List of compensation bodies recognized by the AMF

A compensation body is a body whose members are insurers and whose purpose is to protect the holders of insurance contracts underwritten by one of those insurers from excessive financial loss in the event of that insurer’s insolvency.

An authorized insurer must be a member, for the classes for which it is authorized to carry on an activity, of a compensation body recognized by the AMF for that class.

Mutual companies that are members of a federation for which the federation stands surety and reinsurers are not required to be members of a compensation body.

For certain insurance classes, the AMF does not recognize any compensation body. Please consult the websites of the recognized compensation bodies to find out the classes they cover.

Name of compensation body Address Telephone Website
Property and Casualty Insurance Compensation Corporation / Société d’indemnisation en matière d’assurances IARD

80 Richmond Street West, Suite 607
Toronto, Ontario
M5H 2A4

1 416 364-8677 This link will open in a new window

250, Yonge Street, Suite 3110, P.O. Box 23
Toronto, Ontario M5B 2L7

1 866 878-1225 (sans frais) This link will open in a new window
Property and Casualty Insurance Compensation Corporation / Société d’indemnisation en matière d’assurances IARD

80 Richmond Street West, Suite 607
Toronto, Ontario
M5H 2A4

Telephone1 416 364-8677

250, Yonge Street, Suite 3110, P.O. Box 23
Toronto, Ontario M5B 2L7

Telephone1 866 878-1225 (sans frais)