Contact us

Office Hours

Monday to Friday:
9:00 to 4:30


Québec City

Place de la Cité, tour PwC
2640, boulevard Laurier, bureau 400
Québec (Québec) G1V 5C1
Telephone: 418-525-0337
Fax: 418-525-9512


800, rue du Square-Victoria, bureau 2200 
Montréal (Québec)  H3C 0B4
Telephone: 514 395-0337
Fax: 514 873-3090

Media Relations

We invite you to consult the Media Centre.

For any question, please contact:

[email protected]

No need to wait on the phone!

One of our agents will be pleased to return your call.

Use the call back feature

You can also use our Request for information This link will open in a new window form.

Client Services

Making a complaint

You would like to make a complaint against an individual or firm or report a situation to the AMF.

Dissatisfaction with an AMF practice or service

You are not satisfied with an AMF practice or a service it has provided to you.


Log in to your secure space

Visit the Whistleblower Program page for more details.

Notify the AMF of a change of address

Firm, independent partnership or independent representative in insurance or financial planning – Act respecting the distribution of financial products and services

Enterprise registered with AMF E-Services

  • Address of head office: Make address changes under the tab Client File/Contact information and preferences/Consultation/Update.

  • Address of principal establishment or branch: Make address changes under the tab Client File/Contact information and preferences/Manage branch information.

Enterprise not registered with AMF E-Services

Future professionals, certified representative in insurance and financial planner – Act respecting the distribution of financial products and services

Person registered with AMF E-Services

  • Make address changes directly in AMF E-Services, under the tab Client File/Contact information and preferences/Change.

Person not registered with AMF E-Services

By notifying the AMF of a change of address, the information will automatically be updated in the member's file at the Chambre de la sécurité financière (CSF), the Chambre de l'assurance de dommages (ChAD) or the Institut québécois de planification financière (IQPF).

Representative attached to securities firm – Securities Act (SA)

For additional information regarding address changes in an NRD file, contact the authorized firm representative (AFR) who is sponsoring your securities activities.

As a consumer, if you have a file with the AMF, please complete a Request for Information This link will open in a new window to notify us of your change of address.

Your request must contain:

  • A phone number where you can be reached;
  • Your former address;
  • Your new residential address.