Fees and costs payable to the AMF
Adjustment Notice – 2025
In accordance with section 83.7 of the Financial Administration Act This link will open in a new window (chapter A-6.001), the Minister of Finance is hereby publishing the results of the adjustment for 2025 of the fees set by the Government under the above-cited regulations for the public services offered pursuant to the laws administered by the Autorité des marchés financiers.
Under section 83.3 of the Financial Administration Act This link will open in a new window, these fees are adjusted by operation of law on January 1 of each year by a rate corresponding to the annual change in the overall average Québec consumer price index without alcoholic beverages and tobacco products for the 12-month period ending on 30 September of the year preceding the year for which the fee is to be adjusted. The rate corresponding to this annual change for the 12-month period ended September 30, 2024 is set at 2.85% and is published on the website of the Ministère des Finances
This link will open in a new window and on the Gazette officielle du Québec
This link will open in a new window dated december 14, 2024 (2024, G.O. 1, n°50, p. 714).
The adjusted fees are rounded off in accordance with the Regulation respecting the rounding off of adjusted feesThis link will open in a new window (chapter A-6.001, r. 0.1).
Therefore, as of January 1, 2025, the adjusted fees are those appearing below.
The Securities Regulation, chapter V-1.1, r. 50, made under the Securities Act, chapter V-1.1, prescribes the following fees in particular.
Description | 2025 |
Filing a draft prospectus or a preliminary prospectus (sec. 267 par. 1 s-par. 1) | $1,381 |
Filing a draft prospectus or a preliminary prospectus in the case of a money market mutual fund (sec. 267 par. 1 s-par. 1) | $6,905 |
Filing a preliminary shelf prospectus (sec. 267 par. 1 s-par. 2) | $6,905 |
Minimum amount at the time of filing a report of exempt distribution (sec. 267 par. 1 s-par. 4) | $346 |
Filing an amendment to a prospectus (sec. 267 par. 1 s-par. 8) | $346 |
Filing an amendment to a prospectus to increase the number or value of the securities to be distributed, payment corresponding to the surplus over the following amount (sec. 267 par. 1 s-par. 8) | $346 |
Filing a geological report (sec. 267 par. 1 s-par. 9) | $171 |
Filing a geological report if the report concerns more than 2 properties, fees per property (sec. 267 par. 1 s-par. 9) | $69 |
Filing the information required in compliance with the second paragraph of section 12 of the Securities Act (sec. 267 par. 1 s-par. 10) | $139 |
Filing an escrow agreement (sec. 267 par. 1 s-par. 11) | $690 |
In the case of a continuous distribution, the fee to be paid is equal to the amount exceeding the following amount Indexation must be deferred one year since this amount corresponds to the amount paid by the issuer at the time of filing a prospectus used for the distribution of its securities during its most recently completed financial year. (sec. 268 par. 1 s-par. 1) | $1,343 |
In the case of a continuous distribution, in the case of a money market fund, the fee to be paid is equal to the amount exceeding the following amount#1 (sec. 268 par. 1 s-par. 1) | $6,714 |
Fee to be paid at the time of filing the report prescribed by section 94 of the Securities Regulation is equal to the amount exceeding the following amount (sec. 268.1) | $1,381 |
Filing of the annual financial statements by the issuer which may avail itself of the simplified prospectus regime (sec. 271.2 par. 1) | $2,763 |
Filing of the annual financial statements by an issuer other than the issuer mentioned in paragraph 1, but one which has a security listed on a Canadian stock exchange (sec. 271.2 par. 2) | $1,381 |
Filing of the annual financial statements by the issuer not mentioned in paragraph 1 or 2 (sec. 271.2 par. 3) | $690 |
Filing of the annual financial statements by a mutual fund (sec. 271.2 par. 4) | $690 |
Filing of the annual financial statements by an issuer not mentioned in paragraphs 1 to 4 (sec. 271.2 par. 6) | $690 |
Filing an application prescribed by section 69 of the Securities Act to revoke the issuer's status as a reporting issuer or to release the issuer from its continuous disclosure obligations (sec. 271.2 par. 7) | $139 |
Filing a statement of material change pursuant to section 73 of the Securities Act (sec. 271.2 par. 9) | $139 |
Filing of the annual report by a savings and credit union (sec. 271.3) | $483 |
Filing the bid and the take-over or issuer bid circular prescribed by regulation (sec. 271.4 par. 1 s-par. 1) | $1,381 |
A payment equal to the surplus over the following amount of the amounts under subparagraphs (a) and (b) (sec. 271.4 par. 1 s-par. 1) | $1,381 |
Filing the press release required of the person who makes a normal course issuer bid (sec. 271.4 par. 1 s-par. 1.1) | $1,381 |
A payment equal to the surplus over the following amount of the amounts under subparagraphs (a) and (b) (sec. 271.4 par. 1 s-par. 1.1) | $1,381 |
Filing the notice of change or notice of variation (sec. 271.4 par. 1 s-par. 2) | $690 |
The surplus over the following amount of 0.02% of the additional consideration added by the amendment, on the basis given in paragraph 1 (sec. 271.4 par. 1 s-par. 2) | $690 |
Fee to be paid by the offeree issuer when filing the circular of the board of directors (sec. 271.4 par. 2) | $690 |
Filing the documents or the advertisement provided for under a foreign take-over or issuer bid exemption or a de minimis exemption prescribed by regulation (sec. 271.4.1) | $1,381 |
Application for registration as a dealer, as an adviser or as an investment fund manager (except a mutual fund dealer or a scholarship plan dealer) (sec. 271.5 par. 1 s-par. 1) | $2,071 |
Application for registration as a mutual fund dealer or a scholarship plan dealer (sec. 271.5 par. 1 s-par. 1.1) | $69 |
Application for registration as a representative of a dealer which is a member of a self-regulatory organization (sec. 271.5 par. 1 s-par. 2 (a)) | $209 |
Application for registration as a representative of an investment dealer if they are not a member of such a self-regulatory organization, or of an adviser (sec. 271.5 par. 1 s-par. 2 (b)) | $516 |
Application for registration as a representative of a dealer with a restricted practice or an exempt market dealer (sec. 271.5 par. 1 s-par. 2 (c)) | $413 |
Application for registration as a representative of a mutual fund dealer or a scholarship plan dealer (sec. 271.5 par. 1 s-par. 2 (d)) | $263 |
Application for registration as chief compliance officer or ultimate designated person of an investment dealer, an adviser or an investment fund manager (sec. 271.5 par. 1 s-par. 2.1 (a)) | $516 |
Application for registration as chief compliance officer or ultimate designated person of a restricted dealer or an exempt market dealer (sec. 271.5 par. 1 s-par. 2.1 (b)) | $413 |
Application for registration as chief compliance officer or ultimate designated person of a mutual fund dealer or a scholarship plan dealer (sec. 271.5 par. 1 s-par. 2.1 (c)) | $263 |
Annual payment on December 31 of each year in the case of an investment dealer (sec. 271.5 par. 1 s-par. 3 (a)) | $2,071 |
Annual payment for each representative, registered on December 31, of an investment dealer (sec. 271.5 par. 1 s-par. 3 (b)) | $516 |
Annual payment for each representative, registered on December 31, of an investment dealer which is a member of a self-regulatory organization (sec. 271.5 par. 1 s-par. 3 (b)) | $242 |
Annual payment for each establishment of an investment dealer (sec. 271.5 par. 1 s-par. 3 (c)) | $104 |
Annual payment on December 31 of each year in the case of a dealer with a restricted practice or an exempt market dealer (sec. 271.5 par. 1 s-par. 4 (a)) | $2,071 |
Annual payment for each representative, registered on December 31, of a dealer with a restricted practice or an exempt market dealer (sec. 271.5 par. 1 s-par. 4 (b)) | $516 |
Annual payment for each establishment of a dealer with a restricted practice or an exempt market dealer (sec. 271.5 par. 1 s-par. 4 (c)) | $104 |
Annual payment on December 31 of each year in the case of a mutual fund dealer or a scholarship plan dealer, for each representative registered at the end of the financial year (sec. 271.5 par. 1 s-par. 4.1) | $219 |
Annual payment on December 31 of each year in the case of a securities adviser (sec. 271.5 par. 1 s-par. 5 (a)) | $2,071 |
Annual payment for each representative, registered on December 31, of a securities adviser (sec. 271.5 par. 1 s-par. 5 (b)) | $516 |
Annual payment on December 31 of each year in the case of an investment fund manager (sec. 271.5 par. 1 s-par. 5.1) | $2,071 |
At the time of the filing of Form 33-109F4 of Regulation 33-109 respecting Registration Information by or on behalf of a permitted individual who acts on behalf of an investment dealer (except if the dealer is a member of a self-regulatory organization) (sec. 271.5 par. 1 s-par. 6 (a)) | $516 |
At the time of the filing of Form 33-109F4 of Regulation 33-109 respecting Registration Information by or on behalf of a permitted individual who acts on behalf of a restricted dealer or an exempt market dealer (sec. 271.5 par. 1 s-par. 6 (b)) | $413 |
At the time of the filing of Form 33-109F4 of Regulation 33-109 respecting Registration Information by or on behalf of a permitted individual who acts on behalf of an adviser or an investment fund manager (sec. 271.5 par. 1 s-par. 6 (c)) | $516 |
Fee per hour per inspector with respect to the preparation of an inspection, the inspection itself and the follow-up of the recommendations (sec. 271.5 par. 1 s-par. 8) | $118 / hour |
Reinstatement of the registration of a representative of an exempt market dealer, a representative of a restricted dealer or a representative of an adviser (sec. 271.5 par. 1 s-par. 9) | $69 |
Filing of a notice relating to the acquisition of a registrant's securities or assets under Regulation 31-103 respecting Registration Requirements, Exemptions and Ongoing Registrant Obligations (except in the case of a mutual fund dealer and a scholarship plan dealer) (sec. 271.5 par. 1 s-par. 11) | $690 |
Fee per hour per inspector payable by any investment fund incorporated or organized under an Act that provides for an inspection (sec. 271.5.1) | $118 / hour |
Application for an exemption from a requirement prescribed by the Securities Act or a regulation (sec. 271.6 par. 1) | $690 |
Application for an exemption related to a take-over or issuer bid and for an exemption from the valuation report required by regulation (sec. 271.6 par. 1) | $1,381 |
Application for an exemption from a requirement prescribed by the Securities Act or a regulation in respect of a distribution (sec. 271.6 par. 1.1) | $690 |
Following an exempt distribution, 0.025% of the gross value of the securities distributed in Québec, subject to an additional minimum of (sec. 271.6 par. 1.1) | $346 |
Application to designate an accredited investor (sec. 271.6 par. 1.2) | $690 |
Application to regularize a previous issue of securities prescribed by section 338.1 of the Securities Act (sec. 271.6 par. 2) | $346 |
Application prescribed by section 68 or 68.1 of the Securities Act (sec. 271.6 par. 4) | $346 |
Filing of a valuation report required by regulation (sec. 271.6 par. 5) | $690 |