Before buying a car, consider the alternatives
Buying a car may not be right for you, especially if you have to take out a loan and pay interest! Here are some options that could help save you money.
Public transit
Depending on where you live, public transit may be an excellent alternative. Check out the available options based on your schedule and regular destinations.
Here are the links to the websites of the public transit services in several regions:
Some regional programs offer annual subscriptions at a discount, so be sure to look into the details for your region.

Car-sharing services
Various options are available: buying a package, using a car on an as-needed basis, combining a subscription with using public transit... Check out how much it might cost, based on the use you plan to make of it.
Car pooling
If you need a ride only once in a while, find out about the car-pooling services available in Québec. This is an economical solution that’s also eco-friendly!
Sometimes it can be to your advantage to move closer to where you work or study. This could reduce your transportation costs considerably. The key is to make two budgets to compare both lifestyles: living close by your work or school, with no car, or further away, with a car.