Business relationships

Why the AMF wants to know about your business relationships

The AMF wants to strengthen its role as a regulator by collecting relevant data on registrants (independent representatives, firms, independent partnerships) and their relationships with various industry stakeholders.

What is a business relationship?

You must disclose the names of the natural and legal persons with whom your business (independent representative, firm or independent partnership) has a relationship in pursuing its activities governed by the Act respecting the distribution of financial products and services This link will open in a new window.

The following types of business relationships must be disclosed:

  • The following types of business relationships must be disclosed:
  • Agreements with other businesses;
  • Business addresses (principal establishment and branches, if applicable).

Companion Guide

Refer to the Companion Guide (pdf - 1 MB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on May 4, 2021 for more information about business relationships and how to disclose them.

Business relationships to be disclosed

Relationships followed by an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Types of business relationships Firm Independent
Shareholder – Natural person and/or legal personNatural or legal person who holds shares in the firm.*


DirectorPerson indicated as a director in the firm’s declaration in the Québec Enterprise Register.*


Correspondent’s assistantPerson designated to assist the correspondent in receiving the AMF’s correspondence.



PartnerPerson who is a partner in an independent partnership.*  


Responsible partnerPerson who manages the operations of an independent partnership and is responsible for compliance in Québec. (one only)*  


CorrespondentPerson appointed to receive correspondence from the AMF. (one only)*



Responsible officer in Québec Person who manages a firm’s operations and is responsible for compliance in Québec. (one only)*


SignatoryPerson authorized to act as signatory for documents involving the AMF.*




You must disclose at least one of the following relationships:

Types of business relationships Firm Independent

General agentRegistrant to which or to whom an insurer has delegated certain tasks and which or who acts as an intermediary between that insurer and other registrants. This definition includes general agents, affiliated general agents and any other industry title that meets the above definition. (in insurance of persons and group insurance of persons only)

Holder of an OACIQ real estate licence – Legal personPerson that holds a real estate agency licence issued by the OACIQ with which you have an agreement. X X X
Holder of an OACIQ real estate licence – Natural personNatural person who holds a real estate broker’s licence or real estate agency licence (natural person) issued by the OACIQ with whom you have an agreement. X X X
InsurerEntity registered with the AMF under the Act respecting insurance. X X X
Mortgage lender – Legal personLegal person that grants loans secured by immovable hypothec to your clients and with which you have an agreement. X X X
Mortgage lender – Natural personNatural person who grants loans secured by immovable hypothec to your clients and with whom you have an agreement. X X X
Other businessBusiness (other than a business registered with the AMF or an agency governed by the Real Estate Brokerage Act) with which you have an agreement in connection with your mortgage brokerage activities. (in mortgage brokerage only) X X X
Other registrantFirm, independent partnership or independent representative within the meaning of the Act respecting the distribution of financial products and services.  X X X
WholesalerBusiness that pursues brokerage and underwriting activities concurrently or separately. (in damage insurance only) X X X

Types of business relationshipsFirmIndependent
Principal establishmentFirm’s or independent partnership’s principal address in Québec.XX
BranchAny establishment that relies on a head office. XX

Disclosing your business relationships

If you are registered for AMF E-Services

  1. You can use the “Manage business relationships” tool to add, remove, modify or obtain an overview of your business relationships.
  2. Begin by signing in to E-Services. If you are an independent representative, select the “My registration as an independent representative” access mode.
  3. Then, under “Client File”, select “Manage business relationships”. If your business is governed by more than one law, select “Insurance, financial planning and mortgage brokerage (ADFPS)”.
  4. Click on the drop-down list arrow to view available relationships by sector or activity.
  5. For information about the steps to follow, refer to the screenshots starting on page 5 of the Companion Guide (pdf - 1 MB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on May 4, 2021.

If you are not registered for AMF E-Services

  1. Complete the paper version of the Manage Business Relationships (pdf - 415 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 1st, 2025Manage business relationships - Firm / Independant partnership / Independent representative;
  2. Mail in your form with the supporting documents, if any.

Consulting your disclosed business relationships in E-Services

You can use the “Manage business relationships” tool to obtain an overview of and manage all your business relationships.

You can add, remove or modify your business relationships.

To do this, begin by signing in to E-Services. If you are an independent representative, select the “My registration as an independent representative” access mode.

Then, under “Client File”, select “Manage business relationships”. If your business is governed by more than one law, select “Insurance, financial planning and mortgage brokerage (ADFPS)”.

By default, business relationships are filtered by type. To consult the list of persons or businesses disclosed under a particular type of business relationship, click on the corresponding arrow.

To filter your business relationships by concerns, name, address, city or status, drag and drop the column header corresponding to your choice directly into the line above the column headers.

Status of business relationships in E-Services

  • Add: Relationship to be approved by the AMF before it can be added.
  • Modify: Relationship to be approved by the AMF before it can be modified.
  • Delete: Relationship to be approved by the AMF before it can be deleted.
  • Sent: Relationship approved by the AMF.

Mandatory update within 30 days

Any addition, deletion or modification of a business relationship must be disclosed to the AMF within 30 days by submitting a Manage Business Relationships form either in E-Services or by mail.


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418 525-0337

514 395-0337

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1 877 525-0337

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