Offer financial education in the workplace
Personal finances can be a major source of stress for workers, affecting their physical health and performance at work. Good financial health contributes to employee wellness!

Resources to help employees
Click on the links below for calculators, information capsules and publications available from the AMF and its financial education partners.
Québec directory of financial education tools
Financial education for employees
Below are suggestions for activities that can be held in the workplace. Some of them are free.
For more information, please contact the organization responsible for the activity.
Many benefits for employers
Employers have an important role to play in the overall health of employees. Taking care of financial health is just as important as tending to physical health!
The following are some of the benefits of investing time in workplace financial education:
- Employees better prepared to meet their financial obligations
- Better retirement planning for the benefit of all
- Greater financial independence for employees
The AMF Index reveals in 2018 that only about half of Quebeckers have enough savings to cover expenses for three months, without salary and without borrowing.
Workplace financial education
The Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA) offers free financial literacy sessions on corporate premises.
Setting up a financial literacy session This link will open in a new window
The Centre de services aux entreprises du Cégep Marie-Victorin offers a variety of corporate training workshops (fees apply) designed to help develop a better understanding of personal finances and financial planning issues through the following programs:
Ma santé financière, j’y tiens This link will open in a new window
Éducation financière et juridique mi-carrière This link will open in a new window
Préparation à la retraite This link will open in a new window
On-line education
CPA Canada Financial Literacy is a program that offers employers a series of webinars to address their employees’ concerns and help them manage their finances during this time of crisis.
Financial literacy: The road ahead (webinar series) This link will open in a new window
The Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières offers a five-week MOOC (massive open online course) designed to improve participants’ ability to make sound decisions about personal finance and taxation.
La littératie financière et fiscale ouverte à tous This link will open in a new window
The Université Laval offers a dynamic and innovative approach to expanding one’s knowledge of personal finance. A series of workshops and video capsules introduces key concepts in personal financial planning with practical illustrations.
La finance personnelle démystifiée This link will open in a new window (available in French only)
McGill University offers an on-line course that helps participants gain the knowledge and confidence to make a lifetime of smart financial decisions.
McGill Personal Finance Essentials This link will open in a new window
Did you know?
The role of the Associations de consommateurs du Québec (consumer associations) is to equip, support and assist consumers as they learn to better manage their personal finances, including budgeting. These associations also provide assistance to people with debt problems.
To find an association: This link will open in a new window