Fees and costs payable to the AMF Derivatives

Adjustment Notice – 2025

In accordance with section 83.7 of the Financial Administration Act This link will open in a new window (chapter A-6.001), the Minister of Finance is hereby publishing the results of the adjustment for 2025 of the fees set by the Government under the above-cited regulations for the public services offered pursuant to the laws administered by the Autorité des marchés financiers.

Under section 83.3 of the Financial Administration Act This link will open in a new window, these fees are adjusted by operation of law on January 1 of each year by a rate corresponding to the annual change in the overall average Québec consumer price index without alcoholic beverages and tobacco products for the 12-month period ending on 30 September of the year preceding the year for which the fee is to be adjusted. The rate corresponding to this annual change for the 12-month period ended September 30, 2024 is set at 2.85% and is published on the website of the Ministère des FinancesThis link will open in a new window and on the Gazette officielle du Québec This link will open in a new window dated december 14, 2024 (2024, G.O. 1, n°50, p. 714).

The adjusted fees are rounded off in accordance with the Regulation respecting the rounding off of adjusted feesThis link will open in a new window (chapter A-6.001, r. 0.1).

Therefore, as of January 1, 2025, the adjusted fees are those appearing below.

The regulation titled Tariffs for costs and fees payable in respect of derivatives (chapter I-14.01, r. 2) made under the Derivatives Act (chapter I-14.01) prescribes the following fees in particular.

Division I: Annual fees



Fee per hour per inspector or investigator in respect of the costs incurred in connection with an inspection or investigation referred to in section 135 of the Derivatives Act (sec. 1)

$118 / hour

Fee per hour per professional agent in respect of the costs referred to in section 143 of the Derivatives Act (sec. 2)

$118 / hour

Fee per hour per investigator in respect of the investigation costs referred to in section 170 of the Derivatives Act (sec. 3)

$118 / hour

Division II: Annual fees



Application referred to in section 14 of the Derivatives Act (sec. 4)


Application for registration as a dealer or an adviser, unless the dealer or adviser is deemed to be registered pursuant to section 57 of the Derivatives Act (sec. 5 par. 1)


Application for registration as a representative, unless the representative is deemed to be registered pursuant to section 57 of the Derivatives Act, of a dealer that is a member of a self-regulatory organization to which the Authority has delegated enforcement of the provisions concerning the registration of representatives (sec. 5 par. 2 a))


Application for registration as a representative, unless the representative is deemed to be registered pursuant to section 57 of the Derivatives Act, of a dealer that is not a member of such a self-regulatory organization (sec. 5 par. 2 b))


Application for registration as a representative, unless the representative is deemed to be registered pursuant to section 57 of the Derivatives Act, of an adviser (sec. 5 par. 2 c))


On 31 December of each year, in the case of a dealer, unless the dealer is deemed to be registered pursuant to section 57 of the Derivatives Act (sec. 5 par. 3 a))


Annual payment in the case of a dealer, unless the dealer is deemed to be registered pursuant to section 57 of the Derivatives Act, for each of its representatives registered on 31 December, excluding representatives who ceased activities:
i.   in the case of a dealer that is a member of a self-regulatory organization to which the Authority has delegated the enforcement of the provisions concerning the registration of representatives (sec. 5 par. 3 b) i))


Annual payment in the case of a dealer, unless the dealer is deemed to be registered pursuant to section 57 of the Derivatives Act, for each of its representatives registered on 31 December, excluding representatives who ceased activities:
ii.   in the case of a dealer that is not a member of such a self-regulatory organization (sec. 5 par. 3 b) ii))


Annual payment in the case of a dealer, unless the dealer is deemed to be registered pursuant to section 57 of the Derivatives Act, for each of its establishments (sec. 5 par. 3 c))


Annual payment in the case of an adviser, unless the adviser is deemed to be registered pursuant to section 57 of the Derivatives Act, on 31 December of each year (sec. 5 par. 5 a))


Annual payment in the case of an adviser, unless the adviser is deemed to be registered pursuant to section 57 of the Derivatives Act, for each of its representatives registered on 31 December, excluding representatives who ceased activities (sec. 5 par. 5 b))


Filing by a dealer that is not a member of a self-regulatory organization of the notice to the effect that it has hired a representative, unless the adviser is deemed to be registered pursuant to section 57 of the Derivatives Act (sec. 5 par. 6)


Filing the notice relating to the acquisition of a dealer's or adviser's securities or assets prescribed by regulation, unless the adviser is deemed to be registered pursuant to section 57 of the Derivatives Act (sec. 5 par. 7)


Filing the form provided for in Form 33-109F4 of Regulation 33-109 respecting Registration Information for or on behalf of a permitted individual, unless the permitted individual is deemed to be registered pursuant to section 57 of the Derivatives Act - Permitted individual acting on behalf of a dealer, except where the dealer is a member of a self-regulatory organization (sec. 5 par. 8 a))


Filing the form provided for in Form 33-109F4 of Regulation 33-109 respecting Registration Information for or on behalf of a permitted individual, unless the permitted individual is deemed to be registered pursuant to section 57 of the Derivatives Act - Permitted individual acting on behalf of an adviser (sec. 5 par. 8 b))


Preparation of an inspection, the inspection itself and the follow-up on the recommendations (hourly fee per inspector) (sec. 6)

$118 / hour

Application for qualification under section 82 of the Derivatives Act (sec. 7)


Application by a qualified person for authorization with respect to a derivative under section 83 of the Derivatives Act (sec. 8 par. 1)


Filing by a qualified person of the annual information required under section 85 of the Derivatives Act subject to a minimum of (sec. 8 par. 2)


Application for exemption under section 86 of the Derivatives Act (sec. 9)


Application to designate a person as an accredited counterparty under section 87 of the Derivatives Act (sec. 10)
