CSA and AMF Notices withdrawn
1 - Procedures and related matters [11-101 à 14-101]
Avis 11-301 des ACVM - Plan stratégique 1999-2001 (Available in french only)
(pdf - 76 KB)
This link will open in a new windowRetiré le 14 décembre 2001
CSA Staff Notice 11-303 - The Uniform Securities Legislation Project
(pdf - 92 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on February 19, 2010
CSA Staff Notice 11-307: Responses to comments received on consultation drafts for a Uniform Securities Act and a Model Securities Administration Act
(pdf - 71 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on September 24, 2004
CSA Staff Notice 11-308: Guidelines for use of mobility exemptions under Part 5 of Regulation 11-101 respecting Principal Regulator System
(pdf - 98 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on February 19, 2010
CSA Notice 11-311: Notice of Extension of Comment period - CSA Consultation Paper 11-405 – Securities Regulatory Proposals Stemming from the 2007-08 Credit Market Turmoil and its Effect on the ABCP Market in Canada
(pdf - 23 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on September 12, 2013
CSA Staff Notice 11-315: Extension of Consultation Period - Draft Regulation 41-103 respecting Supplementary Prospectus Disclosure Requirements for Securitized Products; Draft Regulation 51-106 respecting Continuous Disclosure Requirements for Securitized Products; Draft Regulation to amend Regulation 52-109 respecting Certification of Disclosure in Issuers’ Annual and Interim Filings; Draft Regulation to amend Regulation 45-106 respecting Prospectus and Registration Exemptions; Draft Regulation to amend Regulation 45-102 respecting Resale of Securities
(pdf - 27 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on September 12, 2013
Canadian Securities Administrators Staff Notice 11-316: Notice of Local Amendments – British Columbia
(pdf - 272 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on December 1, 2016
CSA Staff Notice 11-318: Guidance for Cease Trade Order Database Users
(pdf - 47 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on June 9, 2023
CSA Staff Notice 11-319: Extension of Consultation Period - Consultation Paper 25-401: Potential Regulation of Proxy Advisory Firms
(pdf - 17 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on March 7, 2019
CSA Staff Notice 11-322 : Extension of Consultation Period (62-104, 62-103, 62-203, 62-105
(pdf - 40 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on March 7, 2019
CSA Staff Notice 11-324: Extension of Comment Period - Draft Regulation to Amend Regulation 81-102 respecting Mutual Funds and Concordants amendments
(pdf - 50 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on December 1, 2016
CSA Staff Notice 11-327: Extension of Consultation Period - Draft Notice 25-201 relating to Guidance for Proxy Advisory Firms
(pdf - 56 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on March 7, 2019
Avis 12-302, 81-305 du personnel des ACVM − Instruction canadienne 12-201 − Le RECDD et les demandes d’approbation ou de dispense en vertu de l’Instruction générale canadienne no 39 (Available in french only)
(pdf - 123 KB)
This link will open in a new windowRetiré le 5 décembre 2008
Avis 12-303 du personnel des ACVM - Demandes de dispense et fin d’année (Available in french only)
(pdf - 105 KB)
This link will open in a new windowRetiré le 19 février 2010
CSA Staff Notice 12-304: National Policy 12-201, Mutual Reliance Review System for Exemptive Relief Applications - Frequently Occurring Issuers
(pdf - 17 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on December 5, 2008
Avis des ACVM 12-305 - Les demandes de dispenses déposées à la fin de l'année (Available in french only)
(pdf - 97 KB)
This link will open in a new windowRetiré le 14 décembre 2001
CSA Staff Notice 12-307: Applications for a Decision that an Issuer is not a Reporting issuer
(pdf - 76 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on December 1, 2016
CSA Staff Notice 12-309: Impact of the Regulation 11-101 respecting Principal Regulator System on the Mutual Reliance Review System for Exemptive Relief Applications
(pdf - 138 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on December 5, 2008
CSA Staff Notice 12-310: Expedited Treatment of Applications under the Mutual Reliance Review System for Exemptive Relief Applications
(pdf - 128 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on December 5, 2008
Avis 13-301 du personnel des ACVM - SEDAR - Utilisation des mauvais formats de document (Available in french only)
(pdf - 109 KB)
This link will open in a new windowRetiré le 31 mars 2001
Avis 13-302 - Avis de modification du logiciel de dépôt SEDAR (Available in french only)
(pdf - 121 KB)
This link will open in a new windowRetiré le 31 mars 2001
Avis 13-303 - Changements opérationnels apportés à SEDAR (Available in french only)
(pdf - 80 KB)
This link will open in a new windowRetiré le 31 mars 2001
Avis 13-305 du personnel des ACVM – Modification de SEDAR pour la mise en œuvre du REC du prospectus et de la notice annuelle (Available in french only)
(pdf - 173 KB)
This link will open in a new windowRetiré le 31 mars 2001
CSA Staff Notice 13-306: Guidance for SEDAR Users
(pdf - 17 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on February 19, 2010
CSA Staff Notice 13-307: Amendments to the SEDAR Filer Manual
(pdf - 9 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on February 19, 2010
CSA Staff Notice 13-308: Increases to SEDAR annual filing service charges
(pdf - 12 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on February 19, 2010
CSA Staff Notice 13-310 : Securities Regulatory Authority closes dates 2002
(pdf - 7 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on March 3, 2026
CSA Staff Notice 13-311: Changes to SEDAR Annual Finling Service Charges
(pdf - 10 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on March 3, 2006
CSA Staff Notice 13-312 : Securities Regulatory Authority closes dates 2003
(PDF - 7 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on March 3, 2006
CSA Staff Notice 13-313 : Securities Regulatory Authority closes dates 2004
(pdf - 143 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on March 3, 2006
CSA Staff Notice 13-314 : Securities Regulatory Authority closes dates 2005
(pdf - 57 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on February 19, 2010
CSA Staff Notice 13-316: Amendments to the SEDAR Filer Manual
(pdf - 16 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on February 19, 2010
CSA Staff Notice 13-317: Amendments to the SEDAR Filer Manual
(pdf - 23 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on June 9, 2023
CSA Staff Notice 13-318: Changes to www.SEDAR.com
(pdf - 48 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on June 9, 2023
CSA Staff Notice 13-319: SEDAR Filer Manual Update
(pdf - 41 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on June 9, 2023
CSA Staff Notice 13-320: Regarding Implementation of Regulation 13-102 respecting System Fees for SEDAR and NRD and Related Consequential Amendments to CSA National Systems Regulations
(pdf - 48 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on June 9, 2023
CSA Staff Notice 13-321: Update on new service profider for the operation of the CSA National Systems and implementation of Related Consequential Amendments
(pdf - 55 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on June 9, 2023
CSA Staff Notice 13-322: Service Transition Cutover Date for Information Management Services and implementation of Related Consequential Amendments to CSA National Systems Rules
(pdf - 46 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on June 9, 2023
Multilateral CSA Staff Notice 13-323 Frequently Asked Questions About Making Exempt Market Offering and Disclosure Filings on SEDAR
(pdf - 117 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on June 9, 2023
Demande d’observations du personnel des ACVM 13-401 – Demande relative aux modifications, ajouts ou améliorations au système SEDAR révisé (Available in french only)
(pdf - 126 KB)
This link will open in a new windowRetiré le 14 décembre 2001
2 - Certain Capital Market Participants [21-101 à 25-102]
3 - Registration and Related Matters [31-101 à 35-101]
Avis 31-301 des ACVM : Le défi de l'an 2000 (Available in french only)
(pdf - 79 KB)
This link will open in a new windowRetiré le 31 mars 2001
Avis 31-302 du personnel des ACVM: Plans d'urgence de l'industrie des valeurs mobilières (Available in french only)
(pdf - 94 KB)
This link will open in a new windowRetiré le 31 mars 2001
Avis 31-303 du personnel des ACVM : Modifications de système effectuées par les participants au marché après l'achèvement des tests en prévision de l'an 2000 (Available in french only)
(pdf - 123 KB)
This link will open in a new windowRetiré le 31 mars 2001
Avis 31-304 du personnel des ACVM: An 2000 : Sauvegarde des livres et registre (Available in french only)
(pdf - 82 KB)
This link will open in a new windowRetiré le 31 mars 2001
CSA Staff Notice 31-308: Frequently asked Questions regarding Regulation 31-101 respecting National Registration System and Policy Statement 31-201 to National Registration System
(pdf - 109 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on February 19, 2010
CSA Staff Notice 31-309: Draft Regulation 31-103 respecting Registration Requirements and Draft Policy Statement to Regulation 31-103 respecting Registration Requirements
(pdf - 173 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on February 19, 2010
CSA Staff Notice 31-310: Proposed Regulation 31-103 respecting Registration Requirements and Proposed Policy Statement to Regulation 31-103 respecting Registration Requirements
(pdf - 19 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on February 19, 2010
CSA Staff Notice 31-311: Draft Regulation 31-103 respecting Registration Requirements and Exemptions - Transition into the New Registration Regime
(pdf - 180 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on June 21, 2012
CSA Staff Notice 31-312 : The Exempt Market Dealer Category under Regulation 31-103 respecting Registration Requirements and Exemptions
(pdf - 87 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on September 12, 2013
CSA Staff Notice 31-313 : Regulation 31-103 respecting Registration Requirements and Exemptions and Related Regulations - Frequently Asked Questions as of December 18, 2009
(pdf - 182 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on July 16, 2015
CSA Staff Notice 31-314 : Regulation 31-103 respecting Registration Requirements and Exemptions and Related Regulations - Frequently Asked Questions as of February 5, 2010
(pdf - 41 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on July 16, 2015
CSA Staff Notice 31-315: Omnibus / blanket orders exempting registrants from certain provisions of Regulation 31-103 respecting Registration Requirements and Exemptions
(pdf - 3 MB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on July 16, 2015
CSA Staff Notice 31-316 : Blanket Order Exempting Persons and Companies from the Requirement to Register when Trading in Short-term Debt Instruments
(pdf - 195 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on September 12, 2013
CSA Staff Notice 31-317 (revised) : Reporting Obligations Related to Terrorist Financing for Registrants, Exempt International Dealers, and Exempt International Advisers
(pdf - 84 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on February 22, 2018 Reporting Obligations Related to Terrorist Financing
CSA Staff Notice 31-318: Omnibus/Blanket Order Exempting Mortgage Investment Entities from the Requirement to Register as Investment Fund Managers and Advisers
(pdf - 722 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on September 12, 2013
CSA Staff Notice 31-319: Further Omnibus / Blanket Orders Exempting Registrants from Certain Provisions of Regulation 31-103 Respecting Registration Requirements and Exemptions
(pdf - 283 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on September 12, 2013
CSA Staff Notice 31-321: Further Omnibus / Blanket Orders Exempting Registrants from Certain Provisions of Regulation 31-103 respecting Registration Requirements and Exemptions
(pdf - 205 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on June 21, 2012
CSA Staff Notice 31-322: Extenstion of Omnibus/Blanket Order Exempting Mortgage Investment Entities from the Requirement to Register as Investment Fund Managers and Advisers
(pdf - 137 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on September 12, 2013
CSA Staff Notice 31-324: Exempt market dealers and account statement requirements in Regulation 31-103 respecting Registration Requirements and Exemption
(pdf - 76 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on April 14, 2016
CSA Staff Notice 31-326: Outside Business Activities
(pdf - 75 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on January 11, 2015 Outside Business Activities
CSA Staff Notice 31-327: Broker-Dealer Registration n the Exempt Market Dealer Category
(pdf - 34 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on July 16, 2015
CSA Staff Notice 31-328: Revocation of Omnibus / Blanket Orders Exempting Registrants from Certain Provisions of Regulation 31-103 respecting Registration Requirements, Exemptions and Ongoing Registrant Obligations
(pdf - 78 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on July 16, 2015
CSA Staff Notice 31-329: Omnibus/blanket orders exempting registrants from certain provisions of Regulation 31-103 respecting Registration Requirements, Exemptions and Ongoing Registrant Obligations
(pdf - 237 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on July 16, 2015
CSA Staff Notice 31-330: Omnibus/Blanket Orders Extending Certain Transition Provisions Relating to the Investment Fund Manager Registration Requirement and the Obligation to Provide Dispute Resolution Services
(pdf - 57 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on July 16, 2015
CSA Staff Notice 31-331: Follow-up to Broker-Dealer Registration in the Exempt Market Dealer Category
(pdf - 48 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on July 16, 2015
CSA Staff Notice 31-333: Follow-up to Broket Dealer Registrations in the Exempt Market Dealer Category
(pdf - 47 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on July 16, 2015
CSA Staff Notice 31-335: Extension of Interim Relief for Members of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada from the Requirement in section 14.2(1) of Regulation 31-103 respecting Registration Requirements, Exemptions and Ongoing Registrant Obligations in Respect of the Provision of Relationship Disclosure Information to Existing Clients
(pdf - 87 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on July 16, 2015
CSA Staff Notice 31-337: Cost Disclosure, Performance Reporting and Client Statements – Frequently Asked Questions and Additional Guidance as of February 27, 2014
(pdf - 158 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on April 14, 2016
CSA Staff Notice 31-339: Omnibus/Blanket Orders Exempting IIROC and MFDA Registrants from Certain Provisions of Regulation 31-103 respecting Registration Requirements, Exemptions and Ongoing Registrant Obligations
(pdf - 51 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on March 7, 2019
CSA Staff Notice 31-341: Omnibus/Blanket Orders Exempting Registrants from Certain CRM2 Provisions of Regulation 31-103 respecting Registration Requirements, Exemptions and Ongoing Registrant Obligations
(pdf - 59 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on March 7, 2019
Avis 33-301 du personne des ACVM : Norme canadienne 33-106 - Rapport sur la préparation à l'an 2000 (Available in french only)
(pdf - 135 KB)
This link will open in a new windowRetiré le 31 mars 2001
Avis 33-302 du personnel des ACVM: Norme canadienne 33-106 - Liste des contrevenants et conditions possibles (Available in french only)
(pdf - 97 KB)
This link will open in a new windowRetiré le 31 mars 2001
Avis 33-303 et 81-304 des ACVM : Comptes en fiducie pour les titres d'organismes de placement collectif
(pdf - 149 KB)
This link will open in a new windowRetiré le 14 décembre 2001
Avis 33-304 des ACVM - Énoncé de positions du comité sur les structures de distributions des ACVM (Available in french only)
(pdf - 122 KB)
This link will open in a new windowRetiré le 19 février 2010
CSA Staff Notice 33-305: Sale of Insurance Products by Dually Employed Salespersons
(pdf - 9 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on March 7, 2019
CSA Staff Notice 33-307: List of Canadian Registrant and Non-Registrant Firms that completed the CSA STP Readiness
(pdf - 35 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on February 19, 2010
CSA Staff Notice 33-308: CSA STP Readiness Assessment Survey Report Now Available on the CVMQ Website
(pdf - 15 KB)
This link will open in a new windowRetiré le 12 septembre 2013
CSA Staff Notice 33-312: The CSA STP Readiness Assessment Survey Report is now available on AMF Website
(pdf - 84 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on September 12, 2013
CSA Staff Notice 33-313: International Financial Reporting Standards and Registrants
(pdf - 31 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on September 12, 2013
CSA Staff Notice 33-314: International Financial Reporting Standards and Registrants
(pdf - 34 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on September 12, 2013
CSA Notice 33-401: Canadian Capital Markets Association - T+1 White Paper
(pdf - 23 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on February 19, 2010
4 - Distribution Requirements [41-101 à 46-201]
Avis 41-301 et 51-302 du personnel des ACVM - Le défi de l'an 2000 (Available in french only)
(pdf - 123 KB)
This link will open in a new windowRetiré le 31 mars 2001
CSA Staff Notice 41-303: Harmonization of Prospectus Requirements Across the CSA
(pdf - 14 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWtihdrawn on March 3, 2006
CSA Staff Notice 41-304: Income Trusts : Prospectus Disclosure of Distributable Cash
(pdf - 92 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on February 19, 2010
Avis 42-301 des ACVM : Présentation de l'information financière selon les PCGR canadiens et étrangers (Available in french only)
(pdf - 114 KB)
This link will open in a new windowRetiré le 30 mars 2004
CSA Staff Notice 42-303 - Prospectus Requirements
(pdf - 17 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on March 17, 2008
Avis 43-301 du personnel des ACVM : Le comité consultatif technique de surveillance du secteur minier (Available in french only)
(pdf - 96 KB)
This link will open in a new windowRetiré le 14 décembre 2001
CSA Staff Notice 43-302: Frequently Asked Questions - National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects
(pdf - 195 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on December 30, 2005
CSA Staff Notice 43-304, 62-302 and 81-308: Prospectus Filing Matters - Arthur Andersen LLP Consent
(pdf - 17 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on March 3, 2006
CSA Staff Notice 43-305: CSA Mining Technical Advisory Monitoring Committee
(pdf - 57 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on February 19, 2010
CSA Staff Notice 44-301 - Frequently Asked Questions regarding the New Prospectus Rules
(pdf - 61 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on March 17, 2008
CSA Staff Notice 44-302 : Replacement of Regulation 44-101 respecting Short Form Prospectus Distributions
(pdf - 117 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on September 12, 2013
CSA Staff Notice 44-303: Filing of Notice of Intention to be Qualified to File a Short Form Prospectus under Regulation 44-101 respecting Short Form Prospectus Distrubutions
(pdf - 76 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on June 21, 2012
Avis et sollicitation de commentaires 44-401 et 51-401 : Énoncé de principe relatif à un régime d'information intégré (Available in french only)
(pdf - 307 KB)
This link will open in a new windowRetiré le 19 février 2010
CSA Staff Notice 45-305: Frequently Asked Questions regarding Regulation 45-106 respecting Prospectus and Registration Exemptions
(pdf - 159 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on February 19, 2010
Multilateral CSA Notice 45-311: Exemptions from Certain Financial Statement-Related Requirements in the Offering Memorandum Exemption to Facilitate Access to Capital by Small Businesses
(pdf - 124 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on March 7, 2019
CSA Staff Notice 45-320: Exemptions for Certain Foreign Issuers from the Requirement to Identify Purchasers as Registrants or Insiders in Reports of Exempt Distribution
(pdf - 70 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on March 7, 2019
CSA Staff Notice 45-328: Update on Amendments relating to Syndicated Mortgages
(pdf - 75 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on September 14, 2023
Avis 46-301 des ACVM portant sur le projet de modalités uniformes d'entiercement applicables aux premiers appels publics à l'épargne (Available in french only)
(pdf - 149 KB)
This link will open in a new windowRetiré le 21 septembre 2001
Avis 46-302 du personnel des ACVM : Consentement à la modification des conventions d'entiercement existantes
(pdf - 171 KB)
This link will open in a new windowRetiré le 19 février 2010
CSA Staff Notice 47-302 : Pre-marketing of Underwriters’ Options on Bought Deals
(pdf - 11 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on August 13, 2013
5 - Ongoing Requirements for Issuers and Insiders [51-101 à 58-201]
6 - Takeover Bids and Special Transactions [61-101 à 62-104]
7 - Securities Transactions Outside the Jurisdiction [71-101 à 71-102]
8 - Investment Funds [81-101 à 81-107]
Notice of the Autorité
Versement de la rémunération découlant d'activité dans le secteur des valeurs mobilières à une personne non inscrite en vertu de la Loi sur les valeurs mobilières (Available in french only)
(pdf - 151 KB)
This link will open in a new windowRetiré le 22 janvier 2020
Contenu et qualité des demandes de dispenses discrétionnaires; Certaines exigences liées aux rapports techniques - projets miniers; FAQ - Droits exigibles lors de placement et d'offres publiques d'achat ou de rachat (Available in french only)
(pdf - 88 KB)
This link will open in a new windowRetiré le 23 juin 2016
Autorité des marchés financiers Staff Notice: Business Continuity Planning – Industry Testing Exercise
(pdf - 21 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on September 2013
Notice on Reporting Issuer Defaults
(pdf - 32 KB)
This link will open in a new windowWithdrawn on June 23, 2016
Avis relatif à l'exploitation des plates-formes de prêts de personnes-à-personnes (peer-to-peer lending) (Available in french only)
(pdf - 145 KB)
This link will open in a new windowRetiré le 3 août 2017