insurance (salary insurance)
- Long-term care insurance
- Critical illness insurance
- Travel insurance
- Deposit Insurance
- Pet Insurance
- Making an informed decision when buying insurance on the Internet
Automobile insurance
- Cryptoassets
- Investing on your own in the stock market
- Responsible or sustainable investing
- Tips for better investments
- Saving plans
- Debt Securities
- Shares
- Funds
Knowledgeable investors
- Derivatives
- Subscription Rights
- Warrants
- Limited Partnerships
- Foreign Exchange Market – FOREX
- Over-the-counter markets
- NVCCs and CoCos
- Crowdfunding
- Mini-tenders
- You want to solicit investors so that you can grow your business?
- Questions regarding the CCAA
- Investing in the energy sector
- Investing in mining companies
- Investing in small cap companies or SMBs
- Investing in the cannabis industry
- Investment account statement
- Income trusts
- Personal finances
- Fraud prevention
Calculators and tools
- Budget Tables
- Budget
- Balance Sheet
- How much will you accumulate in your Voluntary Retirement Savings Plan (VRSP)
- How long will it take to pay off credit cards or other loans
- Calculator : how long will it take for my investments to recover
- Buy or Rent a residence
- Property: Which is better, buying or renting?
- How changes in interest rates can impact your mortgage
- Impact of investment fees
- Calculateur - Le temps, c'est de l'argent!
- Le rendement, c'est important! (AN)
- Les investissements à rendement progressif (AN)
- Investir en tenant compte de l'inflation (AN)
- Your investor profile
- Monthly Budget
- Credit Card
- Rule of 72
- The magic of compound interest
- Quizzes
- Publications
- Financial Glossary
- Assistance and Complaints
- Compensation and Deposit protection
Tes affaires
Youth Zone
- 4 tips for better investments
- Beware of investment advice on social media platforms!
- RRSPs and TFSAs: What they are
- What is an NFT (non-fungible token)?
- Before investing, figure out your investor profile
- Diversification: The art of putting your eggs in more than one basket
- Investing: What’s the relationship between risk and return?
- Figure out what type of investment suits you
- The magic of compound interest
- Prepare a budget in three easy steps
Get a credit card
- Are you ready for your first credit card?
- How to get a credit card
- How to access your credit report
- Avoid paying interest on your credit card!
- Applying for a credit card on campus: Is it a good idea?
- Tips to keep your credit card spending in check
- Holiday gift-giving: How to avoid putting it all on your credit card
- Avoid financial fraud
- Pay for my education
- Rent my own apartment
- Buy a car
- Videos
- Teacher Zone
Youth Zone
- Financial education experts
About the AMF
- Mission
- Industries
- Senior Management and Internal Audit
Board of directors
- Robert Panet-Raymond
- Marie-Claude Beaulieu, member
- Jacqueline Codsi, member
- Anne-Marie Croteau, member
- Jean Dagenais, member
- Manon Débigaré, member
- Nicole Gadbois-Lavigne, member
- Hajar Jerroumi, member
- Guy Langlois, member
- Tanya Sirois, member
- Miville Tremblay, member
- Yves Ouellet, Non-independent member
- Advisory Committees
- Information Access
- Strategic Financial Education, Outreach and Research Partnerships Program
- International Affairs
- Careers at the AMF
- Media Centre
- Publications
- Register of firms and individuals authorized to practice
- Cryptoasset trading platforms
- Register – Reporting issuers in Québec - Securities
- Register – Insurers
- Register - Insurers, Deposit institutions and Trust Companies
- Register – Deposit insurance
- Register – Deposit institutions
- Register – VRSPs
- Register - Transparency Measures
- Register - Credit assessment agents
- List of equity crowdfunding portals
- Contact us
- Useful Links
- Search
- Terms of use
- Privacy Policy
- Accessibility
- Flux RSS
- Financial Glossary
- Foundations of prudential oversight
Capital and liquidity
- Capital Management Guideline
- Liquidity Risk Management Guideline
- Guideline on capital and liquidity treatment of cryptoasset exposures
- Capital Adequacy Requirements Guideline – Life and Health Insurance (CARLI)
- Guideline on Capital Adequacy Requirements - Property and Casual Insurance (MCT)
- Guideline on Capital Adequacy Requirements - Self-Regulatory Organizations (MCT)
- Guideline on Capital Adequacy Requirements - Reciprocal Unions (MCT)
- Commercial practices
Credit, market and insurance risk
- Investment management
- Securitization risk management
- Residential Hypothecary Lending Guideline
- Guideline on margins for over-the-counter derivatives not cleared by a central counterparty
- Reinsurance risk management
- Earthquake exposure risk management guideline
- Guideline on the management of expected credit losses
- Climate Risk Management Guideline
- Operational risk
- Use of models
- Lexique
- Supervisory Framework
Right to practise
- Authorization
- Authorization to expand activities
- Review for the withdrawal of a condition or restriction
- Review in light of certain operations
- Revocation of authorization
- Regulation by title III and organization of business corporation
- Constitution, regulation by Title III and organization of a mutual company
- Acquisition of control or acquisition
- Amendment, consolidation, correction and cancellation of the articles of an assurance company
- Continuance as an insurance company
- Continuance under the laws of a juridiction other than Québec
- Amalgamation involving a regulated business corporation
- Amalgamation of Québec mutual insurance companies
- Application for authorization to grant a hypothec or other security on movable property
- Committee composition or functions exception
- Capital instruments – Confirmation of capital quality and authorization of redemptions
- Disclosures
- Standardized Climate Scenario Exercise (SCSE)
- Automobile insurance
- Distribution without a representative (DWR)
- Market conduct
- Insurance advisory committees
- List of compensation bodies recognized by the AMF
- Practising as a representative
- Certification
- Obligations
Rules of conduct and rules governing the pursuit of activities as a representative of mortgage brokerage
- Brokerage transaction
- Information to be disclosed
- Compensation
- Sharing of commissions
- Mortgage broker who is also a real estate broker
- Verifying identity and capacity
- Information collection and advice
- Real estate brokers and mortgage brokerage referrals
- Responsible use of social media in mortgage brokerage
- Payment of notary fees associated with the making of a loan secured by immovable hypothec
- Professional development
- Forms
- Firms, independent representatives and partnerships
Deposit institutions and Trust companies
- Foundations of prudential oversight
- Capital and liquidity
- Commercial Practices
Credit, market and insurance risk
- Guideline on the management of expected credit losses
- Investment management
- Securitization risk management guideline
- Residential Hypothecary Lending Guideline
- Guideline on margins for over-the-counter derivatives not cleared by a central counterparty
- Interest Risk Management Guideline
- Large Exposure Management Guideline
- Climate Risk Management Guideline
- Operational risk
- Use of models
- Disclosures
- Right of practise - Trust compagnies
- Right of practise - Deposit Institutions
- Supervisory Framework
- Obligations of authorized deposit institutions
- Approval framework for financial services cooperatives
- Deposit insurance
- Securities and derivatives
- Market structures
Regulations and obligations
- Act respecting the regulation of the financial sector
- Credit assessment agents
- Insurance and deposit institutions
Distribution of financial products and services
- History relating to Regulation respecting Damage Insurance Brokerage
- History relating to Regulation respecting the eligibility of a claim submitted to the Fonds d'indemnisation des services financiers
- History relating to Regulation respecting Alternative Distribution Methods
- History relating to Regulation respecting firms, independent representatives and independent partnerships
- Directives
- Notices
- Agreements
- Fees and costs payable to the AMF
- Derivatives Regulation
- Complaint processing and dispute resolution in the financial sector
- Tariffs for costs and fees payable in respect of derivatives
- 91-102 - Prohibition of Binary Options
- 91-506 - Derivatives Determination
- 91-507 - Trade Repositories and Derivatives Data Reporting
- 93-101 - Derivatives: Business Conduct
- 93-102 - Derivatives: Registration
- 94-101 - Mandatory Central Counterparty Clearing of Derivatives
- 94-102 - Customer Clearing and Protection of Customer Collateral and Positions (I-14.01, r. 0.001)
- Policy Statements
- Notices
- Agreements
- Fees and costs payable to the AMF
- Transparency Measures - Mining, oil and gas
- Voluntary Retirement Savings Plan (VRSP)
- CSA and AMF Notices withdrawn
1 - Procedures and related matters [11-101 à 14-101]
- 11-101 - Principal Regulator System
- 11-102 - Passport System
- 11-201 - Electronic Delivery of Documents
- 11-202 - Process for Prospectus Reviews in Multiple Jurisdictions
- 11-203 - Process for Exemptive Relief Applications in Multiple Jurisdictions
- 11-204 - Process for Registration in Multiple Jurisdictions
- 11-205 - Process for Designation of Credit Rating Organizations in Multiple Jurisdictions
- 11-206 - Process for Cease to be a Reporting Issuer Applications
- 11-207 - Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders and Revocations in Multiple Jurisdictions
- 12-202 - Revocation of Certain Cease Trade Orders
- 12-203 - Management Cease Trade Orders
- 13-101 - System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR) (Repealed)
- 13-102 - System Fees for SEDAR and NRD (Repealed)
- 13-102 - System Fees
- 13-103 - System for Electronic Data Analysis and Retrieval + (SEDAR+)
- 14-101 - Definitions
- CSA Notices
- Notice of publication - Regulation and Policy Statement of the CSA
2 - Certain Capital Market Participants [21-101 à 25-201]
- 21-101 - Marketplace Operation
- 23-101 -Trading Rules
- 23-102 - Use of Client Brokerage
- 23-103 - Electronic Trading
- 24-101 - Institutional Trade Matching and Settlement
- 24-102 - Clearing Agency Requirements
- 25-101 - Designated Rating Organizations
- 25-102 - Designated Benchmarks and Benchmark Administrators
- 25-201 - Guidance for Proxy Advisory Firms
- CSA Notice
- Notice of publication - Regulation and Policy Statement of the CSA
3 - Registration and Related Matters [31-101 à 35-101]
- 31-101 - National Registration System
- 31-102 - National Registration Database
- 31-103 - Registration Requirements, Exemptions and Ongoing Registrant Obligations
- 31-201 - National Registration System
- 32-102 - Registration Exemptions for Non-Resident Investment Fund Managers
- 33-102 - Regulation of certain registrant activities
- 33-105 - Underwriting Conflicts
- 33-109 - Registration Information
- 35-101 - Conditional Exemption from registration for United States broker-dealers and agents
- CSA Notices
- Notice of publication - Regulation and Policy Statement of the CSA
4 - Distribution Requirements [41-101 à 47-201]
- 41-101 - General Prospectus Requirements
- 41-103 - Prospectus Disclosure Requirements for Securitized Products
- 41-201 - Income Trusts and Other Indirect Offerings
- 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects
- 44-101 - Short Form Prospectus Distributions
- 44-102 - Shelf Distributions
- 44-103 - Post-Receipt Pricing
- 45-101 - Rights Offerings
- 45-102 - Resale of Securities
- 45-106 - Prospectus Exemptions
- 45-107 - Listing Representation and Statutory Rights of Action Disclosure Exemptions
- 45-108 - Crowdfunding
- 45-110 - Start-up Crowdfunding Registration and Prospectus Exemptions
- 45-513 - Prospectus Exemption for Distribution to Existing Security Holders
- 46-201 : Escrow for Initial Public Offerings
- 47-201 - Trading Securities Using the Internet and Other Electronic Means
- C-15 - Scholarship or Educational Plan Prospectuses
- CSA Notice
- Notice of publication - Regulation and Policy Statement of the CSA
5 - Ongoing Requirements for Issuers and Insiders [51-101 à 58-201]
- 51-101 - Oil and Gas Activities
- 51-102 - Continuous Disclosure Obligations
- 51-103 - Venture Issuers - Governance and Disclosure
- 51-105 - Issuers Quoted in the U.S. Over-the-Counter Markets
- 51-106 - Continuous Disclosure Requirements for Securitized Products
- 51-107 - Disclosure of Climate-related Matters
- 51-201 - Disclosure Standards
- 52-107 - Acceptable Accounting Principles and Auditing Standards
- 52-108 - Auditor Oversight (V-1.1, r. 26) (Replaced)
- 52-108 - Auditor Oversight (V-1.1, r. 26.1)
- 52-109 - Issuers' Annual and Interim Filings
- 52-110 - Audit Committees
- 52-112 - Non-GAAP and Other Financial Measures Disclosure
- 54-101 - Communication with Beneficial Owners of Securities of a Reporting Issuer
- 54-102 - Interim Financial Statement and Report Exemption
- 55-101 - Insider Reporting Exemptions
- 55-102 - SEDI
- 55-103 - Insider Reporting for Certain Derivative Transactions
- 55-104 - Insider Reporting Requirements and Exemptions
- 58-101 - Corporate Governance Practices
- 58-201 - Corporate Governance Guidelines
- CSA Notices
- Notice of publication - Regulation and Policy Statement of the CSA
- 6 - Takeover Bids and Special Transactions [61-101 à 62-203]
- 7 - Securities Transactions Outside the Jurisdiction [71-101 à 71-102]
8 - Investment Funds [81-101 à 81-107]
- 81-101 - Mutual Fund Prospectus Disclosure
- 81-102 - Investment Funds
- 81-104 - Alternative Mutual Funds
- 81-105 - Mutual Fund Sales Practices
- 81-106 - Investment Fund Continuous Disclosure
- 81-107 - Independent Review Committee for Investment Funds
- No. 29 - Mutual Funds Investing in Mortgages
- CSA Notices
- Notice of publication - Regulation and Policy Statement of the CSA
- 9 - Derivatives
Quebec Regulation and Policy Statement
- Authorization of Foreign-Based Exchanges
- Prospectus and Registration Exemptions - Real Estate
- Development Capital Investment Fund
- Distribution of syndicated mortgages
- Complaint processing and dispute resolution in the financial sector
- Securities Regulation
- 14-501Q - Definitions
- 41-601Q - Capital Pool Companies
- Q-7 - Securities Rating Agencies
- Q-9 - Dealers, Advisers and Representatives
- Q-17 - Restricted Shares
- Q-20 - Soft Dollars Deals
- Q-22 - Disclosure document for commodity futures contracts and options traded
- Q-26 - Restrictions on Trading
- Notice of the Autorité des marchés financiers
- Notice of Publication - Québec Regulation and Policy Statement
- Agreements
- Fees and costs payable to the AMF
- Obligations and administrative procedures
- Public consultations
- E-Services
- Obligations and administrative procedures
- Inspection
Mortgage brokerage supervision to be transferred to the AMF on May 1, 2020
- Exemptions under the Distribution Act
- Brokerage transaction
- Professional liability insurance
- Real estate brokers and mortgage brokerage referrals
- Mortgage brokers practising in a business corporation which they control
- Mortgage brokers whose agency will not carry on activities after April 30
- Mortgage broker who is already registered with the AMF as an independent representative
- Fintech
Becoming a professional
- Insurance of persons
Damage insurance
- Minimum qualifications in damage insurance
- Competencies evaluation tables
- Manuals
- Add sector or sector class
Practice examination questions
- Integrate into practice the general principles of law applicable to damage insurance and the rules governing the activities of damage insurance representatives
- Recommend personal property insurance products adapted to the clients' needs
- Recommend personal-lines and commercial lines automobile insurance products adapted to the clients' needs
- Recommend commercial-lines property and civil liability insurance products adapted to the client's needs
- Exam calendars
- Exam pass rates
- Pass the probationary period
- Apply for a representative's certificate
Claims adjustment
- Minimum qualifications
- Competencies evaluation tables
- Manuals
- Add sector or sector class
Practice examination questions
- Settle commercial-lines property and civil liability insurance claims based on the client’s coverage
- Settle personal-lines and commercial-lines automobile insurance claims based on the client’s coverage
- Settle personal property insurance claims based on the client’s coverage
- Integrate into practice the general principles of law applicable to damage insurance and the rules governing the activities of claims adjusters
- Exam calendars
- Exam pass rates
- Pass the probationary period
- Apply for a representative's certificate
Mortgage brokerage
- Compulsory training
- Rules for rewriting exams
- Mortgage brokerage manuals
Examples of exam questions
- Set up an ethical professional practice in compliance with the rules governing mortgage brokerage
- Complete a mortgage brokerage transaction suited to the client’s situation and needs
- Set up an ethical professional practice in compliance with the rules governing the management of a mortgage brokerage firm
- Exams calendars
- Exam pass rates
- Competencies evaluation tables
- Pass the probationary period
- Apply for a representative's certificate
- Examinations
- Probationary period
- Particular situations
- Application for a certificate
- Financial planning
- Securities
- Trainers
- Other AMF mandates