Notices Derivatives

CSA Notice

Multilateral CSA Staff Notice 91-306: Compliance Review Findings for Reporting Counterparties (pdf - 128 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on June 6, 2019

CSA Staff Notice 93-301: Derivatives Business Conduct Regulation - No Overlap with Derivatives Registration Regulation Comment Period (pdf - 40 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on June 15, 2017Derivatives Business Conduct and Derivatives Registration

CSA Staff Notice 93-302: Frequently Asked Questions about Regulation 93-101 respecting Derivatives: Business Conduct (pdf - 428 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on September 12, 2024Frequently Asked Questions about Regulation 93-101 respecting Derivatives: Business Conduct.

CSA Notice regarding Coordinated Blanket Order 93-930 Re Temporary exemptions for derivatives firms from certain obligations when transacting with certain investment funds and for senior derivatives managers from certain reporting obligations (pdf - 222 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on July 25, 2024

CSA Staff Notice 94-301: Blanket Orders Exempting Certain Counterparties from the Requirement to Submit a Mandatory Clearable Derivative for Clearing (pdf - 80 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on July 6, 2017"CSA Staff Notice, 94-301,Blanket Orders, Exempting, Certain Counterparties, Requirement to Submit, Mandatory Clearable Derivative, Clearing"

CSA Staff Notice 94-302: Delivery of Forms Required under Regulation 94-102 respecting Derivatives: Customer Clearing and Protection of Customer Collateral and Positions (pdf - 147 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on August 3, 2017"CSA, Staff Notice, 94-302, Delivery, Forms, Required, Regulation, 94-102, Derivatives, Customer Clearing, Protection, Customer Collateral, Positions"

CSA Staff Notice 94-303: Variation, Amendment, or Revocation and Replacement of Blanket Orders Exempting Certain Counterparties from the Requirement to Submit a Mandatory Clearable Derivative for Clearing and Update on Draft Regulation to amend Regulation 94-101 respecting Mandatory Central Counterparty Clearing of Derivatives (pdf - 96 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on May 31, 2018Madatory Central Counterparty Clearing of Derivatives

CSA Notice 94-304: Frequency of the requirement to deliver Form 94-102F3 Customer Collateral Report: Regulated Clearing Agency (pdf - 86 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on May 20, 2021Frequency of the requirement to deliver Form 94-102F3 Customer Collateral Report.

CSA Staff Notice 95-301 – Margin and Collateral Requirements for Non-Centrally Cleared Derivatives (pdf - 118 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on August 21, 2019

CSA Staff Notice 95-302: Margin and Collateral Requirements for Non-Centrally Cleared Derivatives (pdf - 43 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on April 8, 2021Margin and Collateral Requirements for Non-Centrally Cleared Derivatives.

CSA Staff Notice 96-303: Derivatives Data Reporting Transition Guidance (pdf - 227 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on November 10, 2022Derivatives Data Reporting Transition Guidance

AMF Notice

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