Clearing Houses

A clearing house is responsible for clearing and settling securities transactions and acts as the central counterparty for trades executed between market participants.

This section lists current decisions pertaining to recognition or exemptions from recognition in respect of entities acting as clearing houses, as well as amendments to, or the application of, such decisions. All other decisions are available in the AMF Bulletin.

* Please note that most of the following documents are available in French only.

Décision générale relative à la dispense de certaines obligations prévues au Règlement 24-101 sur l’appariement et le règlement des opérations institutionnelles — (Décision 2020-PDG-0026 (pdf - 165 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 20, 2022 du 2020-03-25, Bulletin du 2020-03-26, Vol. 17, n° 12).

Canadian Derivatives Clearing Corporation (CDCC)

Clearing and Depository Services Inc. (CDS)

Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. (CME)

Fixed Income Clearing Corporation

ICE NGX Canada Inc. (formerly Natural Gas Exchange Inc.)

LCH Limited


LME Clear Limited

Nodal Clear, LLC

The Options Clearing Corporation (OCC)

Memorandum of understanding

Qualifying Central Counterparties