Single Canadian Securities Regulator
Supreme Court judgment
- December 22, 2011
The Supreme Court of Canada delivered its judgmentThis link will open in a new window “In the Matter of a Reference by Governor in Council concerning the proposed Canadian Securities Act, as set out in Order in Council P.C. 2010-667, dated May 26, 2010.”
News releases
- May 10, 2010
The business community takes a stand against the proposed federal securities commission - April 27, 2010
Address to Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal - Jean St-Gelais seeks to mobilize financial sector: "We don't need a single securities commission" - July 15, 2008
AMF submits Brief to federal panel on securities regulation
These speeches are only available in French :
- April 27, 2010
« L'importance d'un régulateur fort pour le développement économique » , allocution de Jean St-Gelais à la Chambre de commerce du Montréal métropolitain (pdf - 88 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on April 27, 2010
- February 25, 2010
Allocution de Jean St-Gelais au Cercle de la finance internationale, 25 février 2010 (pdf - 113 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on February 25, 2010
Reports and other documentation
- Octobre 2010
Securities Regulation in Canada at a Crossroads by Pierre Lortie (pdf - 407 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on May 13, 2024Securities Regulation in Canada at a Crossroads
- April 2010
Economic Issues Associated with the Establishment of a single Securities Commission - SECOR (pdf - 411 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on May 10, 2010
- July 2008
Brief Submitted to the Expert Panel on Securities Regulation (pdf - 349 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on July 24, 2008