Practising as a representative

This section is intended for individuals who are pursuing or wish to pursue activities as certified representatives or independent representatives in the distribution of financial products and services.

To be authorized to advise consumers and to sell financial products and services, you must obtain the right to practice pursuant to An Act respecting the distribution of financial products and services This link will open in a new window.

Issuance of certificate

The AMF will issue a representative's certificate in your name if you comply with the following requirements:

The certificate is valid for a one-year period and entitles you to pursue your activities.

Right to practise

For an individual, the right to practise means obtaining a representative's certificate and being authorized to carry on professional activities in one of the following manners:

An individual may carry on activities:

  • on behalf of one or more firms as an attached representative; or
  • on behalf of an independent partnership as an employee or partner of the partnership; or
  • as an independent representative.

Carrying on activities on behalf of a firm

A certified representative who carries on activities on behalf of a firm is referred to as an "attached representative." Except for the securities sector, a representative may be attached to more than one firm.

To obtain a right to practise, an individual must:

Carrying on activities on behalf of an independent partnership

A certified representative who carries on activities on behalf of an independent partnership acts as an employee or partner of the partnership.

To obtain a right to practise, an individual must:

Carrying on activities as an independent representative

An independent representative carries on activities without being attached to a firm or without being a partner or employee of an independent partnership.

To obtain a right to practise, an individual must: