Register – Reporting issuers in Québec - Securities
The AMF maintains a List of reporting issuers for the purpose of identifying:
- reporting issuers in Québec;
- reporting issuers in Québec that have failed to provide periodic disclosure about their business and internal affairs in accordance with the conditions determined by regulation or failed to provide any other disclosure prescribed by regulation and to pay the required fee;
- reporting issuers in Québec under a cease trade order (CTO) issued by the AMF or the Tribunal administratif des marchés financiers (new name of the Bureau de décision et de révision as of July 17, 2016);
- reporting issuers in Québec under a CTO issued by another securities regulatory authority in Canada and having effect automatically in Québec.
The list, which is updated at the date indicate below, takes into account all documents filed on the previous day. More information about the list of reporting issuers is available through the following:
You can also consult the Canadian Securities Administrators Notice 51-322 Reporting Issuer Default (pdf - 52 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on December 15, 2006Reporting Issuer Defaults
Further information is also available by:
- consulting the documents filed by the reporting issuer on SEDAR+
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- contacting the issuer directly;
- consulting the database of cease trade orders (CTOs) posted on the website of the Canadian Securities Administrators
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The AMF will make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the list. However, reporting issuers should promptly contact the AMF if they do not appear on the list of reporting issuer in Québec or if they are inadvertently identified as being in default.
If you need more information on an inssuer, or if you wish to confirm details included in the list, contact our Information Centre, by e-mail : Request for information This link will open in a new window.
Search for a reporting issuer
You may consult the reporting issuer list (pdf - 1 MB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on May 10, 2017List of reporting issuers for the purpose of identifying reporting issuers in Québec or reporting issuers in Québec that have failed to provide periodic disclosure about their business and internal affairs in accordance with the conditions determined by regulation or failed to provide any other disclosure prescribed by regulation and to pay the required fee or reporting issuers in Québec under a cease trade order (CTO) issued by the AMF or the Tribunal administratif des marchés financiers (new name of the Bureau de décision et de révision as of July 17, 2016) or reporting issuers in Québec under a CTO issued by another securities regulatory authority in Canada and having effect automatically in Québec., or conduct your search alphabetically or by issuer's name, according to the name of the reporting issuer, or use the search engine below.
Various default codes are used on the list of reporting issuers. The codes appear under the heading “Defaults” and refer to the Default Nomenclature (pdf - 120 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on March 21, 2017"nomenclature des manquements,manquements,états financiers annuels,rapport financier intermédiaire,rapport de gestion,notice annuel,omission,omission de déposer,règlement".