
After the training is successfully completed, the AMF requires you to pass two exams to make sure that, as a future professional, you posses the skills needed to properly advise clients.

In addition, to qualify to be a responsible officer or register as an independent representative, you must pass an exam covering professional practice.


To register for the AMF exams, follow the registration procedure.

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During the exam session, all candidates will be provided with an e-tablet containing the exam preparation manuals. The Tablet User Guide (pdf - 827 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on February 8, 2016Tablet user guide for candidates and Tablet User video This link will open in a new window are available to help you prepare for the exam.

Under the Mortgage Brokerage Qualification Program (MBQP), an exam is valid for two years from the first time the exam is passed. A failed exam can be rewritten three times without restrictions.

Mortgage brokerage

Exam code Competency statement
16-116   Set up an ethical professional practice in compliance with the rules governing mortgage brokerage (pdf - 675 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 17, 2019Evaluation, curriculum, mortgage, brokerage, qualification program 
16-611   Complete a mortgage brokerage transaction suited to the client’s situation and needs (pdf - 770 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on June 7, 2019

In order to be the responsible officer of a firm or register as an independent representative

To qualify to be a responsible officer or for representatives wishing to register as an independent representative, a person must pass the exam:

Exam code Competency statement
16-117 Set up an ethical professional practice in compliance with the rules governing the management of a mortgage brokerage firm (pdf - 286 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on November 19, 2019Evaluation curriculum, responsible officer, mortgage brokerage qualification program 

No training is required, but the broker must prepare for the responsible officer examination by studying the guide Mortgage Brokerage Guide – Responsible Officer (E-117) (pdf - 9 MB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on September 16, 2021Set up an ethical professional practice in compliance with the rules governing the management of a mortgage brokerage firm.

For examination from August 5, 2024, the 2nd edition of the Mortgage Brokerage Guide – Responsible Officer (E-117) (pdf - 7 MB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on June 21, 2024Mortgage brokerage qualification program (PQCH) Exam Preparation Manual While reading this Guide is useful for all practising responsible officers and all those who wish to become a responsible officer, regardless of sector, this document is a reference and preparation tool for the exam intended for future responsible officers in mortgage brokerage. The contents herein will help readers develop the competencies set out in the responsible officer module of the Evaluation Curriculum. The competency entitled “Set up an ethical professional practice in compliance with the rules governing the management of a mortgage brokerage firm” applies to firms, independent partnerships, and independent representatives. must be used to prepare for the exam.


For responsible officers (or independent representatives) in mortgage brokerage transferred from the OACIQ and who must pass examination 16-117

It is suggested that the training “Ethics and Professional Practice Applicable to Responsible Officers in Mortgage Brokering (FC.ETH.003.01)” be completed before this examination is taken.

A description of the training and a list of course providers are available in the directory of professional development units.

The provider will provide all participants with the E-116 manual.

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