Competencies evaluation tables Mortgage brokerage

The evaluation tables show the skills that need to be acquired to master a competency and that will be evaluated in the exams. They indicate the percentage weighting attributed to each component of the competency evaluated, which is used to determine the ratio of exam questions related to the subject matter involved.

The evaluation tables therefore provide a frame of reference for the AMF exams. They express the AMF's expectations for each skill set out in the Regulation respecting the issuance and renewal of representatives' certificates (pdf - 232 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on April 8, 2020"regulation,renewal,issuance,representative, certificate,administrative,consolidated". They can also aid you in learning and preparing for the exams by refocusing your attention on the AMF's expectations so you get the most out of your readings. The evaluation tables will guide you in preparing for the mortgage brokerage and responsible officer exams.

COMPETENCY: Set up an ethical professional practice in compliance with the rules governing mortgage brokerage (16-116)

Duration of the exam: 75 minutes

Number of questions: 35 questions (including 5 pilot questions that are not included in the candidate’s score).

Competency components:

  1. Understand the legal framework for mortgage brokerage (weighting 40%)
    1. Distinguish among the provisions of the Civil Code of Québec This link will open in a new window (C.C.Q.) that apply to mortgage brokerage
    2. Distinguish among the other sources of law that apply to mortgage brokerage
  2. Ensure that the rules for mortgage brokerage transactions are integrated into the professional practice (weighting 30%)
    1. Identify the parties involved in mortgage brokerage transactions
    2. Understand the regulatory and administrative framework governing mortgage brokerage
  3. Ensure that the rules governing mortgage brokerage are integrated into professional practice (weighting 30%)
    1. Explain the role of mortgage brokerage regulatory authority
    2. Ensure that the ethical obligations and duties governing mortgage brokerage are integrated into the professional practice

COMPETENCY: Complete a mortgage brokerage transaction suited to the client’s situation and needs (16-611)

Duration of the exam: 120 minutes

Number of questions: 45 questions (including 5 pilot questions that are not included in the candidate’s score).

Competency components:

  1. Evaluate the client’s needs and situation (weighting: 45%)
    1. Analyze the relevant information gathered about the client’s financial and personal situation
    2. Analyze the relevance of the real estate asset to be financed
    3. Evaluate the suitability of the real estate transaction to be financed versus the client’s capacity
  2. Recommend a mortgage financing product suited to the client’s needs and situation (weighting: 35%)
    1. Analyze the financing options that meet the client’s needs based on their financial and personal situations
    2. Propose different financing options to the client, comparing the advantages and limitations of each one
  3. Support the client during the mortgage transaction (weighting: 20%)
    1. Inform the client about the mortgage brokerage process, available financing options and the client’s contractual obligations
    2. Confirm the suitability of requests for contract changes, renewals and termination in relation to the client’s situation

COMPETENCY: Set up an ethical professional practice in compliance with the rules governing the management of a mortgage brokerage firm (16-117)

Duration of the exam: 75 minutes

Number of questions: 35 questions (including 5 pilot questions that are not included in the candidate’s score).

Competency components:

  1. Understand the legal framework for mortgage brokerage (weighting: 25%)
    1. Distinguish among the provisions of the Civil Code of Québec(C.C.Q.) This link will open in a new window that apply to responsible officers in mortgage brokerage firms
    2. Distinguish among the other sources of law that apply to responsible officers in mortgage brokerage firms
  2. Integrate into professional practice the rules governing the activities of responsible officers (weighting: 30%)
    1. Explain the role of mortgage brokerage regulatory authorities
    2. Understand the role of mortgage brokerage inspectors and investigators
    3. Integrate into professional practice the ethical obligations and duties prescribed by the legislation and regulations in effect
    4. Integrate into professional practice the obligations and duties of responsible officers set out in the other legal sources that apply to their practice
  3. Supervise the professional activities of a mortgage brokerage firm (weighting: 45%)
    1. Oversee the work of clerical and support staff
    2. Oversee the professional activities of mortgage brokers
    3. Monitor the complaint examination process
    4. Validate a mortgage brokerage firm’s right to practise