Training period Damage insurance

The AMF has made agreements with certain organizations to allow students registered in the Insurance and Financial Advisory Services program (DEC 410.C0) (the Program) to take part in a training period. During these periods, students are authorized to carry out the same professional activities as holders of a representative’s probationary certificate for the chosen sector or sector class. There are three types of training periods.

This type of training period can be chosen by a student as part of a work term in the Program. It can also be chosen by a full-time student interested in having a summer job in the insurance or claims adjustment fields. The goal of the training period is to allow students to acquire real workplace experience.

The training period lasts six to 15 weeks and students work a minimum of 28 hours per week. Students interested in continuing their training period must apply for a part-time training period or an end-of-study training period.

To participate, the student must meet the following requirements:

  • Be registered full-time in the Program;
  • Have successfully completed the first year of the Program;
  • Have passed the required courses for the training period in the chosen sector or sector class.

This type of training period is available to students who are registered full-time in the Program. The goal of the training period is to allow students to acquire real workplace experience.

Students work a maximum of 15 hours per week during the school year and the training period lasts a maximum of 40 weeks. Between the end of the fall semester and the beginning of the winter semester, students are allowed to work full-time. This type of training period cannot be extended. Students interested in continuing with the same employer must apply for a summer training period.

To participate, the student must meet the following requirements:

  • Be registered full-time in the Program;
  • Have successfully completed the first year of the Program;
  • Have passed the required courses for the training period in the chosen sector or sector class.

This type of training period is available to students who are completing the Program in a course that focuses on applying competencies developed in school to the workplace. 

The training period lasts at least three weeks.

To participate, the student must meet the following requirements:

  • be a student registered in his last semester of the Program or the Insurance and Financial Advisory Services program (AEC LCA.CN);
  • be in expectation of successful completion of these programs.

The duration of the training period and the validity of the training attestation:

  • are three weeks minimum at 28 hours per week minimum;
  • can be extended beyond three weeks;
  • are a maximum of six weeks for a sector class or 12 weeks for a class.

Probationary period exemption

Students can be exempted from the probationary period for a sector or a sector class in which the training period is completed if they meet the following requirements:

  • The training period lasts a minimum of six weeks for a sector class or 12 weeks for a sector and the student works 28 hours per week or the equivalent.
  • The student obtains a favourable recommendation from the supervisor.
  • The Program is successfully completed.
  • In group insurance of persons, the student has successfully completed the required case study for the chosen sector class.
  • The student applies for a representative’s certificate within a year of completing the Program.

For more information on the roles and responsibilities of trainees and supervisors, refer to the Probationary Period Guide (pdf - 2 MB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on June 1st, 2020guide, stagiaire, superviseur.

Firms, independent partnerships and independent representatives willing to welcome students for training periods should contact the resource person from the educational institution directly.