Capital and liquidity

Capital management
The Capital Management Guideline sets out the AMF’s expectations for ensuring that all the strategies, policies and procedures used by a financial institution to determine and plan its capital continually comply with minimum regulatory capital requirements and, depending on the institution’s risk profile, the target established for oversight purposes.
Life and health insurers
The Capital Adequacy Requirements Guideline – Life and Health Insurers (CARLI) (English version available soon) sets out the AMF’s requirements regarding the capital adequacy framework applicable to life and health insurers. Capital adequacy is determined from a risk-based formula, as defined by the CARLI, used to measure the adequacy of the sum of available capital, surplus allowance and eligible deposits (amount available) in relation to the base solvency buffer (required amount).
Reciprocal Unions
The Capital Adequacy Requirements Guideline – Reciprocal Unions sets out the AMF’s requirements regarding the capital adequacy framework applicable to reciprocal unions. Capital adequacy is determined from a risk-based formula, as defined by the Minimum Capital Test (MCT), used to measure the adequacy of available capital available in relation to target required capital.
Liquidity risk management
The Liquidity Risk Management Guideline sets out the AMF’s expectations for ensuring that financial institutions implement an effective management framework enabling them to ensure ongoing access to the liquidity required to meet their current and anticipated obligations without disrupting their day-to-day operations and without incurring substantial losses in the event of a funding shortfall.
P&C insurers
The Guideline on Capital Adequacy Requirements – Property and casualty insurance sets out the AMF’s requirements regarding the capital adequacy framework applicable to P&C insurers. Capital adequacy is determined from a risk-based formula, as defined by the Minimum Capital Test (MCT), used to measure the adequacy of available capital in relation to target required capital.
Capital and liquidity treatment of cryptoasset exposures
The Guideline on capital and liquidity treatment of cryptoasset exposures articulates the AMF’s expectations for financial institutions with respect to the capital and liquidity treatment of cryptoasset exposures.
Self-regulatory organizations
The Capital Adequacy Requirements Guideline – Self-Regulatory Organizations sets out the AMF’s requirements regarding the capital adequacy framework applicable to self-regulatory organizations. Capital adequacy is determined from a risk-based formula, as defined by the Minimum Capital Test (MCT), used to measure the adequacy of available capital in relation to target required capital.