
Where are you in your retirement planning?

To help you prepare or review your retirement planning strategy, choose the situation that most closely matches yours:

What will you do when you retire? How much will it cost? Will you have enough money? Use our 4-step approach and tools to make sure you’re financially ready for retirement.

Retirement planning in 4 steps

Learn a 4-step approach to retirement planning.

Continue reading Retirement planning in 4 steps

Documents and tools

Guide to Financial Planning for Retirement

This guide includes a new 5-step method you can use to plan for retirement.

Consult the guide This link will open in a new window

Calculator - How much will you accumulate in your Voluntary Retirement Savings Plan (VRSP)?

The answer depends on your personal situation. How much do you have in savings? What standard of living do you want to have in retirement?

Calculate How much will you accumulate in your Voluntary Retirement Savings Plan (VRSP) (pdf - 17 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on May 2, 2013

Calculator - Le rendement, c'est important! (in French only)

An increase of just a few percentage points in the return on your investments can make a big difference in the amount you accumulate. Complete this exercise to find out how!

Calculate the return on your investments (available in French only) (pdf - 233 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on May 9, 2013

Calculator - Investor profile

Get an idea of your investor profile and find out which investment products may be suitable for you.

Calculate your investor profile

Are your important documents in order? They contain information that is important if you want to be ready for retirement. Take a look at them. Organize and file them.

Asking someone to manage your affairs

Who will manage your personal finances if you suffer a loss in cognitive abilities?

Continue reading who will manage your personal finances if you suffer a loss in cognitive abilities?

7 documents you’ll need as you approach retirement

Are you nearing retirement? Now’s a good time to organize and file your important financial documents.

Continue reading Now’s a good time to organize and file your important financial documents.

Documents and tools

Calculator - Investor profile

Get an idea of your investor profile and find out which investment products may be suitable for you.

Calculateyour investor profile

A number of unforeseen events could affect your finances and your habits. Would you be able to cope with a loss in cognitive abilities? Have you prepared a protection mandate? A power of attorney? Where should you begin?

Asking someone to manage your affairs

Have you always carefully managed your affairs and finances? Make sure that continues to be the case.

Continue reading Asking someone to manage your affairs

Preventing financial fraud targeting older adults

Older adults may be targeted by fraudsters. Learn about the three most common types of fraud and how to avoid them.

Continue reading Preventing financial fraud targeting older adults

Age-related cognitive decline

Sound financial management involves planning for the worst. The time to plan is when everything is going well. Here are some ideas and questions to help you focus discussions with your friends and family members.

Continue reading <link>about age-related cognitive decline

Documents and tools


Entrusting someone else with the management of your property is a major decision.

View the sample (pdf - 180 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on November 17, 2014

What will you do when you retire? How much will it cost? Will you have enough money? Use our 4-step approach and tools to make sure you’re financially ready for retirement.

Retirement planning in 4 steps

Learn a 4-step approach to retirement planning.

Continue reading Retirement planning in 4 steps

Documents and tools

Guide to Financial Planning for Retirement

This guide includes a new 5-step method you can use to plan for retirement.

Consult the guide This link will open in a new window

Calculator - How much will you accumulate in your Voluntary Retirement Savings Plan (VRSP)?

The answer depends on your personal situation. How much do you have in savings? What standard of living do you want to have in retirement?

Calculate How much will you accumulate in your Voluntary Retirement Savings Plan (VRSP) (pdf - 17 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on May 2, 2013

Calculator - Le rendement, c'est important! (in French only)

An increase of just a few percentage points in the return on your investments can make a big difference in the amount you accumulate. Complete this exercise to find out how!

Calculate the return on your investments (available in French only) (pdf - 233 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on May 9, 2013

Calculator - Investor profile

Get an idea of your investor profile and find out which investment products may be suitable for you.

Calculate your investor profile

Are your important documents in order? They contain information that is important if you want to be ready for retirement. Take a look at them. Organize and file them.

Asking someone to manage your affairs

Who will manage your personal finances if you suffer a loss in cognitive abilities?

Continue reading who will manage your personal finances if you suffer a loss in cognitive abilities?

7 documents you’ll need as you approach retirement

Are you nearing retirement? Now’s a good time to organize and file your important financial documents.

Continue reading Now’s a good time to organize and file your important financial documents.

Documents and tools

Calculator - Investor profile

Get an idea of your investor profile and find out which investment products may be suitable for you.

Calculateyour investor profile

A number of unforeseen events could affect your finances and your habits. Would you be able to cope with a loss in cognitive abilities? Have you prepared a protection mandate? A power of attorney? Where should you begin?

Asking someone to manage your affairs

Have you always carefully managed your affairs and finances? Make sure that continues to be the case.

Continue reading Asking someone to manage your affairs

Preventing financial fraud targeting older adults

Older adults may be targeted by fraudsters. Learn about the three most common types of fraud and how to avoid them.

Continue reading Preventing financial fraud targeting older adults

Age-related cognitive decline

Sound financial management involves planning for the worst. The time to plan is when everything is going well. Here are some ideas and questions to help you focus discussions with your friends and family members.

Continue reading <link>about age-related cognitive decline

Documents and tools


Entrusting someone else with the management of your property is a major decision.

View the sample (pdf - 180 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on November 17, 2014