Manuals - Claims adjustment

The AMF offers exam preparation manuals for each competency in claims adjustment.

The following tables list the sets of exam preparation manuals recommended for each competency evaluated.

To find how to obtain the manuals, consult the page Exam preparation manuals.

Claims adjustment

Updated manual

Competency covered

Publication date

Effective date of changes to the exam

A411-T3 (Supplement): Personal Property and Liability Insurance – Damage Insurance
Agent and Broker, Edition December 2023
05-511 Supplement to A-411, 3rd Edition, 2021, January 23, 2024 August 5, 2024

Personal-lines claims adjustment

Manual TitleDescription of competency


Introduction to Insurance Law - Claims Adjusters and Damage Insurance Agents and Brokers05-115 - Integrate into practice the general principles of law law applicable to damage insurance and the rules governing the activities of claims adjusters


Assurance de biens et responsabilité civile des particuliers – expert en sinistre (Available in French only)05-511 - Settle personal property insurance claims based on the client’s coverage


Assurance automobile – expert en sinistre (Available in French only) 05-512 - Settle personal-lines and commercial-lines automobile insurance claims based on the client’s coverage

Commercial-lines claims adjustment

Manual TitleDescription of competency


Introduction to Insurance Law - Claims Adjusters and Damage Insurance Agents and Brokers 05-115 - Integrate into practice the general principles of law applicable to damage insurance and the rules governing the activities of claims adjusters


Assurance automobile – expert en sinistre  (Available in French only) 05-512 - Settle personal-lines and commercial-lines automobile insurance claims based on the client's coverage


Assurance de biens et responsabilité civile des entreprises – expert en sinistre (Available in French only) 05-513 - Settle commercial-lines property and civil liability insurance claims based on the client's coverage

Claims adjustment – Full sector

Manual TitleDescription of competency


Introduction to Insurance Law - Claims Adjusters and Damage Insurance Agents and Brokers 05-115 - Integrate into practice the general principles of law applicable to damage insurance and the rules governing the activities of claims adjusters


Assurance de biens et responsabilité civile des particuliers – expert en sinistre (Available in French only)05-511 - Settle personal property insurance claims based on the client’s coverage


Assurance automobile – expert en sinistre (Available in French only) 05-512 - Settle personal-lines and commercial-lines automobile insurance claims based on the client's coverage


Assurance de biens et responsabilité civile des entreprises – expert en sinistre (Available in French only) 05-513 - Settle commercial-lines property and civil liability insurance claims based on the client's coverage