Credit, market and insurance risk

Investment management

The Investment Management Guideline sets out the AMF’s expectations for ensuring that financial institutions follow sound and prudent investment management practices, on both an individual investment and aggregate portfolio basis, in order to protect consumers of financial products and services.

Margins for over-the-counter derivatives not cleared by a central counterparty

The Guideline on margins for over-the-counter derivatives not cleared by a central counterparty sets out the AMF’s expectations for the implementation by financial institutions of appropriate margining practices to reduce the risk of a potential default by a counterparty.

Securitization risk management

The Securitization Risk Management Guideline sets out the AMF’s expectations for ensuring that financial institutions establish sound practices for their securitization activities, including through the use of simple, transparent and comparable (STC) criteria for these types of transactions and the adoption of a framework intended to enhance risk sensitivity, management of credit risk transfers and allocation of capital.

Interest Risk Management Guideline

The Interest Rate Risk Management Guideline sets out the AMF’s expectations for ensuring sound and prudent management by financial services cooperatives of the potential effects of interest rate changes on their profitability, particularly net interest income and net value.

Residential Hypothecary Lending

The Residential Hypothecary Lending Guideline sets out the AMF’s expectations for ensuring that when financial institutions originate loans secured by a hypothec (mortgage) on residential property, or acquire assets related to such loans, these operations are well supported by prudent underwriting practices and sound risk management and internal controls.

Management of expected credit losses

The Guideline on the management of expected credit losses sets out for institutions using the internal ratings-based approach and for institutions using the standardized approach, the AMF’s prudential expectations regarding sound and prudent management practices for credit risk associated with expected credit losses.