Insurance, claims adjustment and financial planning PDU
Professional development is compulsory for representatives wishing to maintain a right to practise issued by the AMF.
To obtain information regarding your PDU record, contact one of the following organizations, depending on your right to practise:
Chambre de la sécurité financière (CSF) This link will open in a new window
- Insurance of persons
- Group insurance of persons
- Mutual funds
- Scholarship plans
Telephone: 514 380-3011
E-mail: [email protected]
Chambre de l'assurance de dommages (ChAD) This link will open in a new window
- Damage insurance
- Claims adjustment
Telephone: 514 842-2591 or 1 800 361-7288
E-mail: [email protected]
Institut québécois de planification financière (IQPF) This link will open in a new window
- Financial planning
Telephone: 514 767-4040, ext. 232 or 1 800 640-4050, ext. 232
E-mail: [email protected]
Reference periods
The reference periods for accumulating PDUs are as follows:
- Current period:
December 1, 2023 to November 30, 2025 - Next period:
December 1, 2025 to November 30, 2027
- Current period:
April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2026 - Next period:
April 1, 2026 to March 31, 2028
For answers to the following questions, contact the CSF, IQPF or ChAD, depending on your sector:
- How many PDUs do I have?
- How do I calculate my PDUs?
- How do I access my PDU record?
At the end of the current reference period, the CSF, IQPF or ChAD sends a notice of non-compliance to representatives in default. The notice states that the representative must submit proof that the required training was completed during the reference period.
- December 2023: CSF and IQPF members
- April 2024: ChAD members
Upon receiving the notices of non-compliance, the AMF sends all representatives who have not complied with their professional development requirements a notice preceding issuance of a decision suspending their right to practise, that is, 15 days prior to the suspension of the certificate.
- January 15, 2024: CSF and IQPF members
- Week of April 8, 2024: ChAD members
If an error has been made in the calculation of your PDUs
Contact the CSF, IQPF or ChAD to have your record corrected. Where applicable, the AMF will receive a notice from the organization to prevent the suspension of your certificate.
Removing a sector or sector class
To avoid a suspension, your application to withdraw from a sector or sector class must be submitted and processed by the AMF.
If you want to practise in the sector or sector class again, you will need to apply for reinstatement.
If you wish to contest your suspension
You can send your observations and documents to the AMF within 15 days of the date of the prior notice you received.
You can send your observations and documents:
- Via AMF E-Services, under the Other application/request tab, select Other application/request - Certification and registration
- Mail:
Autorité des marchés financiers
Direction de la certification et de l’inscription
Place de la Cité, tour PwC
2640, boulevard Laurier, 4e étage
Québec (Québec) G1V 5C1
Fifteen days after the prior notice is sent, the AMF sends a suspension decision to representatives who have still not completed their PDUs for each sector or sector class. A message is also sent to the firm to which the representative is attached.
- February 5, 2024: CSF and IQPF members
- Week of April 29, 2024: ChAD members
The representative must cease to pursue activities as a representative until the suspension is lifted.
- Immediately following the suspension by the AMF of the representative’s certificate for failure to comply with the PDU requirements, the representative must undertake professional development training recognized by the CSF or IQPF in order to earn the missing PDUs applicable to his sector.
- The representative must update his PDU record.
- The CSF or IQPF calculates the PDUs in the representative’s record. The organization notifies the AMF when missing PDUs are added to the record.
- The AMF lifts the suspension of the certificate on the business day following receipt of the notice from the CSF or IQPF.
- The AMF sends the representative a letter regarding the lifting of the certificate suspension. A copy is also sent to the firm to which the representative is attached.
- The representative must undertake professional development training recognized by the ChAD to complete the missing PDUs, depending on his sector.
- The representative must update his PDU record.
- The ChAD calculates the PDUs in the representative’s record. The organization notifies the AMF when missing PDUs are added to the record.
- The AMF lifts the suspension of the certificate on the business day following receipt of the notice from the ChAD.
- The AMF sends the representative a letter regarding the lifting of the certificate suspension. A copy is also sent to the firm to which the representative is attached.