55-103 - Insider Reporting for Certain Derivative Transactions Securities

Regulation 55-103 respecting Insider Reporting for Certain Derivative Transactions (Equity Monetization) - REPEALED

Date of publication in the Bulletin Text

April 23, 2010

Regulation to repeal Regulation 55-103 respecting Insider Reporting for Certain Derivative Transactions (Equity monetization) (pdf - 3 MB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on May 8, 2012 (concordant to Regulation 55-104)
In force on April 30, 2010

January 22, 2010

Regulation to repeal Regulation 55-103 respecting Insider Reporting for Certain Derivative Transactions (Equity monetization) (pdf - 2 MB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on May 8, 2012 (concordant to Regulation 55-104)

December 19, 2008

Draft Regulation to repeal Regulation 55-103 respecting Insider Reporting for Certain Derivative Transactions (Equity monetization) (pdf - 4 MB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on May 8, 2012 (concordant to Regulation 55-104)


Regulation 55-103 respecting Insider Reporting for Certain Derivative Transactions (Equity monetization) (pdf - 360 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on August 9, 2010 (administrative version)
In force from December 30, 2005 to April 29, 2010


Policy Statement to Regulation 55-103 respecting Insider Reporting for Certain Derivative Transactions (Equity monetization) (pdf - 65 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on June 22, 2007 (administrative version)
In force from December 30, 2005 to April 29, 2010

December 16, 2005

Regulation 55-103 respecting Insider Reporting for Certain Derivative Transactions (Equity monetization) (pdf - 262 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on December 15, 2005
In force on December 30, 2005

December 16, 2005

Policy Statement to Regulation 55-103 respecting Insider Reporting for Certain Derivative Transactions (Equity monetization) (pdf - 234 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on December 15, 2005
In force on December 30, 2005

November 28, 2003

Regulation 55-103 respecting Insider Reporting for Certain Derivative Transactions (Equity monetization) (pdf - 143 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on May 8, 2012

November 28, 2003

Policy Statement to Regulation 55-103 respecting Insider Reporting for Certain Derivative Transactions (Equity monetization) (pdf - 245 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on May 8, 2012

November 28, 2003

Avis de publication : Règlement 55-103 sur les déclarations d'inités pour certaines opérations sur dérivés (monétisation d'actions) (pdf - 108 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on November 28, 2003 (Available in french only)

September 12, 2003

Draft Regulation 55-103 respecting Insider Reporting for Certain Derivative Transactions (Equity monetization) (pdf - 179 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on November 17, 2008

September 12, 2003

Draft Policy Statement to Regulation 55-103 respecting Insider Reporting for Certain Derivative Transactions (Equity monetization) (pdf - 135 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on November 17, 2008

September 12, 2003

Avis de consultation: Règlement 55-103 sur les déclarations d'inités pour certaines opérations sur dérivés (monétisation d'actions) (pdf - 115 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on November 17, 2008 (Available in french only)

February 28, 2003

Premilinary Draft Regulation 55-103 respecting Insider Reporting for Certain Derivative Transactions (Equity monetization) (pdf - 30 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on November 17, 2008

February 28, 2003

Draft Policy Statement to Regulation 55-103 respecting Insider Reporting for Certain Derivative Transactions (Equity monetization) (pdf - 44 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on November 17, 2008

February 28, 2003

Avis de consultation : Règlement 55-103 sur les déclarations d'inités pour certaines opérations sur dérivés (monétisation d'actions) (pdf - 32 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on November 17, 2008 (Available in french only)