Self-regulatory organizations

A self-regulatory organization monitors or supervises the conduct of its members or participants as regards the carrying on of an activity governed by securities or derivatives legislation.

The AMF may delegate to a recognized organization the exercise of functions and powers conferred on it by law. The AMF currently delegates functions and powers to the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO).

This section lists current decisions pertaining to recognitions in respect of entities acting as self-regulatory organizations as well as amendments to, or the application of, such decisions. All other decisions are available in the AMF Bulletin.

This section also lists oversight plans and oversight review reports pertaining to self-regulatory organizations recognized by the Autorité des marchés financiers.

* Please note that most of the following documents are available in French only.


Oversight Review Report

The Autorité des marchés financiers, along with Canada’s other provincial and territorial securities regulators, recognized the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO), effective January 1, 2023. CIRO consolidates the functions of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) and the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada (MFDA).

For further details, please refer to the CSA Notices of approval, below, and related news release:

As set out in more detail in the notice below, the AMF is implementing the transitional provisions required for mutual fund dealers registered in Québec to become members of CIRO, in order to begin the implementation of the proposed transition plan for supervision of the mutual fund sector in Québec.



Memorandum of understanding

Oversight Review Report


In recent years, the AMF and other members of the CSA issued for comment the following notices leading to recognition of CIRO and acceptance or approval of the FCPI:



Oversight review reports