Guy Langlois, member Montréal Area

Guy Langlois spent over 32 years at KPMG, where he served as Regional Managing Partner – Québec, a member of KPMG Canada’s management committee (from 2013 to 2016), and Canadian Lead Partner, Risk Consulting.
Mr. Langlois holds a BBA and a graduate diploma in accounting from Université Laval and an MBA from the Université de Sherbrooke. He is a member of CPA Canada and the Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec. He is also past president of the Association des MBA du Québec.
During his career, Guy Langlois lectured on risk management for more than six years at Université Laval’s Collège des administrateurs de sociétés as part of a program for board and pension committee members.
Mr. Langlois also managed projects for businesses in various industries, including financial institutions, services firms and manufacturing, telecommunications and energy companies, and in the public sector.
Appointed as a member of the Conseil consultatif de régie administrative (Advisory Board) on October 27, 2020 and then as a member of the Board and Chair of the Audit Committee in December 2021, M. Langlois was reappointed on October 27, 2023 for a four-year term.