Strategic Financial Education, Outreach and Research Partnerships Program
The main goal of the AMF’s Strategic Financial Education, Outreach and Research Partnerships Program (Program) is to develop partnerships or support innovative projects that address current or emerging issues and specific needs related to the AMF’s mission.
Find out what projects are being supported by the Program
Education and outreach
Clinique de cyber-criminologie (cyber crime clinic)
University of Montréal
This five-year project supports victims of fraudulent investment site scams. It focuses on three areas: direct personalized victim assistance, outreach and prevention, and knowledge mobilisation. An agreement providing up to $532,000 in financial support was signed in 2024. This link will open in a new window
Des décisions éclairées lors des étapes clés de la vie (making informed decisions at key moments in life)
Option consommateurs
The goal of this project is improve Quebeckers’ financial literacy by targeting key moments in their lives. Resources will be proposed to them, according to level of knowledge acquisition, based on their needs and interests. The key moments targeted are: buying a first home, the birth of a first child, and preparing for retirement. For this project, an agreement providing up to $194,400 in support over two years was signed in July 2024. This link will open in a new window
Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en analyse des organisations (CIRANO)
The FinÉcoLab educational program seeks to introduce highschool and CÉGEP students to economic and financial concepts. Financial support from the AMF will be used to update the program, make it available in both French and English and promote it within the Québec educational system. The AMF’s contribution, under an agreement that has been in effect since 2020, totals approximately $247,000 over five years.
Parcours d’éducation financière pour personnes en situation de handicap (financial education program for people with disabilities)
The aim of this project is to develop a financial education program for people with disabilities so they can improve their financial literacy skills and, by so doing, benefit from increased financial independence and security. An agreement was signed in 2024 providing up to $130,500 in financial support over two years. This link will open in a new window
Financial support to consumer associations and associations coopératives d’économie familiale (ACEFs)
Coalition des associations de consommateurs du Québec, Union des consommateurs et Option consommateurs
The AMF provides financial support to consumer associations and ACEFs so they can carry out more financial education activities. This financial support, amounting to as much as $2,300,000 over five years, was renewed in 2024 and addresses two objectives: increasing Quebeckers’ vigilance in managing their finances—a financial and economic issue central to the AMF’s mission—and encouraging the development of high-impact initiatives with measurable benefits for Québeckers—a key Program objective.
Consumer association and ACEF portal: This link will open in a new window
Cartographie et portrait des compétences numériques et financières des Québécoises et Québécois et création d’un outil autodiagnostic et d’autoformation sur ces compétences (mapping and developing a portrait of Quebeckers’ digital and financial skills and creating a self-study and self-testing tool)
Académie transformation numérique – Université Laval (Martin Noël et Gabriel J. Power)
The researchers on this project will seek to:
- Map Quebeckers’ basic digital skills
- Develop an investigative and measurement tool
- Develop a portrait from the mappling of basic digital skills and financial literacy skills
- Build a self-testing tool for testing basic digital skills and financial skills and use it to identify learning needs
- Design a dashboard to track learning progress
An agrreement, signed in 2024, provides for up to $584,000 in financial support for this project over two years. This link will open in a new window
AMF-Finance Montréal Fintech Research Chair
ESG-UQÀM (Maher Kooli)
The AMF-Finance Montréal Fintech Research Chair aims to form a multidisciplinary and interuniversity research unit to develop cutting-edge foundational and practical knowledge about Fintech issues and impacts. It is organized in such a way as to enable the participation of top fintech experts from across Québec’s universities. The AMF and Finance-Montréal are each providing support of up to $1,000,000 for this project. This link will open in a new window
Research Chair in Macroeconomics and Forecasting
ESG-UQÀM (Alain Guay et Dalibor Stevanovic)
The Research Chair in Macroeconmics and Forecasting endeavours to facilitate exchange between the academic community and various Québec and Canadian economic institutions. It focuses on issues related to their aggregated performance by such means as providing a current and projected picture of their development. Analyses are performed specifically to address the diverse needs of economic players, while developing synergies based on advanced microecomic and forecasting research. Support for this project began in 2024 and will amount to up to $500,000 over five years. This link will open in a new window
Compréhension de l’utilisation des cryptomonnaies par les Québé : application de la théorie du comportement planifié et mise en œuvre d'une campagne de sensibilisation (understanding Quebeckers’ use of cryptocurrencies: application of the theory of planned behaviour and rollout of an awarness campaign)
Université Laval (Jacinthe Cloutier)
This two-year action-research project aims to identify the factors influencing the decision to purchase cryptoassets in Québec and to assess the impact of using communications and awareness materials to reach young Québec adults. An agreement that was signed in September 2024 provides for up to $90,400 in financial support.
Comprendre l’impact des robots-conseillers basés sur l’intelligence artificielle sur la prise de risque des investisseurs : implications pour la protection des consommateurs et les inégalités de richesse (understanding the impact of AI-driven robo-advisors on investor risk-taking: implications for consumer protection and the wealth gap)
HÉC Montréal (Martin Boyer et Franca Glenzer)
This project seeks to understand the impact of robo-advisors on individuals based on their level of financial knowledge and to explore how such tools might be improved to foster better financial decision-making. An agreement for up $134,600 over two years was signed in 2024.
Fonds de recherche AMF en gestion intégrée des risques des institutions financières (AMF fund for research on financial institutions’ integrated risk management)
Université Laval (Michael Bourbeau-Brien)
This fund supports basic and applied multi-disciplinary and multi-sectoral research on collective risk management issues. One of the AMF’s goals is help improve the competitiveness and long-term sustainability of Québec’s financial industry. An agreement ws signed in 2018 for up to $500,000 in financial support for fund projects until expiry of the agreement.
Laboratoire en droit des services financiers (financial services law laboratory)
Université Laval (Cintha Duclos)
The Laboratoire en droit des services financiers conducts teaching and research activities on an integrated basis in connection with two initiatives: a financial consumer protection clinic and the Financial Services Law Research Group. The AMF has supported this project since 2022 with a financial contribution that is expected to total $250,000 by the end of the five year agreement.
L’investissement, la tolérance au risque et la littératie financière : les comportements financiers en réponse à l’augmentation des taux d’intérêt (investing, risk tolerance and financial literacy: financial behaviours in response to rising interest rates)
Laboratoire de recherche en éducation financière – HÉC Montréal (Philippe d’Astous)
This project aims to analyze the effect of rising interest rates on two key areas of financial investing: contributing to an employer pension plan during one’s working years and withdrawing funds from it during retirement. An agreement was signed in 2025 for up to $322,400 in financial support over two years.
Observatoire du droit québécois des valeurs mobilières (Québec securities law observatory)
University of Montréal (Stéphane Rousseau)
The AMF entered into this stragegic partnership to support the activities of the Observatoire du droit québécois des valeurs mobilières and enable seminars, roundtables and other forums to be organized where stakeholders could engage in dialogue and reflection on developments in the securities regulatory framework. Under the agreement, a total of $500,000 will be provided over five years to the project’s group of graduate student researchers, formed in 2006, and a team of professors. This link will open in a new window
Permanent Montréal office of the Canadian Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB)
CPA Canada
The Canadian Sustainability Standards Board (CSSB), formed in 2021, works to, among other things, develop sustainaiblity disclosure standards. It entered into an agreement with the AMF in 2023 for a contribution of $2,000,000 over three years to support the organization’s permanent office in Montréal.