
To reflect the changes introduced by the Trust Companies and Savings Companies Act into force on June 13, 2019, the various applications that can be submitted by trust companies to the AMF, whether to become regulated by the new Act, for the right to practise (authorization, review, revocation, etc.) or for their corporate plans (amalgamation, reorganization, amendment of articles, etc.), are being updated.

Changes are likewise being made to the applications that can be submitted by savings companies in order to become regulated by the Act or for their corporate plans (amalgamation, reorganization, amendment of articles, etc.).

The applicable guides and forms are currently being revised.


In the interim, please send any questions about these applications to [email protected]

End of the Information

Interim and annual statement forms and reporting form related to the capital requirements that must be completed by trust companies and savings companies with a licence to practice in Québec in accordance with the Act respecting trust companies and savings companies This link will open in a new window, RLRQ, c. S-29.02.

Guides and instructions


Liquidity forms

Transmission of liquidity disclosure

Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)

Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR)

Net Cumulative Cash Flow (NCCF) – Streamlined

Operating Cash Flow Statement (OCFS)

Reporting form and instructions related to the capital requirements prescribed by the AMF for financial services cooperatives that are authorized to exercise activities within Québec under an Act respecting financial services cooperativesThis link will open in a new window, CQLR, c. C-67-3.


Annual statements

Liquidity forms

Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)

Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR)

Net Cumulative Cash Flow (NCCF) – Comprehensive

Interim and annual statement forms and reporting form related to the capital requirements that must be completed by trust companies and savings companies with a licence to practice in Québec in accordance with the Act respecting trust companies and savings companies This link will open in a new window, RLRQ, c. S-29.02.

Guides and instructions


Liquidity forms

Transmission of liquidity disclosure

Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)

Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR)

Net Cumulative Cash Flow (NCCF) – Streamlined

Operating Cash Flow Statement (OCFS)

Reporting form and instructions related to the capital requirements prescribed by the AMF for financial services cooperatives that are authorized to exercise activities within Québec under an Act respecting financial services cooperativesThis link will open in a new window, CQLR, c. C-67-3.


Annual statements

Liquidity forms

Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)

Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR)

Net Cumulative Cash Flow (NCCF) – Comprehensive