Mortgage brokerage Professional Development Units - PDUs
Professional development is compulsory for representatives wishing to maintain a right to practise issued by the AMF.
Representatives who do not comply with this requirement may have their right to practise suspended in the sector or sector class for which they are non-compliant.
Obligation to complete PDUs
The purpose of professional development activities is to enable you to maintain and build your knowledge, skills and abilities associated with mortgage broker activities.
In order to meet AMF requirements for mortgage brokerage, you must take part in training activities during each reference period. The reference period runs for 24 months (2 years).
- Current AMF reference period: May 1, 2024 to April 30, 2026
- Next AMF reference period: May 1, 2026 to April 30, 2028

Guide for mortgage brokers and responsible officers
For detailed information about the compulsory professional development requirements and how the AMF manages professional development activities, refer to the Guide for mortgage brokers and responsible officers (2024-2026) (pdf - 668 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on July 5, 2022Compulsory professional development in mortgage brokerage – Guide for mortgage brokers and responsible officers (2020-2022)
The rules relating to professional development are set out in the Regulation respecting the compulsory professional development of mortgage brokers This link will open in a new window.
Consult the reference table to find out the number of PDUs required according to the broker's right to practice.
Number of PDUs required
As a mortgage broker, you must complete between 24 and 30 hours of professional development during each reference period (including the current period). Each professional development unit, or “PDU,” is equivalent to one hour of training activity recognized by the AMF.
The regulation requires all mortgage brokers to accumulate 3 PDUs in at least one of the following three subjects:
- Compliance with standards;
- Ethics and professional conduct;
- Professional practice.
The remaining PDUs can be accumulated in general subjects. Training activities can cover more than one subject, including:
- Laws, regulations and professional conduct;
- Market developments;
- Mortgage products;
- Fraud prevention.
Suspended certificate in the sector of mortgage brokerage
A mortgage broker must comply with his or her professional development requirements, even if his or her certificate was suspended in the sector of mortgage brokerage during the current reference period.
| General PDUs | Required PDUs | Required PDUs for ROs | Total PDUs |
Mortgage Broker | 21 | 3 | N/A | 24 |
Responsible Officers in Mortgage Brokerage | 21 | 3 | 6 | 30 |
Registering for training activities
You must accumulate your PDUs by taking part in training activities recognized by the AMF. A list of recognized training activities is available in the Directory of professional development activities. For each training activity, the list provides the name of the professional development activity provider, the title of the training activity, a short description of the activity, the subject covered by the activity, the number of PDUs the activity represents and the provider’s contact information.
The professional activity provider must declare the participation of all brokers who took part in the activity to the AMF within 72 hours following delivery of the activity. This information is used to award the PDUs recognized for the professional development activity. It is important for brokers to retain proof of participation in the training activities completed by them in case any errors are made in the information provided to the AMF.
You will receive via AMF E-Services or by mail:
- A notice of professional development activity ;
- A report showing the number of PDUs in your updated record and a list of the activities you have completed.
If a professional development activity you completed does not appear on your record, please follow up directly with the training provider.
Consult your PDU's file
You can consult your professional development record at any time in AMF E-Services. You will need to:
- Log in to E-Services;
- Under “Client File” select “Reports” and “Generate a report;
- Select the “PDU record in mortgage brokerage and list of professional development activities” report You can choose to generate the report in either PDF or Excel.
If you are not registered for AMF E-Services, you must request a copy of your report by sending an e-mail to [email protected].
Last period in effect with the OACIQ - surplus or missing PDUs
Surplus PDUs
Any additional continuing education units (CEUs) accumulated with the OACIQ were not transferred to the AMF. Therefore, the number of PDUs you need to complete for the period from May 1, 2020 to April 30, 2022 cannot be reduced.
For example:
- A mortgage broker who had accumulated 13 CEUs at April 30, 2020 instead of the 9 CEUs required by the OACIQ cannot have the number of PDUs to be accumulated with the AMF reduced by 4 PDUs. He or she must complete 24 PDUs according to the AMF’s requirements.
Missing PDUs
Any missing CEUs under the OACIQ cycle will be added to the total PDUs to be accumulated with the AMF. Consequently, a mortgage broker who did not accumulate the nine (9) CEUs required by the OACIQ for the reference period from May 1, 20190 to April 30, 2022 must obtain the PDUs corresponding to the missing CEUs in addition to the PDUs required for the current reference period. The number of PDUs required takes into account any exemptions that may have been granted.
For example:
- A mortgage broker who accumulated 6 of the 9 CEUs required by the OACIQ at April 30, 2020 will have to accumulate a total of 27 PDUs with the AMF. He or she must obtain the 24 PDUs required by the AMF plus the 3 PDUs corresponding to the 3 missing CEUs needed to meet the OACIQ’s requirements.
- A responsible officer in mortgage brokerage who did not accumulate the twelve (12) CEUs required by the OACIQ during the reference period beginning on May 1, 2019 must obtain the missing CEUs in addition to the PDUs required for the current reference period. The number of required PDUs takes into account any exemptions that may have been granted.
Surplus PDUs for a reference period
If you accumulate more than the 24 PDUs required, the AMF will automatically carry over 6 PDUs to the following period. However, the PDUs carried over may only be for activities pertaining to general subjects.
During each reference period, mortgage brokers must obtain 3 PDUs pertaining specifically to compliance with standards, ethics and professional conduct or professional practice. None of the 3 compulsory specific PDUs is eligible to be carried over.
If you are also certified in another sector governed by the Act respecting the distribution of financial products and services This link will open in a new window (Distribution Act), a training activity may count for more than one sector.
The training activity may be recognized simultaneously by the AMF in the mortgage brokerage sector and by one of the two Chambres (Chambre de la sécurité financière or Chambre de l’assurance de dommages) or the Institut québécois de planification financière (IQPF).
Each organization is responsible for administering its own professional development rules.
After a professional development provider has been recognized, the participation of all the brokers taking part in a previously recognized professional activity must be declared by the professional development provider every time the activity is delivered. The declaration is used to award the PDUs recognized for the professional development activity.
The declaration must be made by submitting an application to disclose a professional development activity via E-Services within 72 hours following delivery of the activity.
The application to disclose a professional development activity allows providers to declare the participation of each broker or by importing the participants using this template (xlsx - 91 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 24, 2024.
You may apply for recognition of a training activity attended by you but not previously recognized by the AMF. The AMF will recognize the activity if it is actually relevant and meets the recognition criteria. This recognition will be valid only for the applicant, not for all the participants.
Any training activity held outside Canada will not be recognized.
To confirm the recognition of a training activity taken in a personal capacity, you must submit the Application for recognition – Personal training activity – Professional development program in mortgage brokerage (pdf - 182 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on November 24, 2020Reconnaissance d'activité de formation personnelle en courtage hypothécaire. form (French only).
Please refer to the Guide for mortgage brokers and responsible officers (pdf - 668 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on July 5, 2022Compulsory professional development in mortgage brokerage – Guide for mortgage brokers and responsible officers (2020-2022) for more information.
If you are registered for AMF E-Services, you must:
- Log in to E-Services;
- Under the “Insurance, F. Pl. and Mortgage Brokerage” menu, select “PDU record in mortgage brokerage”;
- Select “Have a personal training activity recognized” from the dropdown list;
- Validate the identification information;
- Attach the “Application for recognition of a personal training activity in mortgage brokerage (pdf - 182 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on November 24, 2020Reconnaissance d'activité de formation personnelle en courtage hypothécaire” (in French only) form and one of the following supporting documents:
- Distance training, in-class, university-level training, college-level training
- Detailed course plan
- Official registration for course taken
- Certificate of participation or attestation of successful completion (official transcript)
- Videoconference, symposium, conference, convention, seminar, webinar
- Registration confirmation and receipt
- Official certificate of participation
- Distance training, in-class, university-level training, college-level training
- Pay the required fee for an application for recognition indicated in the Regulation respecting fees and contributions payable
This link will open in a new window.
- Confirm the declaration regarding the information provided and submit the application
- You will receive a confirmation of submission and your application number
If you are not registered for AMF E-Services, you must send your form by mail.Forms sent to the AMF by e-mail or by fax will not be accepted.
If you are a mortgage broker and you want to have college or university courses recognized for the purpose of earning PDUs, you must submit an application to the AMF entitled “course recognition for PDUs” and attach your official transcripts.
- If you are registered for AMF E-Services, you must:
- Log in to E-Services
- Validate the identification information
- Select “Other applications/requests”
- Select “Other applications/requests – Qualification”
- If you are not registered for E-Services, you must send your application by e-mail.
The training taken must comply with the recognition criteria set out in the Guide for mortgage brokers and responsible officers. (pdf - 668 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on July 5, 2022Compulsory professional development in mortgage brokerage – Guide for mortgage brokers and responsible officers (2020-2022)
For trainers and training providers
If, as a mortgage broker, you act as a trainer for a professional development activity recognized by the AMF, you will accumulate twice the number PDUs awarded for the training activity.
You may accumulate these PDUs only once per reference period, even if you give this training more than once.
An organization that wishes to act as a provider of professional development activities must:
- Submit an application for recognition as a provider of professional development activities. The form for this application is in the forms for trainers section. Please send it to us at the address shown on the form. For information about recognition requirements, please refer to the Guide for professional development activity providers (pdf - 836 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on July 5, 2022Compulsory professional development in mortgage brokerage – Guide for professional development activity providers.
- Register for AMF E-Services through clicSÉQUR or, if you are an organization that does not have a Québec Enterprise Number (NEQ), outside clicSÉQUR.
- Submit an application for recognition of a professional development activity for each professional development activity that is wishes to give.
For information about recognition requirements for professional development activities, please refer to the Guide for professional development activity providers (pdf - 836 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on July 5, 2022Compulsory professional development in mortgage brokerage – Guide for professional development activity providers.
After a professional development provider has been recognized, the participation of all the brokers taking part in a previously recognized professional activity must be declared by the professional development provider every time the activity is delivered. The declaration is used to award the PDUs recognized for the professional development activity.
The declaration must be made by submitting a professional development activity declaration via E-Services within 72 hours following delivery of the activity.
The application to declare a continuing training activity enables the provider to declare the participation of each broker or by importing participants using this template (xlsx - 91 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 24, 2024.
Application for an exemption for personal reasons
If you need to take time off work (owing to sickness or an accident, or for family matters or parental leave), you can apply for an exemption and thereby, lower the number of PDUs that you are required to accumulate during a given reference period. However:
- The absence must be for at least 4 consecutive weeks;
- Exemptions do not apply to a period of gradual return to work .
If you are on disability leave for an indefinite length of time, you will be granted an exemption for 12 months. After that time, you will have to submit another exemption application if your disability continues.
How to apply for an exemption
If you want to obtain a PDU exemption for the current reference period, you must send the Application for an exemption from professional development obligations - Mortgage brokerage (pdf - 146 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 1st, 2025Application for an exemption from professional development obligations - Mortgage brokerage form to the AMF.
If you are registered for AMF E-Services, you must:
- Log in to E-Services;
- Under the “Insurance, F. Pl. and Mortgage Brokerage” menu, select “PDU record in mortgage brokerage”;
- Select “Application for an exemption” from the dropdown list;
- Validate the identification information;
- Attach the Application for an exemption from professional development obligations – Mortgage brokerage (pdf - 146 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 1st, 2025Application for an exemption from professional development obligations - Mortgage brokerage form and one of the following supporting documents:
- A document from the parental insurance plan including the periods which the representative receives parental insurance benefits
- Document evidencing caregiver status;
- Medical proof.
- Pay the required fee for an administrative task indicated in the Regulation respecting fees and contributions payable
This link will open in a new window;
- Confirm the declaration regarding the information provided and submit the application;
- You will receive a confirmation of submission and your application number.
If you are not registered for AMF E-Services, mail your form at the address of the Québec City office.
Automatic regulatory exemption
Certificate issuance
A mortgage broker who obtains a certificate for the first time during the current reference period is exempted from his or her professional development obligations for a period of 12 months from the date of issuance of the certificate. The number of PDUs to be accumulated at the end of the exemption is based on the number of full months remaining in the reference period. There are no exemptions for required PDUs.
Reinstatement of certificate
The certificate reinstatement date will determine the number of PDUs required for the number of months remaining in the current reference period.
If the reinstatement takes place after more than 36 months of inactivity, the professional development obligation is considered to be the “issuance of a first certificate.” The broker must then comply with the reinstatement conditions and career entry conditions.
Number of PDUs required
As a mortgage broker, you must complete between 24 and 30 hours of professional development during each reference period (including the current period). Each professional development unit, or “PDU,” is equivalent to one hour of training activity recognized by the AMF.
The regulation requires all mortgage brokers to accumulate 3 PDUs in at least one of the following three subjects:
- Compliance with standards;
- Ethics and professional conduct;
- Professional practice.
The remaining PDUs can be accumulated in general subjects. Training activities can cover more than one subject, including:
- Laws, regulations and professional conduct;
- Market developments;
- Mortgage products;
- Fraud prevention.
Suspended certificate in the sector of mortgage brokerage
A mortgage broker must comply with his or her professional development requirements, even if his or her certificate was suspended in the sector of mortgage brokerage during the current reference period.
| General PDUs | Required PDUs | Required PDUs for ROs | Total PDUs |
Mortgage Broker | 21 | 3 | N/A | 24 |
Responsible Officers in Mortgage Brokerage | 21 | 3 | 6 | 30 |
Registering for training activities
You must accumulate your PDUs by taking part in training activities recognized by the AMF. A list of recognized training activities is available in the Directory of professional development activities. For each training activity, the list provides the name of the professional development activity provider, the title of the training activity, a short description of the activity, the subject covered by the activity, the number of PDUs the activity represents and the provider’s contact information.
The professional activity provider must declare the participation of all brokers who took part in the activity to the AMF within 72 hours following delivery of the activity. This information is used to award the PDUs recognized for the professional development activity. It is important for brokers to retain proof of participation in the training activities completed by them in case any errors are made in the information provided to the AMF.
You will receive via AMF E-Services or by mail:
- A notice of professional development activity ;
- A report showing the number of PDUs in your updated record and a list of the activities you have completed.
If a professional development activity you completed does not appear on your record, please follow up directly with the training provider.
Consult your PDU's file
You can consult your professional development record at any time in AMF E-Services. You will need to:
- Log in to E-Services;
- Under “Client File” select “Reports” and “Generate a report;
- Select the “PDU record in mortgage brokerage and list of professional development activities” report You can choose to generate the report in either PDF or Excel.
If you are not registered for AMF E-Services, you must request a copy of your report by sending an e-mail to [email protected].
Last period in effect with the OACIQ - surplus or missing PDUs
Surplus PDUs
Any additional continuing education units (CEUs) accumulated with the OACIQ were not transferred to the AMF. Therefore, the number of PDUs you need to complete for the period from May 1, 2020 to April 30, 2022 cannot be reduced.
For example:
- A mortgage broker who had accumulated 13 CEUs at April 30, 2020 instead of the 9 CEUs required by the OACIQ cannot have the number of PDUs to be accumulated with the AMF reduced by 4 PDUs. He or she must complete 24 PDUs according to the AMF’s requirements.
Missing PDUs
Any missing CEUs under the OACIQ cycle will be added to the total PDUs to be accumulated with the AMF. Consequently, a mortgage broker who did not accumulate the nine (9) CEUs required by the OACIQ for the reference period from May 1, 20190 to April 30, 2022 must obtain the PDUs corresponding to the missing CEUs in addition to the PDUs required for the current reference period. The number of PDUs required takes into account any exemptions that may have been granted.
For example:
- A mortgage broker who accumulated 6 of the 9 CEUs required by the OACIQ at April 30, 2020 will have to accumulate a total of 27 PDUs with the AMF. He or she must obtain the 24 PDUs required by the AMF plus the 3 PDUs corresponding to the 3 missing CEUs needed to meet the OACIQ’s requirements.
- A responsible officer in mortgage brokerage who did not accumulate the twelve (12) CEUs required by the OACIQ during the reference period beginning on May 1, 2019 must obtain the missing CEUs in addition to the PDUs required for the current reference period. The number of required PDUs takes into account any exemptions that may have been granted.
Surplus PDUs for a reference period
If you accumulate more than the 24 PDUs required, the AMF will automatically carry over 6 PDUs to the following period. However, the PDUs carried over may only be for activities pertaining to general subjects.
During each reference period, mortgage brokers must obtain 3 PDUs pertaining specifically to compliance with standards, ethics and professional conduct or professional practice. None of the 3 compulsory specific PDUs is eligible to be carried over.
If you are also certified in another sector governed by the Act respecting the distribution of financial products and services This link will open in a new window (Distribution Act), a training activity may count for more than one sector.
The training activity may be recognized simultaneously by the AMF in the mortgage brokerage sector and by one of the two Chambres (Chambre de la sécurité financière or Chambre de l’assurance de dommages) or the Institut québécois de planification financière (IQPF).
Each organization is responsible for administering its own professional development rules.
After a professional development provider has been recognized, the participation of all the brokers taking part in a previously recognized professional activity must be declared by the professional development provider every time the activity is delivered. The declaration is used to award the PDUs recognized for the professional development activity.
The declaration must be made by submitting an application to disclose a professional development activity via E-Services within 72 hours following delivery of the activity.
The application to disclose a professional development activity allows providers to declare the participation of each broker or by importing the participants using this template (xlsx - 91 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 24, 2024.
You may apply for recognition of a training activity attended by you but not previously recognized by the AMF. The AMF will recognize the activity if it is actually relevant and meets the recognition criteria. This recognition will be valid only for the applicant, not for all the participants.
Any training activity held outside Canada will not be recognized.
To confirm the recognition of a training activity taken in a personal capacity, you must submit the Application for recognition – Personal training activity – Professional development program in mortgage brokerage (pdf - 182 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on November 24, 2020Reconnaissance d'activité de formation personnelle en courtage hypothécaire. form (French only).
Please refer to the Guide for mortgage brokers and responsible officers (pdf - 668 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on July 5, 2022Compulsory professional development in mortgage brokerage – Guide for mortgage brokers and responsible officers (2020-2022) for more information.
If you are registered for AMF E-Services, you must:
- Log in to E-Services;
- Under the “Insurance, F. Pl. and Mortgage Brokerage” menu, select “PDU record in mortgage brokerage”;
- Select “Have a personal training activity recognized” from the dropdown list;
- Validate the identification information;
- Attach the “Application for recognition of a personal training activity in mortgage brokerage (pdf - 182 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on November 24, 2020Reconnaissance d'activité de formation personnelle en courtage hypothécaire” (in French only) form and one of the following supporting documents:
- Distance training, in-class, university-level training, college-level training
- Detailed course plan
- Official registration for course taken
- Certificate of participation or attestation of successful completion (official transcript)
- Videoconference, symposium, conference, convention, seminar, webinar
- Registration confirmation and receipt
- Official certificate of participation
- Distance training, in-class, university-level training, college-level training
- Pay the required fee for an application for recognition indicated in the Regulation respecting fees and contributions payable
This link will open in a new window.
- Confirm the declaration regarding the information provided and submit the application
- You will receive a confirmation of submission and your application number
If you are not registered for AMF E-Services, you must send your form by mail.Forms sent to the AMF by e-mail or by fax will not be accepted.
If you are a mortgage broker and you want to have college or university courses recognized for the purpose of earning PDUs, you must submit an application to the AMF entitled “course recognition for PDUs” and attach your official transcripts.
- If you are registered for AMF E-Services, you must:
- Log in to E-Services
- Validate the identification information
- Select “Other applications/requests”
- Select “Other applications/requests – Qualification”
- If you are not registered for E-Services, you must send your application by e-mail.
The training taken must comply with the recognition criteria set out in the Guide for mortgage brokers and responsible officers. (pdf - 668 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on July 5, 2022Compulsory professional development in mortgage brokerage – Guide for mortgage brokers and responsible officers (2020-2022)
For trainers and training providers
If, as a mortgage broker, you act as a trainer for a professional development activity recognized by the AMF, you will accumulate twice the number PDUs awarded for the training activity.
You may accumulate these PDUs only once per reference period, even if you give this training more than once.
An organization that wishes to act as a provider of professional development activities must:
- Submit an application for recognition as a provider of professional development activities. The form for this application is in the forms for trainers section. Please send it to us at the address shown on the form. For information about recognition requirements, please refer to the Guide for professional development activity providers (pdf - 836 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on July 5, 2022Compulsory professional development in mortgage brokerage – Guide for professional development activity providers.
- Register for AMF E-Services through clicSÉQUR or, if you are an organization that does not have a Québec Enterprise Number (NEQ), outside clicSÉQUR.
- Submit an application for recognition of a professional development activity for each professional development activity that is wishes to give.
For information about recognition requirements for professional development activities, please refer to the Guide for professional development activity providers (pdf - 836 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on July 5, 2022Compulsory professional development in mortgage brokerage – Guide for professional development activity providers.
After a professional development provider has been recognized, the participation of all the brokers taking part in a previously recognized professional activity must be declared by the professional development provider every time the activity is delivered. The declaration is used to award the PDUs recognized for the professional development activity.
The declaration must be made by submitting a professional development activity declaration via E-Services within 72 hours following delivery of the activity.
The application to declare a continuing training activity enables the provider to declare the participation of each broker or by importing participants using this template (xlsx - 91 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 24, 2024.
Application for an exemption for personal reasons
If you need to take time off work (owing to sickness or an accident, or for family matters or parental leave), you can apply for an exemption and thereby, lower the number of PDUs that you are required to accumulate during a given reference period. However:
- The absence must be for at least 4 consecutive weeks;
- Exemptions do not apply to a period of gradual return to work .
If you are on disability leave for an indefinite length of time, you will be granted an exemption for 12 months. After that time, you will have to submit another exemption application if your disability continues.
How to apply for an exemption
If you want to obtain a PDU exemption for the current reference period, you must send the Application for an exemption from professional development obligations - Mortgage brokerage (pdf - 146 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 1st, 2025Application for an exemption from professional development obligations - Mortgage brokerage form to the AMF.
If you are registered for AMF E-Services, you must:
- Log in to E-Services;
- Under the “Insurance, F. Pl. and Mortgage Brokerage” menu, select “PDU record in mortgage brokerage”;
- Select “Application for an exemption” from the dropdown list;
- Validate the identification information;
- Attach the Application for an exemption from professional development obligations – Mortgage brokerage (pdf - 146 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 1st, 2025Application for an exemption from professional development obligations - Mortgage brokerage form and one of the following supporting documents:
- A document from the parental insurance plan including the periods which the representative receives parental insurance benefits
- Document evidencing caregiver status;
- Medical proof.
- Pay the required fee for an administrative task indicated in the Regulation respecting fees and contributions payable
This link will open in a new window;
- Confirm the declaration regarding the information provided and submit the application;
- You will receive a confirmation of submission and your application number.
If you are not registered for AMF E-Services, mail your form at the address of the Québec City office.
Automatic regulatory exemption
Certificate issuance
A mortgage broker who obtains a certificate for the first time during the current reference period is exempted from his or her professional development obligations for a period of 12 months from the date of issuance of the certificate. The number of PDUs to be accumulated at the end of the exemption is based on the number of full months remaining in the reference period. There are no exemptions for required PDUs.
Reinstatement of certificate
The certificate reinstatement date will determine the number of PDUs required for the number of months remaining in the current reference period.
If the reinstatement takes place after more than 36 months of inactivity, the professional development obligation is considered to be the “issuance of a first certificate.” The broker must then comply with the reinstatement conditions and career entry conditions.
Certificate suspension
Professional development is compulsory for representatives wishing to maintain a right to practise issued by the AMF. Representative who do not comply with this requirement may have their right to practise suspended in the sector or sector class for which they are non-compliant.
The reference periods for accumulating PDUs are as follows:
- Current period:
May 1, 2024 to April 30, 2026 - Next period:
May 1, 2026 to April 30, 2028
Suspension procedure
If, in the days following the end of the period, you still have not complied with your professional development requirements, a notice preceding issuance of a decision suspending your right to practise will be sent to you 15 days prior to the suspension of your certificate.
You can avoid suspension by:
- accumulating the missing PDUs before the time period given in the notice preceding issuance of a suspension decision expires
- submitting an application to withdraw from a sector. The application must be submitted by you and processed by the AMF before the suspension date. If you want to practise in the mortgage brokerage sector again, you will have to apply for reinstatement
If you wish to contest your suspension
You may send your observations and documents to the AMF within 15 days following the date of the notice preceding issuance of a suspension decision.
Via E-Services:
- If you believe you’re eligible for a PDU exemption: You will need to submit an application for an exemption from professional development obligations (pdf - 146 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 1st, 2025Application for an exemption from professional development obligations - Mortgage brokerage.
- If you believe an error has been made regarding a PDU exemption granted to you: Under the Other application/request tab, select Other application/request – Certification and registration.
- If you believe an error has been made in calculating your PDUs: Under the Other application/request tab, select Other application/request – Qualification.
By mail:
Autorité des marchés financiers
Direction de la certification et de l'inscription
Place de la Cité, tour PwC
2640, boulevard Laurier, 4e étage
Québec (Québec) G1V 5C1
If, 15 days after the notice preceding issuance of a suspension decision is sent, you still have not complied with your PDU requirements, the AMF will send you a suspension decision. A message will also be sent to the firm you are attached to.
You will be required to cease to act as a representative until the suspension is lifted.
- You must complete the missing PDUs.
- The AMF lifts the suspension of your certificate on the next business day after your non-compliance with the PDU requirements has been remedied.
- The AMF sends a letter to you informing you that the certificate suspension has been lifted. A copy is also sent to the firm you’re attached to.