Group insurance Useful information

Group insurance is often one of the fringe benefits offered by employers, unions and professional associations. It is available to the members of a group, such as all employees of a company.
If your employer offers group insurance, you don’t usually have to take a medical exam to join the plan. However, if you’re eligible, you don’t have a choice. You have to join the plan.
The following persons would be covered by the group insurance:
- You;
- Your spouse;
- Your children who are minors;
- Generally, your children who are under 25, if they are full-time students.
Here are the main types of coverage offered by group insurance plans:
Find out which of these you are entitled to. In some cases, you can choose the level of coverage you want.
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Contact us for information and assistance.
End of the InformationPublic Prescription Drug Insurance Plan
Prescription drug insurance is mandatory in Québec. You have two options:
- Prescription drug insurance which is offered for example by your employer.
- The Public Prescription Drug Insurance Plan administered by the Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec
This link will open in a new window (RAMQ).
The RAMQ public plan is intended for persons who:
- Don’t have access to private insurance, for example, group insurance; (If you’re eligible for group insurance that covers prescription drugs, you must join that plan.)
- Are recipients of last-resort financial assistance;
- Are 65 or over;
- Are 17 or under and the children of persons covered by the RAMQ public plan;
- Are 18 to 25, are full-time students, live with their parents and their parents are covered by the RAMQ public plan.
When you don’t have access to group insurance
There are insurance products sold on an individual basis. They are designed for self-employed workers, for example. These plans let you choose the coverage you need.
To round out the health coverage offered to all Quebeckers by the Québec government, you could buy “complementary” health insurance that would include services that are not covered by the public system, such as transportation by ambulance, acupuncture and physiotherapy.
For more information, see our section on insurance.