
Candidates undertaking a probationary or training period

A candidate undertaking a probationary or training period (the “trainee”) must always present him or herself publicly as a trainee. Upon first meeting a client in person, the trainee must give the client a document, such as a business card, indicating:

  • The trainee's full name
  • The trainee's work address, work telephone number and e-mail address, if any
  • The sectors or sector classes the trainee is authorized to act in
  • The name of the registrant the trainee is acting on behalf of
  • The trainee's title

Any the trainee dealing otherwise than in person with a client must give the client the following:

  • The trainee's full name
  • The name of the registrant the trainee is acting on behalf of
  • The trainee's title 

The first time a trainee sends other documents, the trainee must send any client who requests it the document given to clients when first meeting them in person. The rules of this guide apply, with the necessary modifications, to the trainee’s representations.

The following section contains the questions most frequently asked by trainees about the probationary period:

The trainee must complete a statement of applicant every time the employer submits an application for authorization of a probationary period.

In the statement, the trainee must disclose any bankruptcies, convictions or other activities that involve dealing  with the public (“outside activities”) and that constitute a provision of finance-related services or  require the segregation of clienteles.

Once it has performed the necessary checks, the AMF will confirm the start date of the probationary period or modified probationary period when it issues the probationary certificate.  

Trainees do not have a probationary certificate number during the probationary period. They can use their AMF client number to sign contracts or notices.  

During the probationary period, trainees must:

  • Present themselves publicly as trainees;
  • Comply with all laws, by-laws, regulations and codes of ethics governing representatives;
  • Upon initially meeting a client, give the client a document, such as a business card (pdf - 2 MB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on May 2, 2022, which indicates the information set out in the Regulation respecting the issuance and renewal of representatives' certificates This link will open in a new window:
    • their name
    • their work address phone number and  e-mail address
    • the sectors or sector classes in which they are authorized to act
    • the name of the firm, independent partnership or independent representative on whose behalf they are acting
    • their title
    • A trainee that deals with a client by phone must give the client a business card containing this information when initially sending other documents;
  • Inform the AMF of any change to the information or a document that the trainee has furnished within five days of such change or, in the case of a change to information or a  document  pertaining to the pursuit of an outside activity, within 30 days of such change
  • Declare any situation situation referred to in section 56 of the Regulation respecting the issuance and renewal of representatives' certificates This link will open in a new window, namely:
    • are the subject of a disciplinary sanction imposed by the disciplinary committee of the Chambre de l’assurance de dommage, the Chambre de la sécurité financière or the Organisme d’autorégulation du courtage immobilier du Québec (OACIQ) or by a disciplinary council established under the Professional Code;
    • are in default of paying any outstanding fines and costs that may have been imposed as a disciplinary sanction;
    • are in default of paying any fine related to an offence committed under An Act respecting the distribution of financial products and services, An Act respecting market intermediaries, the Securities Act or the Real Estate Brokerage Act; and/or
    • are in default of paying the fees and annual fees payable under the Regulation respecting fees and contributions payable;
  • Declare any situation set out in sections 219 and 220 of the Act respecting the distribution of financial products and servicesThis link will open in a new window within 5 days of the date on which it occurs, namely:
    • have been subject to sanctions imposed by a disciplinary committee or a body in Québec, another province or another state that is responsible for supervising and monitoring persons acting as representatives;
    • have been convicted by a court inside or outside Canada of an indictable offence or criminal act linked to the pursuit of the activity of representative;
    • have been assigned a tutor, curator or adviser;
    • have declared bankruptcy or been placed under a receiving order;
    • do not possess the degree of honesty considered necessary to pursue activities as a representative;
    • are in a situation that is incompatible with the pursuit of activities as a representative.

The trainee may, with supervision, perform professional acts for the sector or sector class authorized by the probationary certificate.

Throughout the probationary certificate validity period, the trainee will be listed in the AMF’s public register. This register confirms to consumers that the trainee is authorized to pursue activities as a trainee. If the validity period of the probationary certificate is extended or shortened, the information in the public register will be updated automatically.

  • In the insurance of persons or group insurance of persons sector:
    The trainee may gather information, conduct needs analyses and propose to his supervisor the products or services that may be adapted to the client’s needs, before proposing and selling them to the client;
  • In the personal-lines damage insurance sector:
    The trainee may gather information, and propose and sell to the client the products, coverages or guarantees adapted to his needs;
  • In the commercial-lines damage insurance sector:
    The trainee may gather information and propose to his supervisor the products, coverages or guarantees that may be adapted to the client’s needs, before proposing and selling them to the client;
  • In the claims adjustment sector:
    The trainee may gather information, propose to his supervisor the components of a claims investigation, the assessment of damage or the negotiation of a settlement, present to the insured the components of the negotiation of a settlement once they are approved by his supervisor and assist his supervisor in negotiating a settlement.  
  • For the mortgage brokerage sector:
    The trainee may evaluate the client’s financial situation, present to the trainee's supervisor the proposed loan and any other recommendation pertaining to the mortgage transaction before the loan is proposed or recommendation is made to the client. The trainee may also forward the mortgage loan application to the lender, but only after it has been approved by the trainee's supervisor.

The 12-week probationary period may not last more than 14 weeks. Trainees may take up to 2 weeks of vacation during this period.

The 6-week probationary period may not last more than 7 weeks. This allows trainees to take one week of vacation.

If the trainee did not notify the AMF of any vacation time upon applying for a probationary period, the application to modify probationary period (paper), together with the required fee, must be sent to the AMF before the start of vacation. This application cannot be submitted via AMF E-Services.

At the end of the probationary period, there is a 30-day administrative period when the probationary certificate remains valid. During the administrative period, the supervisor has 10 days to submit their recommendation to the AMF. The recommendation must be approved by the employer.

The trainee can then complete an Application for a representative’s certificate (pdf - 496 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on March 22, 2025Application for a representative’s certificate and submit it to the AMF. If the application is made during the 30-day administrative period, the probationary certificate will remain valid an extra 15 days.

During the 30-day administrative period, the trainee is no longer required to work a minimum of 28 hours per week. Since the trainee has not yet received a representative’s certificate issued by the AMF, the supervisor is still required to oversee and countersign the work done by the trainee during this period.

It is possible to change supervisors during the 30-day administrative period via AMF E-Services or by completing the Application for authorization of probationary period (pdf - 530 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 1st, 2019 form, and paying the required fee. The new supervisor must satisfy all regulatory requirements and be approved by the AMF before starting to supervise the trainee’s work.

A trainee can change employers during the 30-day administrative period. First, the probationary period must be cancelled via AMF E-Services or by completing the Application to cancel or interrupt probationary period form. The trainee must submit an Application for a representative’s certificate, naming the new employer in the application.

The trainee will not be permitted to act as a representative for the new employer before receivinga representative’ss certificate.