Exam pass rates Insurance of persons and group insurance of persons
Annual pass rates are available for all exams administered by the AMF. The table below shows the number of exams administered for the insurance of persons and group insurance of persons sectors and their sector classes, as well as the pass rates for the initial attempt (test 1), and second and third attempts (tests 2 and 3).
Where an exam is administered to 5 or fewer candidates, only the pass rate is shown. Care should be taken when interpreting the data for exams administered to fewer than 30 candidates, as the pass rate may not be representative due to the effect of extreme values on small numbers.
Statistics – Exam pass rates
March 1st, 2024 to February 28th, 2025
Competency | Test 1 | Tests 2 and 3 |
01-111 | Number of candidates: 2,998 Pass rate: 75% | Number of candidates: 738 Pass rate: 62% |
01-311 | Number of candidates: 2,814 Pass rate: 71% | Number of candidates: 833 Pass rate: 57% |
01-312 | Number of candidates: 2,958 Pass rate: 79% | Number of candidates: 583 Pass rate: 60% |
01-313 | Number of candidates: 2,777 Pass rate: 73% | Number of candidates: 829 Pass rate: 57% |