Making a complaint
Although no one ever wants to be in a dispute with a firm or individual, feel cheated or witness a situation that is suspicious, the reality is that these things happen. This page provides relevant information about the complaint process. Two options are available:
Make a complaint against a firm or individual
You may, for example, want to:
- Contest the compensation amount offered by your insurer
- Contest service fees charged by your financial institution
- Report a credit bureau that fails to respond when you request changes to your credit report
Download the checklist (pdf - 188 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on April 30, 20244 étapes pour porter plainte to help you.
It is important first to:
Gather whatever papers and information you need:
- Gather the relevant documents: Contracts, statements and invoices, correspondence, names of people you met with, conversation notes.
- Gather the relevant information: Determine the value of the property at issue, ask for an estimate, visit websites.
Contact the firm or representative involved:
- Before doing anything else, communicate your complaint verbally to the firm or representative involved. This can assist in resolving a dispute.
If the situation is not resolved to your satisfaction, you can file a written complaint with the firm or representative:
Complete the form and send it to the firm or representative involved. The contact details of firms and individuals registered with the AMF are found in the Register of firms and individuals authorized to practise. Firms with a website will have a web page setting out its complaint processing policy and indicating the address for sending complaints.
The firm or representative receiving your complaint must:
- Send you an acknowledgment of receipt.
- Treat your complaint fairly.
- Send you its final response in writing and, if applicable, its settlement offer. It must also offer you the option of transferring your file to the AMF.
If your complaint is still not resolved to your satisfaction, you can ask to have it transferred to the AMF:
Complete and send this transfer form (pdf - 52 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on April 5, 2017Form to request the transfer of a file to the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) to the firm or representative. A copy of your complaint file will be forwarded to us. We will analyze your file to determine whether we can provide you with mediation or conciliation services. As these are voluntary dispute resolution processes, the AMF cannot compel a party to participate in them.
Please note that the complaint process does not interrupt the prescription period for bringing a court action.
How the AMF can help
You have filed a complaint and are not satisfied with the way it has been handled or the response you have gotten? Here’s what the AMF can do:
- Ask the firm or representative to transfer your file to the AMF if the situation is still unresolved.
- Offer conciliation or mediation services.
- Examine the situation as part of its supervisory activities related to the financial markets.
- Use the information shared to remind a firm or representative of its or their obligations. The AMF may also open an investigation and institute penal proceedings.
Need assistance or support?
Complete the online form This link will open in a new window
As a security measure, your session will time out after a certain period of inactivity. We will check whether you wish to continue. If you don’t indicate that you do, your complaint form will be cancelled. Before you start, prepare all the documents you wish to submit to us.
We analyze all situations reported to us. Rest assured that we will follow up on your complaint.
The AMF handles all personal information it collects in accordance with the requirements of the Act respecting access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information.
End of the insightReport fraud or a suspicious situation
For example, you may wish to:
- Report an ad luring potential investors with the promise of high returns at zero risk
- Report someone who is pressuring you to jump quickly on “the opportunity of the century”
- Inquire further into the legitimacy of a cryptoasset trading platform
Complete the form to report fraud or a suspicious situation
- You don’t need to prepare anything in advance before sending us your information.
- Give us as much information as possible so that we can tell you what form of response the AMF can provide.
As a security measure, your session will time out after a period of inactivity. We will check whether you wish to continue. If you don’t indicate that you do, your complaint form will be cancelled. Before you start, prepare all the documents you wish to submit to us.
We analyze all situations reported to us. Rest assured that we will follow up on your complaint.
Report fraud or a suspicious situation This link will open in a new window
Contact the AMF Information Centre
If you have questions about your financial services, insurance or investments, or about credit assessment agents, mortgage brokerage or services provided by your credit union, our agents will be able to answer them and direct you to the right resources. They will explain the different options that are available to you.
End of the Information