Self-regulatory organizations
A self-regulatory organization monitors or supervises the conduct of its members or participants as regards the carrying on of an activity governed by securities or derivatives legislation.
The AMF may delegate to a recognized organization the exercise of functions and powers conferred on it by law. The AMF currently delegates functions and powers to the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO).
This section lists current decisions pertaining to recognitions in respect of entities acting as self-regulatory organizations as well as amendments to, or the application of, such decisions. All other decisions are available in the AMF Bulletin.
This section also lists oversight plans and oversight review reports pertaining to self-regulatory organizations recognized by the Autorité des marchés financiers.
* Please note that most of the following documents are available in French only.
- Recognition of Bourse de Montréal Inc. as a self-regulatory organization — (Decision 2012-PDG-0075 (pdf - 185 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on September 4, 2012Décision dated 2012-05-02, Bulletin 2012-05-03, Vol. 9, No. 18)
In French only: Révision de la décision no 2012-PDG-0075 prononcée le 2 mai 2012 reconnaissant Groupe TMX Limitée et Groupe TMX Inc. à titre de bourse et Bourse de Montréal Inc. à titre de bourse et d’organisme d’autoréglementation — (Décision 2023-PDG-0012 (pdf - 412 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on May 30, 2023Décision No. 2023-PDG-0012 - Groupe TMX Limitée et Bourse de Montréal Inc. du 2023-04-04, Bulletin du 2023-04-06, Vol. 20, n° 13)
Temporary suspension of the application of the conditions set out in section III of Part I and paragraph b) of section IX of Part I of the recognition decision of Bourse de Montréal Inc. as a self-regulatory organization — (Decision 2015-PDG-0112 (pdf - 15 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on July 24, 2015Décisions de suspension temporaire de conditions relatives au rapport indépendant de la gouvernance et au rapport sur la révision des frais et des modèles de tarification dated 2015-07-08, Bulletin 2015-07-16, Vol. 12, No. 28)
Suspension of the application of the condition set out in the paragraph a) of section X of Part III of the recognition decision of Bourse de Montréal Inc. as a self-regulatory organization — (Decision 2014-PDG-0179 (pdf - 281 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 5, 2015Suspension de l’application de la condition dated 2014-12-16, Bulletin 2014-12-18, Vol. 11, No. 50)
Suspension of the application of the conditions set out in the paragraph b) of section IX of Part II and in the paragraph f) of section X of Part III of the recognition decision of Bourse de Montréal Inc. as a self-regulatory organization — (Decision 2012-PDG-0204 (pdf - 80 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on March 22, 2016suspension, application, condition, Bourse de Montréal Inc., bourse, Groupe TMX, organisme d’autoréglementation, OAR dated 2012-11-21, Bulletin 2012-11-29, Vol. 9, No. 48)
Temporary suspension of the application of the some conditions are revision of the recognition decision of Bourse de Montréal Inc. as a self-regulatory organization — (Decision 2012-PDG-0143 (pdf - 31 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on September 4, 2012 dated 2012-07-04, Bulletin 2012-07-05, Vol. 9, No. 27)
Oversight Review Report
- Oversight Review Report of the Regulatory Division (pdf - 331 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on February 11, 2024 — January 1 2020 to December 31 2022 - Autorité des marchés financiers
The Autorité des marchés financiers, along with Canada’s other provincial and territorial securities regulators, recognized the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO), effective January 1, 2023. CIRO consolidates the functions of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) and the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada (MFDA).
For further details, please refer to the CSA Notices of approval, below, and related news release:
- CSA Staff Notice of Approval 25-307, Recognition of New Self-Regulatory Organization of Canada (pdf - 11 MB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on November 24, 2022
- CSA Staff Notice of Approval 25-308, Approval and Acceptance of Canadian Investor Protection Fund (pdf - 2 MB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on November 24, 2022
As set out in more detail in the notice below, the AMF is implementing the transitional provisions required for mutual fund dealers registered in Québec to become members of CIRO, in order to begin the implementation of the proposed transition plan for supervision of the mutual fund sector in Québec.
- Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization: Review of the Recognition order as a Self-Regulatory Organization — Decision 2023-PDG-0025 (pdf - 317 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on June 1st, 2023Révision de la décision de reconnaissance à titre d’organisme d’autoréglementation
- New Self-Regulatory Organization of Canada: Recognition Order — Decision 2022-PDG-0050 (pdf - 268 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on November 23, 2022Décision de reconnaissance à titre d'organisme d'autoréglementation du Nouvel organisme d'autoréglementation du Canada
- Delegation of functions and powers — Decision 2023-PDG-0031 (pdf - 146 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 12, 2023Délégation de fonctions et pouvoirs
- New Self-Regulatory Organization of Canada: Authorization to delegate to a committee or person — Decision 2023-PDG-0047 (pdf - 147 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 12, 2023Autorisation de déléguer à un comité ou à une personne
Memorandum of understanding
- Memorandum of understanding (pdf - 287 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on June 1st, 2023MOU among the Recognizing Regulators regarding oversight of CIRO regarding oversight of the CIRO
Oversight Review Report
- Oversight Review Report (pdf - 306 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on March 28, 2024Oversight Review Report — March 28, 2024 - Recognizing Regulators
In recent years, the AMF and other members of the CSA issued for comment the following notices leading to recognition of CIRO and acceptance or approval of the FCPI:
- CSA Staff Notice and Request for Comment 25-304 Application for Recognition of New Self-Regulatory Organization
- CSA Staff Notice and Request for Comment 25-305 Application for Approval of the New Investor Protection Fund
- CSA Consultation Paper 25-402: Consultation on the Self-Regulatory Organization Framework
- CSA Position Paper 25-404: New Self-Regulatory Organization Framework
- Oversight plan (pdf - 120 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on July 18, 2013Plan de supervision — (Bulletin 2011-07-11 Vol. 10 No. 27)
Oversight review reports
- Oversight review report — July 20, 2023 (pdf - 767 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on July 20, 2023Rapport final d'inspection - juillet 2023
- Oversight review report — June 11, 2020 (pdf - 561 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on June 11, 2020
- Oversight review report — January 1, 2012, to June 30, 2018 (pdf - 836 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 24, 2019Rapport final d’inspection de la Chambre de la sécurité financière publié le 24 janvier 2019
- Oversight review report — November 23, 2017 (pdf - 524 KB)
This link will open in a new windowNovembre 2017Inspection
- Oversight review report — January 1, 2012 to June 30, 2017 (pdf - 553 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on March 15, 2018Rapport d'inspection
- Oversight review report — January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2011 (pdf - 5 MB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on November 18, 2013Rapport final
- Oversight review report — February 1 2004 to December 31, 2008 (pdf - 8 MB)
This link will open in a new window
- Oversight plan (pdf - 123 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on July 18, 2013Plan de supervision — (Bulletin 2011-07-11 Vol. 10 No. 27)
Oversight review reports
- Oversight review report — October 2021 to December 2023 (pdf - 966 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2024Inspection de la Chambre de la sécurité financière
- Oversight review report — June 2018 to April 2021 (pdf - 721 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on March 28, 2022
- Oversight review report — June 2018 to May 2020 (pdf - 625 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on May 25, 2021Rapport final d'inspection juin 2018 mai 2020
- Oversight review report — January 2015 to June 2018 (pdf - 966 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 24, 2019Rapport final d’inspection de la Chambre de l’assurance de dommages publié le 24 janvier 2019
- Oversight review report — January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2014 (pdf - 7 MB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on July 27, 2017
- Oversight review report — January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010 (pdf - 3 MB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on November 7, 2012Rapport d'inspection
- Oversight review report — February 1, 2004 to December 31, 2007 (pdf - 7 MB)
This link will open in a new window
- Revision of recognition order No. 2008-PDG-0126 of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada as a self-regulatory organization — (Decision 2021-PDG-0010 dated 2021-03-10 (pdf - 220 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on March 24, 2021Révision de la décision de reconnaissance de l'Organisme canadien de réglementation du commerce des valeurs mobilières, Bulletin 2021-03-25, Vol. 18, No. 12)
- Revision of recognition order No. 2008-PDG-0126 of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada as a self-regulatory organization — (Decision 2018-PDG-0027 (pdf - 70 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on April 11, 2018Révision de la décision de reconnaissance à titre d’organisme d’autoréglementation n? 2008 PDG 0126 prononcée le 2 mai 2012 dated 2018-04-10, Bulletin 2018-04-12, Vol. 15, No. 14)
- Recognition of Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada as a self-regulatory organization — (Decision 2008-PDG-0126 (pdf - 80 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on March 30, 2016reconnaissance, OAR, organisme d’autoréglementation, OCRCVM, ACCOVAM, RS, Association canadienne des courtiers en valeurs mobilières, Services de réglementation du marché inc., Organisme canadien de réglementation du commerce des valeurs mobilières dated 2008-05-02, Bulletin 2008-05-30, Vol. 5, No. 21)
Oversight review reports
- Oversight Review Report — September 1, 2019 to August 31, 2020 (pdf - 212 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on June 22, 2021Oversight review report IIROC — Recognizing Regulators
- Oversight Review Report — September 1, 2018 to August 31, 2019 (pdf - 76 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on July 31, 2020IIROC CSA Oversight Report 2019 SRO — Recognizing Regulators
- Oversight Review Report — September 1, 2017 to August 31, 2018 (pdf - 301 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on April 17, 2019In accordance with their mandates under the securities legislation of their respective jurisdictions, the Recognizing Regulators of the IIROC have jointly completed an annual risk-based oversight review that targeted specific processes within the following functional areas: Business Conduct Compliance, Trading Conduct Compliance, Policy, Membership and Registration. — Recognizing Regulators
- Oversight Review Report — August 1, 2016 to August 31, 2017 (pdf - 536 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on April 24, 2018 — Recognizing Regulators
- Oversight Review Report — April 1, 2015 to July 31, 2016 (pdf - 166 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on July 4, 2017Oversight Review Report — Recognizing Regulators
- Oversight Review Report — January 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015 (pdf - 138 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on March 3, 2016IIROC Oversight Report - March 3, 2016 — Recognizing Regulators
- Oversight Review Report — October 1, 2009 to December 31, 2013 (pdf - 268 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on December 3, 2014IIROC Oversight Report - December 4, 2014 — Recognizing Regulators
- Oversight Review Report — September 28, 2009 to February 28, 2010 (pdf - 210 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on March 30, 2016OAR, organisme d’autoréglementation, OCRCVM, ACCOVAM, RS, Association canadienne des courtiers en valeurs mobilières, Services de réglementation du marché inc., Organisme canadien de réglementation du commerce des valeurs mobilières, rapport, inspection, 2010, anglais, english — AMF — Registration and membership
- Oversight Review Report — September 28, 2009 to February 28, 2010 (pdf - 550 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on March 30, 2016OAR, organisme d’autoréglementation, OCRCVM, ACCOVAM, RS, Association canadienne des courtiers en valeurs mobilières, Services de réglementation du marché inc., Organisme canadien de réglementation du commerce des valeurs mobilières, rapport, inspection, 2010, anglais, english — Recognizing Regulators — Registration and membership
- Oversight Review Report — September 1, 2004 to September 30, 2009 (pdf - 314 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on March 31, 2011 — AMF
- Oversight Review Report — September 1, 2004 to September 30, 2009 (pdf - 837 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on March 30, 2016OAR, organisme d’autoréglementation, OCRCVM, ACCOVAM, RS, Association canadienne des courtiers en valeurs mobilières, Services de réglementation du marché inc., Organisme canadien de réglementation du commerce des valeurs mobilières, rapport, inspection, 2004, 2009, anglais, english — Recognizing Regulators