Disability insurance (salary insurance) 10 things to do to avoid surprises
If you couldn’t work because of an accident or illness, how would you pay your bills?

Disability insurance is designed specifically for workers. A disability insurance contract may allow you to receive benefitsA benefit, or insurance benefit, is an amount of money that an insurance company pays a person further to a loss against which they were insured. to replace a portion of your income in the event you become unable to work. It’s one of the most important types of insurance you can have.
Here are 10 things to do to avoid surprises.
There are two main ways you can obtain disability insurance:
- Through group insurance offered by an employer, professional association, union or other entity or organization. Disability insurance provided through a group insurance plan is often mandatory. Sometimes the employer pays all or part of the premium.
- Through personal insurance. Personal insurance is for workers who don’t have group disability insurance or who have it but the coverage is not sufficient for their needs.
Ask about what is and isn’t covered
Ask about the benefits
Ask about the contract costs and term
Determine your insurance need
Some things to check before purchasing personal disability insurance
Make sure you have your medical information on hand, including consultation dates, so you can accurately disclose your current health condition.
Check that…
- The representative offering the insurance is authorized to do so
- The premiumA premium, or insurance premium, is an amount that a person or company must pay on a regular basis to keep their insurance in effect. For example, if Mary has to pay $200 per year to keep her life insurance in effect, then the premium is $200.
The premium should not be confused with the face amount, or insured amount, which is the amount that the insurance company has to pay out. In the same example, if Mary has life insurance that pays $100,000 to Peter upon her death, then the face amount is $100,000. is within your budget
Find out…
- Whether the contract is renewable and, if so, at what price and on what conditions
- What the waiting periodThe waiting period is the period during which an insured is not eligible for insurance benefits, even though the covered risk may have occurred. For example, in disability insurance, an insured may be disabled but not receive money from their insurer during the first two weeks of a disability. is
- What the disability benefitA benefit, or insurance benefit, is an amount of money that an insurance company pays a person further to a loss against which they were insured. amount is
- What the maximum duration of the disability benefits is
- What disability definition is used in the contract (unable to perform your own occupation vs. any other occupation) and whether the definition changes if the disability extends beyond a certain period of time (e.g., 24 months)
- Whether the contract covers only disabilities resulting from accidents or also covers illnesses
- What the main exclusions are. Are psychiatric, psychological, emotional, mental or nervous disorders such as depression, anxiety, stress and burnout excluded? If so, this limits coverage considerably. You may want to look for a contract that doesn’t contain such exclusions
- What optional benefits are available, such as return of premium (ROP) and cost of living adjustmentIndexation is the adjustment of income (annuity, salary, etc.) or an expense (rent, etc.) to fully or partially offset cost of living increases. (COLA)
Insurance covering the balance of a loan

A lender could require you to insure your loan so that it is repaid if, for example, you become disabled. However, the lender cannot require you to purchase a specific insurance product or choose a specific insurer.
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Disability insurance: 8 questions answered
The cost of illness This link will open in a new window (in French)
Documentation and tools
Civil Code of Québec, chapter 15 – Insurance This link will open in a new window