General rules Probationary period

Anyone wishing to obtain a representative’s certificate in insurance, claims adjustment or mortgage brokerage must undertake a probationary period. The probationary period is an opportunity to incorporate in a work setting, under the supervision of a licensed representative, the knowledge, skills and professional attitudes required of representatives. During the probationary period, the trainee must complete at least 28 hours of work per week during 12 weeks for a sector or 6 weeks for a sector class.

To be eligible for a probationary period, a candidate must:

  • have passed each of the examinations prescribed by the AMF, and the examinations must be valid when the probationary period is begun;
  • have the right to hold employment in Québec and have the necessary authorizations;
  • not be in any of the situations set in out in section 56 of the  Regulation respecting the issuance and renewal of representatives’ certificates This link will open in a new window:
    • the subject of a disciplinary sanction imposed by the disciplinary committee of the Chambre de l’assurance de dommages, the Chambre de la sécurité financière or the Organisme d’autorégulation du courtage immobilier du Québec, or by a disciplinary council of a professional order;
    • in default of paying any outstanding fines and costs that may have been imposed as a disciplinary sanction;
    • in default of paying any fine related to an offence committed under the Act respecting the distribution of financial products and services, the Act respecting market intermediaries, the Securities Act or the Real Estate Brokerage Act;
    • in default of paying the fees and annual fees payable under the Regulation respecting fees and contributions payable. 
  • Also, a candidate may be refused authorization to begin a probationary period if the candidate is found to be in any of the situations set out in sections 219 and 220 of An Act respecting the distribution of financial products and services This link will open in a new window:
    • has been the subject of a sanction imposed by a disciplinary committee or a body in Québec, another province or another state that is responsible for supervising and monitoring persons acting as representatives;
    • hasbeen convicted by a court inside or outside Canada of an indictable offence or criminal act linked to the pursuit of the activity of representatives;
    • has been assigned a tutor, curator or adviser;
    • has declared bankruptcy or been placed under a receiving order;
    • not possess the degree of honesty considered necessary to pursue activities as a representative;
    • is in a situation that is incompatible with the pursuit of activities as a representative.

Submitting an Application for authorization of probationary period

The Application for authorization of probationary period (pdf - 342 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on March 22, 2025 must be submitted by the firm, the independent partnership or by the supervisor if he is an independent representative. The application can be submitted via AMF E-Services or by mail.

The AMF strongly recommends submitting the application via E-Services.


Outside activities

The trainee must comply with the obligations applicable to outside activities that involve dealing with the public.

For details about all your obligations as a trainee

The firm must comply with the obligations applicable to outside activities of the trainee that involve dealing with the public.

For details about all the firm obligations



End of the warning

To submit an Application for authorization of probationary period, the trainee, the supervisor and the employer must be registered for AMF E-Services. The application is available in E-Services in the “Becoming a Professional” tab under “Probationary period – Trainee.”

Once the employer has completed the application, the trainee will be asked to fill out the Statement of Applicant. The AMF will confirm the start date of the probationary period when it issues the trainee’s probationary certificate.


Any outside activity constituting the provision of finance-related services or requiring the segregation of clienteles must be declared by the trainee to the AMF when filing an Application for probationary period.

For details about all your obligations

End of the warning

The Application for authorization of probationary period (pdf - 342 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on March 22, 2025 must be submitted by the firm, the independent partnership or by the supervisor if he is an independent representative.


Any outside activity constituting the provision of finance-related services or requiring the segregation of clienteles must be declared by the trainee to the AMF when filing an Application for probationary period.

For details about all your obligations

End of the warning

Representatives’ activities are regulated by the AMF, which may issue a probationary certificate to a trainee upon approval of an authorization application. The certificate confers the title of trainee on the applicant for the duration of the probationary period. The trainee’s professional activities are overseen by an authorized supervisor.

During the probationary certificate validity period, the trainee’s activities are covered by the firm’s professional liability insurance and by the Fonds d’indemnisation des services financiers (financial services compensation fund). A probationary certificate issued by the AMF protects consumers by allowing them to be compensated in the event they incur damages as a result of errors, omissions, fraud or embezzlement committed by a trainee.

During the probationary period, the names of the trainee and the employer will appear in the Register of firms and individuals authorized to practise. It is important to verify the Register to ensure that the trainee’s name is listed. If not, please contact the AMF for further information

Individuals who perform professional activities reserved for a representative without holding a valid probationary certificate will be charged with illegal practice by the AMF. If found guilty, the individual’s eligibility for a representative’s certificate could be compromised.

You must inform the AMF of any change to the information or a document that you have furnished to the AMF within 5 days of such changethe date on which it occurs or, in the case of a change to information or a document pertaining to the pursuit of an outside activityf it concerns the pursuit of another activity (“outside activity”), within 30 days of such change.

The probationary period starts at the date indicated on the probationary certificate. The probationary period must start with a presentation, by the supervisor, of the objectives of this period and the tasks which the trainee and the supervisor must carry out. At the beginning of the probationary period, the trainee can accompany a certified representative. However, the trainee will have to progressively assume the tasks reserved for representatives in order to develop and consolidate his or her professional skills.

In the group insurance of persons sector, the trainee must also complete a case study for each selected sector class. The case study will validate the trainee’s understanding of the recommendation process. Supervisors and trainees in group insurance can use the model case studies provided by the AMF.

Case study — Group insurance plans  (pdf - 905 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on June 15, 2016

Case study — Group annuity plans  (pdf - 1,020 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on June 15, 2016

Case study solutions are available to supervisors upon written request to the AMF. These documents are confidential and their use should remain restricted. To obtain a copy, complete the form (pdf - 180 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on June 1st, 2017 below and submit it by e-mail.

The firm, supervisors or trainee may submit an application to interrupt the probationary period. The application may be sent via AMF E-Services or by mail. When filling out his statement, the trainee must provide evidence of the reason for interrupting the probationary period.

The probationary period can be interrupted for the following reasons:

  • Discontinued by employer
  • Professional departure
  • Trainee or supervisor health issues
  • Death of or trainee or supervisor or death in the family
  • Parental leave
  • Vacation period not given
  • Probationary period not started
  • Supervisor not in good standing
  • Change of supervisor in a period of less than 10 days
  • NSF cheque
  • Any other reason of superior force 

Once the AMF has processed the application, the employer can submit an application to extend the probationary period provided the interruption does not exceed 4 weeks.

The trainee may change supervisors during the probationary period without affecting its duration, and without interruption, provided the AMF is notified of such change at least 10 days prior to the proposed change and the new supervisor acts on behalf of the same firm or the same independent partnership, as applicable. The trainee no longer has the right to practice as soon as the trainee is no longer supervised by a supervisor until the change of supervisor is confirmed by the AMF.

If the new supervisor does not act on behalf of the same firm or the same independent partnership, the probationary period must be started over again; as a result, the candidate must submit another application for authorization of probationary period.

To successfully complete the probationary period, the trainee must complete at least 28 hours of work per week, during 12 weeks for a sector or 6 weeks for a sector class. The successful completion of the probationary period is not based on the achievement of specific prospection or sales goals but rather on the trainee’s ability to work, independently and without assistance, on cases normally seen at the start of a career.

At the end of the probationary period, the supervisor has 10 days to submit his recommendation to the AMF. The recommendation must be approved by the employer.

Vacation days must be declared in the application for authorization of probationary period.

To add vacation days to a previously authorized probationary period, two options are available:

1. Complete an add trainee's vacation application (pdf - 342 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on March 22, 2025 and mail it to the AMF, together with the payment.

The dates will be adjusted in the trainee’s file and be visible in the register, and the administrative period will be adjusted accordingly. The trainee will receive a new probationary certificate.


The vacation period is a week per sector class and 2 weeks per sector.

End of the insight

2. Use the administrative period to make up the time not completed during the vacation period.

No application needs to be sent to the AMF, but the supervisor must clearly state in the recommendation form:

  • The dates of the vacation days taken
  • The days during the administrative period that were used to complete the hours not completed while on vacation

The supervisor’s recommendation form must be sent to the AMF in a timely manner once all the hours have been completed.

The trainee will not receive a new probationary certificate and the vacation days will not appear in the register. The trainee’s and supervisor’s obligations remain unchanged.

In addition, although the end of the administrative period will remain unchanged, the duration of the administrative period will be shortened by the number of vacation days taken. As a result, there is a possibility that, because of the time it takes to process an application for a representative' s certificate (including the time it takes to receive the supervisor’s recommendation, the time it takes for the trainee to submit the application for a representative's certificate, and the time it takes for the firm to agree to the attachment), the trainee will be without a probationary certificate and unable to pursue the activities reserved for a certified representative certificate for a few days.

Calculation of the minimum number of hours worked during statutory holidays

During the probationary period, for each statutory holiday, the trainee is deemed to have worked seven hours. The following is a complete list of the recognized statutory holidays under the Act respecting labour standards:

  • January 1 (New Year’s Day);
  • good Friday or Easter Monday, at the option of the employer;
  • the Monday preceding May 25 (Journée nationale des patriotes);
  • June 24 (Québec’s National Holiday);
  • July 1, or July 2 where July 1 falls on a Sunday ;
  • the first Monday in September (Labour Day);
  • the second Monday in October (Thanksgiving);
  • December 25 (Christmas Day).

It is important to distinguish between statutory holidays and a firm’s business days. During the probationary period, the trainee must work a minimum of 28 hours per week. For a week that includes a statutory holiday, if the trainee cannot work a minimum of 21 hours owing to the firm’s business hours or the availability of a supervisor or replacement supervisor, he or she will have to notify the AMF of his or her vacation period or this interruption

In order to limit physical contact and thereby slow the spread of the virus, the government is asking everyone who can work remotely from home to do so. In light of this, the AMF is allowing trainees to be supervised remotely. However, since trainees’ and supervisors’ obligations are unchanged, remote supervision will have to be carried out in such a way as to enable all parties involved to continue to fulfil their obligations.

How to proceed:

  • Clearly indicate in the trainee's file that the probationary period was supervised remotely.

You are reminded that the probationary period is an opportunity to incorporate, in a real but supervised setting, the knowledge and skills required to practise professionally, while ensuring that consumers are protected.

Specifically, the supervisor must supervise the trainee when he or she meets with clients or collects information from them, approve the products and services offered by the trainee before they are recommended to the client (for insurance of persons) or within 24 hours of the transaction (for damage insurance), ensure the products or services meet the client’s needs, enter this approval in the client record and countersign, if applicable, any proposal or form, including notices for purposes of policy replacement.

The AMF may, particularly during inspections, ask to see evidence of meetings with the trainee (in person or by telephone) as well as evidence that the supervisor reviewed the trainee’s work or supervised the collection of information. If the computer system allows it, the supervisor’s approval may be entered electronically in the client’s file. Alternatively, the transaction may be approved by means of a clear and detailed e-mail exchange, a conversation recorded between the trainee and the supervisor, or an electronic signature.

However, the supervisor must have reviewed the entire client file as well as the proposal recommended by the trainee. Regardless of the form the approval takes, a record of it must be entered in the client’s file and the approval must be accessible upon request.

In addition, at least once a week, the supervisor must evaluate and review the tasks carried out by the trainee. The supervisor may exercise closer supervision if he or she deems it necessary. Meetings may be held via teleconference, provided the supervisor is able to have access to the client files and assess the quality of the trainee's work. However, the AMF believes that supervision, to be effective, cannot rely solely on summaries of the trainee’s meetings with the supervisor.

The supervisor must open a file for each trainee and enter, in particular, the tasks the trainee carries out, a summary of the supervisor’s meetings with the trainee and notes concerning the trainee’s progress during the probationary period. Please note that the record must be retained for a five year period, from the successful completion of the probationary period or its abandonment, by the firm or independent partnership for which the supervisor works or by the supervisor, if serving as an independent representative.