Québec directory of financial education tools

The AMF provides a directory of all the financial education tools available in Québec. Use it for financial planning based on your current needs.

Financial education tools available in Québec

Choosing and understanding my insurance

Tool Description Designer Clientele

Insurance – Autorité des marchés financiers

Web section with useful information on the various kinds of insurance offered in Québec.

Autorité des marchés financiers

General public

Insurance offered by lenders and merchants (pdf - 382 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on April 11, 2022

Publication to learn about the kinds of insurance sold by lenders and merchants, such as travel insurance offered by travel agencies or life insurance when you apply for financing.

Autorité des marchés financiers

General public

Personal Finance: I'm in Charge This link will open in a new window

A free classroom-based financial education program with 16 tailored modules offered in several regions by Desjardins Group partners.

Desjardins Group partners

16- to 25-year-olds, newcomers to Québec

Infoinsurance This link will open in a new window

Website with information on damage insurance (auto, home and business).

Insurance Bureau of Canada, Groupement des assureurs automobiles

General public

Q&A on flood insurance This link will open in a new window

Information sheet with answers to the questions most asked by flood victims.

Insurance Bureau of Canada

General public

Documents and tools – Insurance Bureau of Canada and Groupement des assureurs automobiles This link will open in a new window

Publications to help you choose and understand your auto and home insurance.

Insurance Bureau of Canada, Groupement des assureurs automobiles

General public

Auto claims settlement – Groupement des assureurs automobiles This link will open in a new window

Website that summarizes the steps in an auto claims settlement from the time of the accident to repairs.

Groupement des assureurs automobiles

General public

True or false? Test your knowledge of auto insurance This link will open in a new window

Video clips that test consumers’ knowledge of auto insurance.

Groupement des assureurs automobiles

General public

Consumer Information – Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association (CLHIA) This link will open in a new window

CLHIA website.

Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association Inc. (CLHIA)

General public

Detecting fraud

Tool Description Designer Clientele

Fraud Prevention – Autorité des marchés financiers

Web section with useful information on various kinds of fraud; includes documents, videos and quizzes.

Autorité des marchés financiers

General public

Red-flagging financial fraud (pdf - 995 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on June 17, 2022

5-step guide to reduce the risk of fraud. The guide also presents a series of common fraud tactics.

Autorité des marchés financiers

General public

Quiz: Are you vulnerable to fraud on social media?

Educational quiz to test your vulnerability to financial fraud on Internet and social media.

Autorité des marchés financiers

General public

AMF seniors’ conferences

Conferences on fraud prevention presented to seniors’ groups. For more information, contact the AMF.

Autorité des marchés financiers

General public , seniors

Avoiding Fraud This link will open in a new window

Web page with useful information.

Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA)

General public

Your Financial Toolkit: Module 12: Fraud protection This link will open in a new window

Learning module that shows you how to protect yourself from financial fraud.

Financial Consumer Agency of Canada

General public

Counterfeit Prevention (bank notes) This link will open in a new window

Informational Web page. Find out why it is important to check your bank notes and what to do if a note appears suspicious.

Bank of Canada

General public

La maltraitance financière chez les aînés... Faut y voir! This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Publication describing financial abuse of seniors, and how to detect and deal with it.

ACEF Montérégie-Est

General public, seniors

Trousse SOS Abus This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Toolkit for the detection and prevention of abuse of seniors as well as related intervention and training, intended for local seniors’ organizations, caregivers and stakeholders involved with seniors.

Association québécoise de défense des droits des personnes retraitées et préretraitées (AQDR)

General public, seniors

Senior-Aware This link will open in a new window

Awareness program for the public and professionals alike regarding abuse of seniors, fraud and intimidation.

Réseau FADOQ


Cyber Security Toolkit This link will open in a new window

Cyber Security Toolkit for consumers can help you protect against online financial fraud.

Canadian Bankers Association

General public

Cyber Security Toolkit for Newcomers to Canada This link will open in a new window

The Toolkit provides tips and information as first line of defense on common scams.

Canadian Bankers Association

Newcomers to Canada

Fraud Prevention Toolkit This link will open in a new window

Fraud Prevention Toolkit for Older Adults can help you protect your personal information, money and identity from financial crime.

Canadian Bankers Association


Discussing money with my children

Tool Description Designer Clientele

Tes affaires!

Educational tools and useful resources to learn how to manage your finances at school and at home.

Autorité des marchés financiers

16- to 22-year-olds

Toolkit for youth workers This link will open in a new window

Tools and relevant resources to help young adults become financially self-sufficient.

Autorité des marchés financiers

Youth workers

Shopping & Leisure – Éducaloi This link will open in a new window

Website section on the Éducaloi site for youth shopping and leisure issues.


Parents of teenagers and young adults

Le contrat de cellulaire – YouTube This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Humorous video capsule on how to assess your cell phone needs: kinds of contracts, signing and termination, choice of supplier, etc.

Office de la protection du consommateur

Parents of teenagers and young adults

Jeunes au travail This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Website with useful information and tools for young workers entering the labour market. The site is also intended for persons who interact with young persons, including parents, employers and teachers.

Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité au travail (CNESST)

15- to 25-year-olds, young workers

Faistonbudget.ca This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Website offering various tools to help you better understand the basics of preparing a budget that is realistic and works for you.

Université Laval

18- to 25-year-olds, CEGEP or university students, parents of teenagers and young adults

Money and Youth – A guide to financial literacy This link will open in a new window

Publication designed to help youth better understand their finances; includes a section for parents.

Canadian Foundation for Economic Education (CFEE)

Parents of teenagers and young adults

Parent Zone This link will open in a new window

Web site offering a range of activities and tools to help your child in elementary or secondary school become an informed consumer.

Office de la protection du consommateur

Parents of children in elementary and secondary school

Format économique on Savoir Média (Canal Savoir)This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Series of video clips to help parents discuss financial concepts with their children/teenagers.

Savoir Média (Canal Savoir) and Institute of Financial Planning

Parents of teenagers and young adults

Unforeseen: The decision-making game

Mobile app that teaches young adults ages 16 to 25 about financial management in a fun way. Available from the App Store This link will open in a new window or Google Play This link will open in a new window.


Youth (ages 16-25)

First Nations communities

Tool Description Designer Clientele

Manikaso Program This link will open in a new window

The Manikaso Centre’s mission is to empower First Nations people and provide them with tools to make the best financial literacy and housing decisions.

Manikaso Centre

First Nations people


Tool Description Designer Clientele

Publications for the general public – Investment

Publications on investment, including Choosing an Investment Dealer or Representative, Choosing Investments and Reviewing Your Personal Finances.

Autorité des marchés financiers

General public

Investments – Autorité des marchés financiers

Web section with information on most types of investments and savings plans: RESP, RRSP, TFSA, RDSP, VRSP.

Autorité des marchés financiers

General public

Your investor profile

Calculator to help determine your investor profile and the types of investment products that could suit you.

Autorité des marchés financiers

General public

Investment quiz

Quiz with seven questions used to measure Canadians’ general investment knowledge.

Autorité des marchés financiers

General public

Le temps, c’est de l’argent! This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Calculator to help you determine how much you could save for retirement.

Autorité des marchés financiers

General public

Le rendement, c’est important! This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Calculator to help you determine how much you could save based on projected returns.

Autorité des marchés financiers

General public

Les investissements à rendement progressif This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Calculator to help you determine how much you will save with a step-up investment (bond or note with a progressively higher yield).

Autorité des marchés financiers

General public

How long will it take for my investments to recover? This link will open in a new window

Calculator to help you determine how long it will take for your investment to recover its value after a market downturn and identify how long it will take to get back on track to reach your original goal.

Autorité des marchés financiers

General public

How much will you accumulate in your VRSP? This link will open in a new window

Calculator to help you determine how much you can accumulate in your voluntary retirement savings plan (VRSP).

Autorité des marchés financiers

General public

Impact of Investment Fees This link will open in a new window

Calculator to help you determine how much you can save by comparing different investment fees.

Autorité des marchés financiers

General public

Investir en tenant compte de l’inflation This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Calculator to help you determine amounts accumulated by taking into account inflation.

Autorité des marchés financiers

General public

Options Video Library This link will open in a new window

Educational videos to learn about Canadian options and futures trading or to expand your knowledge.

Montréal Exchange

General public

TMX Trading Simulator This link will open in a new window

Simulators to trade equities and options and track your portfolio’s performance using real market data.

Montréal Exchange

General public

OptionsPlay This link will open in a new window

Set of tools to help you develop options strategies and profit from investment opportunities.

Montréal Exchange

General public

Options Calculator This link will open in a new window

Calculator to help you determine the theoretical price of options and understand how options work.

Montréal Exchange

General public

Covered Call Screener This link will open in a new window

Calculator that enables conservative investors to find call option series that can generate their desired levels of current and potential returns.

Montréal Exchange

General public

Options Matters This link will open in a new window

Blog about the Canadian options market featuring various posts from financial industry experts about the benefits and risk of exchange-traded options.

Montréal Exchange

General public

Investing Basics This link will open in a new window

Web section to learn about the basic principles of investing.

Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA)

General public

Are They Registered? This link will open in a new window

Practical tools to choose the right person to deal with before investing.

Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA)

General public

Bourstad anytime This link will open in a new window

Stock market simulation application that enables you to create and manage a virtual portfolio in real time.


General public

Office of the Investors - CIRO This link will open in a new window

Web section with useful information for investors.

Canadian Investment regulatory organization (CIRO)

General public

Passeport MÉDAC This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Financial markets training program divided into four modules (visas) for small investors wanting to become more autonomous in managing their finances.

Mouvement d’éducation et de défense des actionnaires (MÉDAC)

General public

Making a budget, saving

Tool Description Designer Clientele

Reviewing Your Personal Finances (pdf - 487 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on June 17, 2022

Guide presenting three steps to better financial management.

Autorité des marchés financiers

General public

Budget tables

Spreadsheets for easy budget and balance sheet preparation.

Autorité des marchés financiers

General public

Time is money! This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Calculator with a simple demonstration to make you realize the importance of starting to save early in life.

Autorité des marchés financiers

General public

Personal Finance: I'm in Charge This link will open in a new window

A free classroom-based financial education program with 16 tailored modules offered in several regions by Desjardins Group partners.

Desjardins Group partners

16- to 25-year-olds, newcomers to Québec

Consultations budgétaires offertes par les associations de consommateurs This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Free and confidential Budget planning service offered to individuals and families from all walks of life to help them manage their finances and overcome debt-related problems.

Associations coopératives d'économie familiale (ACEF), Québec consumer associations

General public

Toutbiencalculé.ca This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Portal for consumers looking for useful information, sound advice and practical tools to help manage their personal finances.

Union des consommateurs, Option consommateurs, Coalition des associations de consommateurs du Québec, Centre d’intervention budgétaire et sociale (CIBES) de la Mauricie

General public

ACEF Montérégie-Est This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Website with tips on managing budgets and debt, improving your financial situation, as well as housing and consumer rights.

ACEF Montérégie-Est

General public

Vidéos éducatives sur le budget This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Videos presenting useful concepts to help organize your personal finances.

ACEF Lanaudière

General public

Amour et argent peuvent faire bon ménage This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Documentary directed by Sophie Bissonnette exploring the topic of money and relationships and how couples manage their finances, as well as the financial consequences of a separation.

Relais femmes, Les productions mainslibres

General public

Grilles budgétaires et leurs tutoriels This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Introductory tutorials and guidance on how to use budget tables in a spreadsheet.

ACEF Lanaudière

General public

Jeunes familles et budget This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Publication providing budget-related information to parents with children under the age of 6.

ACEF Montérégie-Est

General public, Montérégie-East

À vos amours, à vos affaires This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Information Guide to help couples manage their finances.

Brochures for sale, on order.

ACEF Lanaudière and ACEF Rive-Sud de Québec

General public

Éducaloi – Consumers This link will open in a new window

Legal articles on the rules governing consumer matters.


General public

planifiez.org This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Microsite with practical information and tools pertaining to personal finance.

Institut québécois de planification financière

General public

Calculators – Finance Québec This link will open in a new window

Tax Calculators.

Finance Québec

General public

Take your dreams in hand – By taking care of your money This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Information toolkit on personal finances intended for Nunavik residents. Guide on how to better manage your money.

Option consommateurs, together with Nunavik partners

Inuit, Nunavik

Managing my loans and credit

Tool Description Designer Clientele

Credit card calculator

Calculator to help estimate the time it takes to pay off a credit card balance.

Autorité des marchés financiers

16- to 22-year-olds

How changes in interest rates can impact your mortgage

Calculator that shows how higher interest rates can impact your mortgage.

Autorité des marchés financiers

General public

Minimum payment - Maximum intere$t This link will open in a new window

Calculator you can use to find out how long it would take to pay off a given credit card balance and how much you’d pay in interest charges.

Office de la protection du consommateur

General public

Personal Finance: I'm in Charge This link will open in a new window

A free classroom-based financial education program with 16 tailored modules offered in several regions by Desjardins Group partners.

Desjardins Group partners

16- to 25-year-olds, newcomers to Québec

Office de la protection du consommateur This link will open in a new window

Website with useful information on the rights and obligations of merchants and consumers.

Office de la protection du consommateur

General public

Toutbiencalculé.ca This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Portal for consumers looking for useful information, sound advice and practical tools to help manage their personal finances.

Union des consommateurs, Option consommateurs, Coalition des associations de consommateurs du Québec, CIBES Mauricie

General public

Consultations budgétaires offertes par les associations de consommateurs This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Free and confidential consulting service offered to individuals and families from all walks of life to help them manage their finances and overcome debt-related problems.

Associations coopératives d’économie familiale (ACEF), associations de consommateurs du Québec

General public

ACEF Montérégie-Est This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Website with tips on managing budgets and debt, improving your financial situation, as well as housing and consumer rights.

ACEF Montérégie-Est

General public

Coup d’œil sur les cartes de crédit This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Guide providing information about smart credit card use and the protection provided in cases of fraud.

Option consommateurs

General public

Newcomers: Understanding the financial system

Tool Description Designer Clientele

L'essentiel des finances personnelles – programme pour nouveaux arrivants au Québec (pdf - 28 MB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on March 3, 2018 (in French only)

Collection of modules intended to help newcomers to Québec learn about the financial system and how to manage their personal finances.

Autorité des marchés financiers

Newcomers to Québec

Being an Informed Consumer in Québec This link will open in a new window

Online guide for newcomers.

Office de la protection du consommateur

Newcomers to Québec

CPA Canada's Financial Literacy program This link will open in a new window

Free workshops facilitated by Canadian volunteer chartered professional accountants (CPAs) and designed to provide clear, unbiased information about financial matters.

CPA Canada

Newcomers to Canada

Info-consommation pour nouveaux arrivants This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Tip sheets with basic information on personal finance, consumer and housing issues.

Espace Finances

Newcomers to Québec

Personal Finance – I'm in Charge This link will open in a new window

A free classroom-based financial education program with 16 tailored modules offered in several regions by Desjardins Group partners.

Desjardins Group partners

16- to 25-year-olds, newcomers to Québec

Personal finance programs (multi-sector)

Tool Description Designer Clientele

Personal finances – Autorité des marchés financiers

Web section on personal finances containing useful information and calculators.

Autorité des marchés financiers

General public

Tes affaires!

Educational tools and useful resources to learn how to manage your finances at school and at home.

Autorité des marchés financiers

16- to 22-year-olds

Personal finances – Autorité des marchés financiers

Web section on personal finances containing useful information and calculators.

Autorité des marchés financiers

General public

La littératie financière et fiscale ouverte à tous This link will open in a new window (in French only)

On-line course open to anyone wishing to improve their personal finance and tax decision-making skills.

Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

General public

McGill Personal Finance Essentials This link will open in a new window

Taught by McGill professors, the course consists of eight on-line modules that cover the fundamental concepts of finance, including borrowing, real estate, budgeting and investing.

McGill University

McGill University

CO$T of illness This link will open in a new window

Website with multiple tools and resources for managing the impact of a critical illness or preparing financially for the possibility of one.

  • Relais Femmes
  • Action cancer du sein du Québec
  • ACEF Rive-Sud
  • Proche aidance Québec
  • Conseil d’intervention pour l’accès des femmes au travail

General public

Achète-toi une vie This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Guide to help youth learn how to identify their needs and how to use that knowledge to better manage their personal finances and their lives!

Option consommateurs

14- to 21-year-olds

Personal Finance – I'm in Charge This link will open in a new window

A free classroom-based financial education program with 16 tailored modules offered in several regions by Desjardins Group partners.

Desjardins Group partners

16- to 25-year-olds, newcomers to Québec

Gérer son argent This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Modular financial education workshops for youth as well as individualized support offered to those learning to manage their personal finances.

Centre ressources jeunesse (CRJ) de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue

16- to 35-year-olds, Abitibi-Témiscamingue

Éducation financière et juridique mi-carrière This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Comprehensive learning workshops on personal financial planning issues and how to prepare for them.

Cégep Marie-Victorin

35- to 49-year-olds

Mes finances personnelles : « Savoir où va mon argent, c’est brillant! » This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Videos to help raise awareness among young adults about the importance of saving and managing their personal finances.

ACEF Rive-Sud de Québec

Young adults

Websérie : Jeu de la conso This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Web series of 10 episodes following the adventures of Taël, a hero seeking to become an informed and responsible consumer.

Espace Finances

Young adults

Ma santé financière j’y tiens This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Training to help you better manage your personal finances and be able to focus on achieving your financial objectives. Fees will apply.

Cégep Marie-Victorin

General public

Solution IQPF This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Solution IQPF is an interactive tool that was originally created for financial planners and that may be used by professionals or anyone interested in financial planning.

Institut québécois de planification financière (IQPF)

General public

CPA Canada's Financial Literacy program This link will open in a new window

Free workshops facilitated by Canadian volunteer chartered professional accountants (CPAs) and designed to provide clear, unbiased information about financial matters.

CPA Canada

General public

Gestion de finances personnelles This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Training courses (30 hours) in personal financial management.

Collège de Rosemont

General public, Greater Montréal

La finance personnelle démystifiée This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Workshops on the various areas of financial planning.

Université Laval

General public

Planifiez les moments importants de votre vie This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Application providing practical advice and guidance to help you prepare for key life events, including the birth of your first child, the purchase of a car, retirement, etc.

ACEF du Grand-Portage

General public

Financial literacy programs – Government of Canada This link will open in a new window

Educational materials to help students and adults increase their financial knowledge and skills.

Financial Consumer Agency of Canada

General public

Gérer ses finances personnelles This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Workshop to develop the skills needed for personal financial health. Fees apply.

Cégep Garneau

General public and entrepreneurs, Québec City region

Financial education modules tailored to people with autism This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Support tool for learning to manage personal finances.

Autisme Québec

Young people with autism

Notions de planification financière 101 This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Programs that teach you how to position yourself in life, prepare a Plan B in case of separation or divorce, and prepare for retirement. Fees apply.

Institut québécois de planification financière

General public

Managing your finances and overcoming financial hardship This link will open in a new window

Website offering tools for managing personal finances, overcoming financial hardship and offering solutions to get out of them.


General public

Planning my retirement

Tool Description Designer Clientele

Planning a successful retirement – Autorité des marchés financiers

Web page presenting various tools available to consumers: publications, calculators and useful information.

Autorité des marchés financiers

General public

Retirement Quiz

Retirement quizzes with three levels of difficulty. Have fun testing or perfecting your knowledge!

Autorité des marchés financiers

General public

How much will you accumulate in your VRSP? This link will open in a new window

Calculator to help you determine how much you can accumulate in your voluntary retirement savings plan (VRSP).

Autorité des marchés financiers

General public

Le temps, c’est de l’argent! This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Calculator to help you determine how much you could save for retirement.

Autorité des marchés financiers

General public

SimulR and CompuPension This link will open in a new window

Tools to develop a picture of what your financial situation will look like during retirement.

Retraite Québec

General public

Éducation financière et juridique mi-carrière This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Comprehensive learning workshops on personal financial planning issues and how to prepare for them.

Cégep Marie-Victorin

35- to 49-year-olds

Sessions de préparation à la retraite grand public This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Retirement planning workshops to help you make the most of retirement. Several topics are addressed to help you make informed choices.

Cégep Marie-Victorin

General public

Guide de la planification financière de la retraite This link will open in a new window

Guide to help you plan for retirement.


General public

Guides et brochures : Parcours vers une retraite qui me ressemble This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Guide with insights on how to prepare for retirement. Brochures for sale, on order.

ACEF Lanaudière

General public

Planning your retirement – Retraite Québec This link will open in a new window

Tools and calculators to help you determine how much you need to save for retirement.

Retraite Québec

General public

Flash Retirement – Self-Service Financial Information on Financial Security in Retirement This link will open in a new window

Directory with over 50 information capsules on financial security in retirement.

Retraite Québec

General public

Fiscalité et revenus de retraite This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Web workshop to help you determine your effective tax rate and choose an investment vehicle for retirement.

Université Laval

General public

Prévenir les pièges financiers de la retraite This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Publication presenting certain risks faced by retirees, and especially how to avoid the pitfalls that could jeopardize their financial security.

Option consommateurs

General public

Your Financial Toolkit: Module 10: Retirement and pensions This link will open in a new window

Learning module on retirement and pensions. It will help you prepare for retirement.

Financial Consumer Agency of Canada

General public

Your Money Seniors This link will open in a new window

Free financial education seminar for Canadian seniors. Your Money Seniors helps answer seniors’ questions.

Canadian Bankers Association

General public

Toutbiencalculé.ca This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Consumer portal for those looking for useful information, sound advice and practical tools to help them manage their personal finances.

Union des consommateurs, Option consommateurs, Coalition des associations de consommateurs du Québec, CIBES Mauricie

General public

planifiez.org This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Microsite with practical information and tools pertaining to personal finance.

Institut québécois de planification financière

General public

Quand débuter ses prestations publiques de retraite : Les avantages de la flexibilité This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Simulator to help determine the age to apply for public retirement benefits.

Chaire en fiscalité et en finances publiques, Université de Sherbrooke

General public

Guide sur le décaissement This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Web page and PDF that allow you to think about a plan for disbursing accumulated savings.


General public

Comment se protéger de la fraude financière? - YouTube This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Video that offers seniors four tips to prevent financial fraud. Collaboration between the AQRP and the AMF.

AQRP (Association québécoise des retraités des secteurs publics et parapublics)

General public

School programs

Tool Description Designer Clientele

Tes affaires! YouthZone

Website for youth to help them reach their objectives. A section dedicated to teachers includes calculators, publications, teaching activities and contests.

Autorité des marchés financiers

Students ages 15 to 25

Toolkit for youth workers This link will open in a new window

Tools and relevant resources to help young adults become financially self-sufficient.

Autorité des marchés financiers

Youth workers

Tes affaires! TeacherZone

Website providing resources and activities for teaching financial education and personal finances to elementary and secondary schools and college students.

Autorité des marchés financiers

Teachers of students ages 15 to 25.

Tes affaires!: Teaching activities that complement the financial education program This link will open in a new window

Presentation of activities produced by government agencies that complement the secondary school financial education program.

AMF, Office de la protection du consommateur, Revenu Québec, Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST)

Secondary school financial education teachers

Videos on saving, budgeting, RRSPs and TFSAs

Three educational videos that complement the secondary school Financial Education Program or CEGEP-level personal finance courses.


Teachers of students ages 16 to 22.

FinÉcoLab This link will open in a new window

Interactive educational activities to help students understand a large number of economic concepts.


Secondary 5 and CEGEP teachers

BOURSTAD Challenge This link will open in a new window

Annual stock market simulation contest (February to April). The contest has three components: portfolio management, responsible investment and financial performance. Participants build portfolios from a selection of 500 exchange-listed securities; transactions are processed in real time.


Secondary school students (years four and five), CEGEP students, general public

BOURSTAD – Private simulations This link will open in a new window

Bourstad contest application that can be used to organize private investment simulations.


Secondary school and CEGEP teachers

LEARN teaching materials This link will open in a new window (English language version of the recitus.qc.ca website)

Website providing teaching materials to financial education teachers. Each activity includes a student booklet, teacher guide and slide show.

LEARN, non-profit educational organization for the English-speaking community in Québec / (RÉCIT, réseau pour le développement des compétences par l’intégration des technologies)

Secondary school financial education teachers

Teacher Zone – Office de la protection du consommateur This link will open in a new window

Web section with activities for teachers.

Office de la protection du consommateur

Elementary and secondary school teachers

Zone enseignants – CNESST This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Web section with a number of teaching activities to support secondary school teachers who want to address such concepts as labour standards, occupational health and safety and pay equity.

Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST)

Teachers of students ages 15 to 17

Ma contribution.com This link will open in a new window

Teaching materials designed to meet the goals of the financial education program for secondary school students.

Revenu Québec

Secondary cycle two teachers

educationjuridique.ca This link will open in a new window

Legal education website with several tools related to the financial education program for secondary school students.


Secondary school financial education teachers

Ready, Set, Invest! (Secondary 5) This link will open in a new window

Scenarios: Students are called on to assume the role of potential investors and discuss good business practices and whether businesses are complying with the law.


Teachers of students ages 15 to 22

The Rules of the Game! This link will open in a new window

Questionnaire-game: Students are called on to debate, improvise and use their general knowledge to answer questions about legal issues affecting young adults (housing, work, consumerism, etc.).


Teachers of students ages 16 to 21

CPA Canada's Financial Literacy program This link will open in a new window

Free workshops facilitated by Canadian volunteer chartered professional accountants (CPAs) and designed to provide clear, unbiased information about financial matters.

CPA Canada

Teachers of elementary, secondary and post-secondary level students

JA Québec – educational programs This link will open in a new window

Classroom programs on entrepreneurship, the business world, personal finances and education and career planning.

JA Québec

Teachers of students ages 10 to 18

Personal Finance: I'm in Charge This link will open in a new window

A free classroom-based financial education program with 16 tailored modules offered in several regions by Desjardins Group partners.

Desjardins Group partners

Teachers of students ages 16 to 25

Your Money – Students This link will open in a new window

Free financial education seminar for high school students, delivered in class by bankers who volunteer their time in their communities.

Canadian Bankers Association

Secondary 5 and CEGEP teachers

Dollar $ense! This link will open in a new window

Program with learning activities to raise awareness of financial literacy among elementary students.

Société de gestion du réseau informatique des commissions scolaires (GRICS)

Elementary school teachers

Talk With Our Kids About Money This link will open in a new window

Program whose goal is to focus attention on talking with our kids about money and to encourage parents, guardians and teachers to start or continue such talks with youth. Activities and resources are offered in various topics. Tools include a guide for organizing a money fair at school.

Canadian Foundation for Economic Education (CFEE)

Secondary school and CEGEP teachers

La Dictée P.G.L This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Learning activities to help young people learn financial concepts and test their knowledge.

Fondation Paul Gérin-Lajoie

Secondary cycle two teachers

Money and Youth – A guide to financial literacy This link will open in a new window

Publication designed to help youth better understand their finances; includes a section for parents.

Canadian Foundation for Economic Education (CFEE)

Secondary school teachers

Audience-specific resources for schools – Bank of Canada This link will open in a new window

Web section featuring materials and classroom resources to help students learn about Canadian bank notes.

Bank of Canada

Secondary cycle two teachers

Club des consommateurs allumés - Laval This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Workshops introducing young people to financial basics and consumption-related topics.

ACEF Laval

Elementary and secondary school teachers

Club des jeunes consommateurs allumés - Estrie This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Workshops introducing young people to financial basics and consumption-related topics.

ACEF Estrie

Elementary and secondary school teachers

Money Laughs This link will open in a new window

Humorous vignettes demonstrating important financial skills.

Canadian Foundation for Economic Education (CFEE)

Secondary school and CEGEP teachers

J’épargne ma planète This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Educational kit that includes five activities and approaches financial literacy from a socioeconomic perspective.

Établissement vert Brundtland of the Centrale des syndicats du Québec (EVB-CSQ)

Secondary cycle two and CEGEP teachers

Activités pédagogiques pour le Programme d’éducation financière de la formation générale des adultes – Formation de base diversifiée This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Educational activities tailored to the needs of clients in adult general education

Office de la protection du consommateur

Students in adult general education

Boursify This link will open in a new window

Event-based stock market simulations introducing students to the world of investing. Fees apply.


Secondary school and CEGEP students

School Caisse appplication This link will open in a new window

Application offering resources to help kids start learning about money. Available on Google Play This link will open in a new window and on App Store This link will open in a new window.


Elementary school students and teachers

Starting a business

Tool Description Designer Clientele

Assistance program for individuals in business This link will open in a new window

Program or service provided by Revenu Québec to assist individuals in business with their tax obligations.

Revenu Québec

Individuals in business, small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs)

CPA Canada's Financial Literacy program This link will open in a new window

Free workshops facilitated by Canadian volunteer chartered professional accountants (CPAs) and designed to provide clear, unbiased information about financial matters.

Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada)


Travailleur autonome et petit entrepreneur – Asseoir les bases de mes affaires This link will open in a new window (publication) (in French only)

Information sheets for a clear grasp of managing your business. Whether you are starting or already running a business, these sheets provide basic information on how to effectively manage your business.

ACEF Lanaudière

Self-employed workers and entrepreneurs

Démarrage et gestion de son entreprise This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Training to help you through the steps involved in developing your business idea. Fees apply.

Cégep Garneau

General public and entrepreneurs, Québec City region

Les états financiers : les comprendre et les analyser This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Course to help you understand, analyze and interpret financial statements. This 12 hour training course covers vertical and horizontal analysis, financial ratios, the defensive interval ratio and the Altman Z-score (bankruptcy prediction). Fees apply.

Cégep Garneau

Small and medium-sized businesses

Gérer le stress financier des employés This link will open in a new window (in French only)

Workshop to educate participants on employee financial stress and the actions they can tak, within their businesses to contribute substantively to employee financial well-being. Fees apply.

Cégep Garneau

Small and medium-sized businesses, Québec City region

Educational programs are also offered by financial institutions and their partners in Québec, and by for-profit businesses.