Damage insurance and Claims adjustement
The AMF recognizes certain training programs as minimum qualifications required in the damage insurance and claims adjustment sectors. As part of this recognition, it enters into agreements with various training bodies. This section outlines the three steps and criteria used in the recognition process.
It also presents information for trainers and the recognition criteria for privately tutored courses in the damage insurance and claims adjustment sectors.
Before submitting an application for program recognition, the educational advisor or the person responsible for the program at the training body must review the evaluation tables used for each of the damage insurance and claims adjustment exams. These tables help to evaluate the programs that are submitted.
The evaluation tables can be found in the following links:
Training bodies offering programs in damage insurance or claims adjustment that wish to have their programs recognized must submit an application for program recognition form (Demande de reconnaissance de programme - in French only) (pdf - 210 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on September 1st, 2023 and the following:
- A copy of the training program;
- The list of courses relevant to the sector or sector class;
- The course outlines for the program;
- A table of correspondences between the AMF evaluation tables and the relevant courses;
- The list of relevant program information to be posted on the AMF’s website.
If, after analysis, the program is recognized, the name of the training body and the program will be included in the list of recognized courses and programs once the recognition agreement has been signed by the training body.
The price of damage insurance and claims adjustment exam preparation manuals is determined by regulation. The AMF does not offer free copies of manuals to training bodies or trainers. Manuals can be purchased from the AMF’s on-line sales site This link will open in a new window.
Candidates in damage insurance or claims adjustment who have failed the same examination three times must successfully complete training related to the competency evaluated in the failed examination before they can re-apply to sit the exam.
The AMF recognizes privately tutored courses so that candidates are not unduly delayed in beginning their careers when a course is not offered within a reasonable period of time by a recognized training body.
Qualifications for trainers
Trainers of privately tutored courses (pdf - 258 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 1st, 2025Application for Recognition of Privately Tutored Course | Damage insurance, Claims adjustment | General information and instructions must have at least two years of experience in a field related to the competency evaluated in the failed examination. Trainers that do not hold a certificate from the AMF in the relevant sector or sector class must provide, along with the form, a curriculum vitae demonstrating that they have the required competencies to train candidates and guide them in developing the skills and knowledge needed to pursue professional activities.
Criteria for recognizing a privately tutored course
The criteria used for recognizing a privately tutored course are as follows:
- The course plan satisfies all the competency components set out in the evaluation table for the competency evaluated in the failed examination.
- Privately tutored courses must consist of at least 20 hours of training, and the trainer must be in attendance.
- The evaluation of the candidate's knowledge and skills must be consistent with the competency components set out in the evaluation table for the competency evaluated in the failed examination.
- The evaluation must be based on at least two examinations consisting of a minimum of 15 questions each.
- A table of correspondences between the proposed questions and the competency components listed in the evaluation table must be enclosed with the evaluations submitted by the trainer.
- The level of difficulty of the questions must be the same as that of the sample examination questions available on the AMF website.
The evaluations and answers must be attached to the candidate's application for recognition of a privately tutored course, signed and placed in a sealed envelope by the trainer.
The course must be approved before the candidate begins the course.