Useful Links
- Alberta Securities Commission
This link will open in a new window
- Autorité des marchés financiers
This link will open in a new window (France)
- Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
This link will open in a new window
- BC Financial Services Authority
This link will open in a new window (British Columbia)
- British Columbia Securities Commission
This link will open in a new window
- Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation
This link will open in a new window (CDIC)
- Canadian Securities Administrators
This link will open in a new window (CSA)
- Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation
This link will open in a new window (Alberta)
- Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation
This link will open in a new window (PEI)
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
This link will open in a new window (US)
- Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan
This link will open in a new window (Saskatchewan)
- Financial and consumer services commission
This link will open in a new window (New Brunswick)
- Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
This link will open in a new window
- Financial Conduct Authority
This link will open in a new window (UK)
- Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario
This link will open in a new window (FSRA)
- Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Department of Government Services & Lands, Consumer and Commercial Affairs, Securities Commission
This link will open in a new window
- International Association of Deposit Insurers
This link will open in a new window (IADI)
- International Monetary Fund
This link will open in a new window (IMF)
- Manitoba Securities Commission
This link will open in a new window
- Nova Scotia Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation
This link will open in a new window (NSCUDIC)
- Nova Scotia Securities Commission
This link will open in a new window
- Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions
This link will open in a new window
- Ontario Securities Commission
This link will open in a new window (OSC)
- Prince Edward Island Securities Office
This link will open in a new window
- U.S Securities and Exchange Commission
This link will open in a new window
- World Bank
This link will open in a new window
- Alberta Securities Commission
This link will open in a new window
- Autorité des marchés financiers
This link will open in a new window (France)
- Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
This link will open in a new window
- BC Financial Services Authority
This link will open in a new window (British Columbia)
- British Columbia Securities Commission
This link will open in a new window
- Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation
This link will open in a new window (CDIC)
- Commission des normes du travail
This link will open in a new window
- Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation
This link will open in a new window (Alberta)
- Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation
This link will open in a new window (PEI)
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
This link will open in a new window (US)
- Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan
This link will open in a new window (Saskatchewan)
- Financial Services Authority
This link will open in a new window (UK)
- Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario
This link will open in a new window (FSRA)
- Gouvernement du Québec
This link will open in a new window
- Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Department of Government Services & Lands, Consumer and Commercial Affairs, Securities Commission
This link will open in a new window
- International Association of Deposit Insurers
This link will open in a new window (IADI)
- International Monetary Fund
This link will open in a new window(IMF)
- Manitoba Securities Commission
This link will open in a new window (MSC)
- Ministère de l'Éducation du Québec
This link will open in a new window
- Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur du Québec
This link will open in a new window
- Ministère des Finances du Québec
This link will open in a new window
- Ministère de l'Immigration, de la Francisation et de l'Intégration du Québec
This link will open in a new window
- Nova Scotia Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation
This link will open in a new window (NSCUDIC)
- Nova Scotia Securities Commission
This link will open in a new window
- Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada
This link will open in a new window (OSFI)
- Ontario Securities Commission
This link will open in a new window
- Prince Edward Island Securities Office
This link will open in a new window
- Register of unclaimed property - Revenu Québec
This link will open in a new window
- Securities and Exchange Commission
This link will open in a new window (US)
- Société québécoise d'information juridique
This link will open in a new window
- Sûreté du Québec
This link will open in a new window
- World Bank
This link will open in a new window
- Assuris
This link will open in a new window
- Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association Inc.
This link will open in a new window (CLHIA)
- Chambre de l'assurance de dommages
This link will open in a new window (ChAD)
- Chambre de la sécurité financière
This link will open in a new window (CSF)
- Financial and consumer services commission
This link will open in a new window (New Brunswick)
- Groupement des assureurs automobiles
This link will open in a new window (GAA)
- Insurance Bureau of Canada
This link will open in a new window (IBC)
- International Association of Insurance Supervisors
This link will open in a new window (IAIS)
- National Association of Insurance Commissioners
This link will open in a new window (NAIC)
- Property and Casualty Insurance Compensation Corporation
This link will open in a new window (PACICC)
- Canadian Capital Markets Association
This link will open in a new window (CCMA)
- Canadian Commercial Arbitration Centre
This link will open in a new window
- Canadian Derivatives Clearing Corporation
This link will open in a new window
- Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization
This link will open in a new window (CIRO)
- Coop en animation et en formation financière l'ACTIF
This link will open in a new window
- Investment Funds Institute of Canada
This link will open in a new window (IFIC)
- Montréal Exchange
This link will open in a new window Inc.
- Nasdaq Canada
This link will open in a new window
This link will open in a new window TMX Group of Companies
- Toronto Stock Exchange
This link will open in a new window
- Organisme d'autoréglementation du courtage immobilier du Québec
This link will open in a new window (OACIQ)
- Barreau du Québec
This link will open in a new window
- Canadian Bankers Association
This link will open in a new window
- Canadian Institute of Actuaries
This link will open in a new window
- Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization
This link will open in a new window (CIRO)
- Canadian Securities Institute
This link will open in a new window
- Chartered Professional accountants Canada
This link will open in a new window (CPA)
- Institute of Financial Planning
This link will open in a new window
- International Organization of Securities Commissions
This link will open in a new window
- North American Securities Administrators Association
This link will open in a new window
- Registered Insurance Brokers of Ontario
This link will open in a new window (RIBO)
- Assuris
This link will open in a new window
- Barreau du Québec
This link will open in a new window
- BC Financial Services Authority
This link will open in a new window (British Columbia)
- Canadian Commercial Arbitration Centre
This link will open in a new window
- Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation
This link will open in a new window (CDIC)
- Canadian Financial Services Consumer Protection
This link will open in a new window
- Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization
This link will open in a new window (CIRO)
- Canadian Investor Protection Fund
This link will open in a new window (CIPF)
- Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association Inc.
This link will open in a new window
- Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation
This link will open in a new window (Alberta)
- Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation
This link will open in a new window (PEI)
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
This link will open in a new window (US)
- Financial Services Compensation Scheme
This link will open in a new window (UK)
- Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario
This link will open in a new window (FSRA)
- French deposit insurance and resolution fund
This link will open in a new window (France)
- Instituto para la Protección al Ahorro Bancario
This link will open in a new window (Mexico)
- International Association of Deposit Insurers
This link will open in a new window (IADI)
- National Credit Union Administration
This link will open in a new window (US)
- Nova Scotia Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation
This link will open in a new window (NSCUDIC)
- Organisme d'autoréglementation du courtage immobilier du Québec
This link will open in a new window (OACIQ)
- Property and Casualty Insurance Compensation Corporation
This link will open in a new window (PACICC)
- Sûreté du Québec
This link will open in a new window
- Alberta Securities Commission
This link will open in a new window
- Autorité des marchés financiers
This link will open in a new window (France)
- British Columbia Securities Commission
This link will open in a new window
- Canadian Depository for Securities Limited
This link will open in a new window
- Canadian Derivatives Clearing Corporation
This link will open in a new window
- Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization
This link will open in a new window (CIRO)
- Canadian Securities Administrators
This link will open in a new window (CSA)
- Canadian Securities Institute
This link will open in a new window
- Chambre de la sécurité financière
This link will open in a new window (CSF)
- Commodity Futures Trading Commission
This link will open in a new window (US)
- Financial and Consumer Sercices Commission
This link will open in a new window (New-Brunswick)
- Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan
This link will open in a new window
- International Organization of Securities Commissions
This link will open in a new window
- Manitoba Securities Commission
This link will open in a new window
- Montréal Exchange
This link will open in a new window
- Nasdaq Canada
This link will open in a new window
- National Association of Insurance Commissioners
This link will open in a new window (NAIC)
- North American Securities Administrators Association
This link will open in a new window (NASAA)
- Nova Scotia Securities Commission
This link will open in a new window
- Ontario Securities Commission
This link will open in a new window
- Prince Edward Island Securities Office
This link will open in a new window
- Provincial-Territorial Securities Initiative
This link will open in a new window
This link will open in a new window (System for Electronic Diclosure by Insiders)
- System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval Plus
This link will open in a new window (SEDAR+)
- Tribunal administratif des marchés financiers
This link will open in a new window (TMF)
This link will open in a new window Toronto Stock Exchange
- U.S Securities and Exchange Commission
This link will open in a new window