Training equivalents recognized by the AMF Damage insurance
An attestation of a level of education equivalent to a diploma of collegial studies (DCS) is one of the minimum qualifications required to apply for authorization to register for AMF examinations in the following sectors and their sector classes:
- Damage insurance
- Claims adjustment
What are the conditions for obtaining an attestation of a level of education equivalent to a DCS?
- Not hold a diploma evidencing successful completion of any of the minimum qualifications required to apply for authorization to register for examinations
- Have successfully completed courses as part of a recognized training program in Canada, and
- Hold one of the following:
- A secondary school diploma (SSD) issued in Canada
- A diploma of vocational studies (DVS)consisting of at least 60 units, issued in Québec
- A Certificate of Equivalence of Secondary Studies (CESS) issued in Québec
- An Attestation of Equivalence of Secondary V Studies (AESS) issued in Québec
- Comparative evaluation for studies done outside Canada issued by one of the members of the Alliance of Credential Evaluation Services of Canada
This link will open in a new window confirming a result similar to or higher than an SSD
In order for the AMF to attribute a value to your education, you must submit official transcripts. When examining your file, the AMF will consider all years of recognized training or education based on the system of reference (pdf - 116 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on September 26, 2022One path to the pursuit of activities as a representative in damage insurance and claims adjustment is to have a level of education equivalent to a diploma of collegial studies based on the system of reference established by the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF)..
Official Documents
To obtain the official documents, consult the following table of institutions with which you must communicate:
Official documents | Contact | |
Secondary studies | Official transcript before 1974 | Québec city: 418 643-1761 |
Secondary studies | Official transcript or Achievement record for secondary studies (SSD, AESS, CESS or DVS) | Québec city: 418 643-1761 To find out about the rules for obtaining an Attestation of Equivalence of Secondary V Studies (AESS) or the Certificate of Equivalence of Secondary Studies (CESS), contact your school board |
Secondary studies | Official transcript of secondary studies issued in a Canadian province other than Québec | The department of education of the province where you obtained your secondary school diploma, or the secondary school you attended |
College or university studies | Official college or university transcript | The college or university you attended in Canada |
Studies outside Canada | Comparative evaluation for studies done outside Canada issued by one of the members of the Alliance of Credential Evaluation Services of Canada |
The application or review of application for recognition of education equivalent to diploma of collegial studies (DCS) form is available in the “Becoming a Professional” tab under “Equivalences of minimum qualifications.”
To complete your on-line application, you will need:
Your client number (10 digits)
- An electronic copy of the official transcript confirming that you hold an SSD issued in Canada, a DVS consisting of at least 60 units, an AESS or a CESS issued in Québec, or a copy of the assessment report issued by one of the members of the Alliance of Credential Evaluation Services of Canada confirming a result similar to or higher than an SSD
- An electronic copy of official transcripts of other studies in which one or more additional years of education can be added
- An electronic copy of your valid proof of Canadian identity
- If applicable, your American Express, MasterCard or Visa credit card
- If applicable, the client number of the third party-payer
- If applicable, the client number of the organization that is sponsoring you
- If applicable, the client number or address of the third party to whom you would like the results of the analysis of your application to be disclosed
If you do not have an electronic copy of your supporting documents, you can mail in photocopies of these documents, together with your reply coupon or your application number. Ensure that you provide copies of all supporting documents related to your application, as incomplete applications will not be considered.
When the AMF receives your application, you will be sent a confirmation showing your application number and client number. You can check the status of your application in the “Client File” tab under “Follow up on applications/requests” in E-Services.
You must wait for the AMF’s written decision before applying for authorization to register for examinations.
Using AMF E-Services will speed up your transactions with the AMF.
If you are unable to register for AMF E-Services, you must:
- complete the Application or Review of Application for Recognition of Education Equivalent to a Diploma of Collegial Studies (DCS) (pdf - 266 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 1st, 2025Recognition of Education Equivalent to a Diploma of Collegial Studies (DCS) form;
- submit the official transcript confirming that you hold an SSD issued in Canada, a DVS consisting of at least 60 units, an AESS or a CESS issued in Québec, or the official assessment report issued by one of the members of the Alliance of Credential Evaluation Services of Canada
This link will open in a new window confirming a result similar or higher to an SSD;
- submit official transcripts of other studies you completed in which one or more additional years of education can be added.
Ensure that you provide a copy of all supporting documents, as incomplete applications will not be considered.
You must wait for the AMF’s written decision before applying for authorization to register for examinations.
The attestation of three years of full-time employment is one of the requirements defined by the AMF to apply for authorization to register for AMF examinations in the following sectors and their related sector classes:
- Damage insurance
- Claims adjustment
What are the conditions for obtaining an attestation of employment (3 years)?
- Not hold a diploma evidencing successful completion of any of the minimum qualifications required to apply for authorization to register for examinations
- Have at least three years of full-time experience, and
- Hold one of the following:
- A secondary school diploma (SSD) issued in Canada
- A diploma of vocational studies (DVS) consisting of at least 60 units issued in Québec
- A Certificate of Equivalence of Secondary Studies (CESS) issued in Québec
- An Attestation of Equivalence of Secondary V Studies (AESS) issued in Québec
- Comparative evaluation for studies done outside Canada issued by one of the members of the Alliance of Credential Evaluation Services of Canada
This link will open in a new window confirming a result similar to or higher than an SSD
To find the names of people who have been appointed by the Minister of Justice to administer oaths, Search for a Commissioner for Oaths ( This link will open in a new window.
A number of people besides Commissioners for Oaths are allowed to administer oaths owing to their office or function (e.g,, lawyers (advocates), notaries, mayors, and municipal councillors). Their names are not included in the register. For a complete list of the kinds of people who are allowed to administer oaths, refer to sections 219 and 220 of the Courts of Justice Act This link will open in a new window.
See this document This link will open in a new window prepared by the Ministère de la Justice for the requirements related to the remote administration of oaths.
The AMF may add additional years to this basic education requirement after analyzing your full-time occupations or years spent as a full-time business owner. The AMF will base this analysis on the system of reference for an attestation of employment (3 years) (pdf - 66 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on September 26, 2022Attestation of Employment (3 years) - One path to a career as a representative in damage insurance and claims adjustment is the attestation of employment (3 years) based on the system of reference established by the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF)..
Official Documents
To obtain the official documents, consult the following table of institutions with which you must communicate:
Official documents | Contact | |
Secondary studies | Official transcript before 1974 | Québec city: 418 643-1761 |
Secondary studies | Official transcript or Achievement record for secondary studies (SSD, AESS, CESS or DVS) | Québec city: 418 643-1761 To find out about the rules for obtaining an Attestation of Equivalence of Secondary V Studies (AESS) or the Certificate of Equivalence of Secondary Studies (CESS), contact your school service centre |
Secondary studies outside Québec | Official transcript of secondary studies issued in a Canadian province other than Québec | The department of education of the province where you obtained your secondary school diploma, or the secondary school you attended |
College or university studies | Official college or university transcript | The college or university you attended in Canada |
Studies outside Canada | Comparative evaluation for studies done outside Canada issued by one of the members of the Alliance of Credential Evaluation Services of Canada |
Accepted proofs of employment experience
- Records of employment (if you are no longer employed by a company). To obtain all your records of employment, contact Service Canada
This link will open in a new window;
- Appendix 1 (pdf - 69 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 1st, 2022 (if you are employed by a company). This appendix must be completed by your employer;
- Appendix 2 (pdf - 68 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 1st, 2022 (if you are or were self-employed or if you are or were a business owner). This appendix must be signed by a commissioner of oaths. Additional documents may be required.
Note that tax slips (T4, T4A, Relevé 1, etc.) and tax returns are not accepted as attestations of employment or proof of cessation of employment, because they do not indicate the period worked or the number of hours worked per week.
The Application or Review of Application for Attestation of Employment (3 years) form is available in the “Becoming a Professional” tab under “Equivalences of minimum qualifications.”
To complete your on-line application, you will need:
- Your client number (10 digits)
- An electronic copy of the official transcript confirming that you hold an SSD issued in Canada, a DVS consisting of at least 60 units, an AESS or a CESS issued in Québec, or a copy of the assessment report issued by one of the members of the Alliance of Credential Evaluation Services of Canada confirming a result similar to or higher than an SSD
- An electronic copy of your valid proof of Canadian identity
- If applicable, an attestation of guarantor (Appendix 1 (pdf - 69 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 1st, 2022) for the employment you currently hold (must be signed by your employer, this attestation is not issued by Service Canada).
- If applicable, an attestation of entrepreneur (Appendix 2 (pdf - 68 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 1st, 2022) if you are currently an entrepreneur or were an entrepreneur
- If applicable, a photocopy of your Records of Employment (issued by Service Canada
This link will open in a new window)
- If applicable, your American Express, MasterCard or Visa credit card
- If applicable, the client number of the third-party payer
- If applicable, the client number of the organization that is sponsoring you
- If applicable, the client number or address of the third party to whom you would like the results of the analysis of your application to be disclosed
If you do not have an electronic copy of your supporting documents, you can mail in photocopies of these documents, together with your reply coupon or your application number. Ensure that you provide a copy of all supporting documents related to your application, as incomplete applications will not be considered.
When the AMF receives your application, you will be sent a confirmation showing your application number and client number. You can check the status of your application in the “Client File” tab under “Follow up on applications/requests” in E-Services.
You must wait for the AMF’s written decision before applying for authorization to register for examinations.
Using AMF E-Services will speed up your transactions with the AMF. If you are unable to register for AMF E-Services, you must:
- complete the Application or Review of Application for Attestation of Employment (3 years) (pdf - 245 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 1st, 2025Application or review of application for attestation of employment (3 years)
- submit the official transcript confirming that you hold an SSD issued in Canada, a DVS consisting of at least 60 units, an AESS or a CESS issued in Québec, or the official assessment report issued by one of the members of the Alliance of Credential Evaluation Services of Canada confirming a result similar or higher to an SSD
- submit proof of your employment experience (attestation of guarantor (Appendix 1 (pdf - 69 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 1st, 2022), attestation of entrepreneur (Appendix 2 (pdf - 68 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 1st, 2022) or records of employment issued by Service Canada
This link will open in a new window
Ensure that you provide a copy of all supporting documents, as incomplete applications will not be considered.
You must wait for the AMF’s written decision before applying for authorization to register for examinations.
An attestation of a level of education equivalent to a diploma of collegial studies (DCS) is one of the minimum qualifications required to apply for authorization to register for AMF examinations in the following sectors and their sector classes:
- Damage insurance
- Claims adjustment
What are the conditions for obtaining an attestation of a level of education equivalent to a DCS?
- Not hold a diploma evidencing successful completion of any of the minimum qualifications required to apply for authorization to register for examinations
- Have successfully completed courses as part of a recognized training program in Canada, and
- Hold one of the following:
- A secondary school diploma (SSD) issued in Canada
- A diploma of vocational studies (DVS)consisting of at least 60 units, issued in Québec
- A Certificate of Equivalence of Secondary Studies (CESS) issued in Québec
- An Attestation of Equivalence of Secondary V Studies (AESS) issued in Québec
- Comparative evaluation for studies done outside Canada issued by one of the members of the Alliance of Credential Evaluation Services of Canada
This link will open in a new window confirming a result similar to or higher than an SSD
In order for the AMF to attribute a value to your education, you must submit official transcripts. When examining your file, the AMF will consider all years of recognized training or education based on the system of reference (pdf - 116 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on September 26, 2022One path to the pursuit of activities as a representative in damage insurance and claims adjustment is to have a level of education equivalent to a diploma of collegial studies based on the system of reference established by the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF)..
Official Documents
To obtain the official documents, consult the following table of institutions with which you must communicate:
Official documents | Contact | |
Secondary studies | Official transcript before 1974 | Québec city: 418 643-1761 |
Secondary studies | Official transcript or Achievement record for secondary studies (SSD, AESS, CESS or DVS) | Québec city: 418 643-1761 To find out about the rules for obtaining an Attestation of Equivalence of Secondary V Studies (AESS) or the Certificate of Equivalence of Secondary Studies (CESS), contact your school board |
Secondary studies | Official transcript of secondary studies issued in a Canadian province other than Québec | The department of education of the province where you obtained your secondary school diploma, or the secondary school you attended |
College or university studies | Official college or university transcript | The college or university you attended in Canada |
Studies outside Canada | Comparative evaluation for studies done outside Canada issued by one of the members of the Alliance of Credential Evaluation Services of Canada |
The application or review of application for recognition of education equivalent to diploma of collegial studies (DCS) form is available in the “Becoming a Professional” tab under “Equivalences of minimum qualifications.”
To complete your on-line application, you will need:
Your client number (10 digits)
- An electronic copy of the official transcript confirming that you hold an SSD issued in Canada, a DVS consisting of at least 60 units, an AESS or a CESS issued in Québec, or a copy of the assessment report issued by one of the members of the Alliance of Credential Evaluation Services of Canada confirming a result similar to or higher than an SSD
- An electronic copy of official transcripts of other studies in which one or more additional years of education can be added
- An electronic copy of your valid proof of Canadian identity
- If applicable, your American Express, MasterCard or Visa credit card
- If applicable, the client number of the third party-payer
- If applicable, the client number of the organization that is sponsoring you
- If applicable, the client number or address of the third party to whom you would like the results of the analysis of your application to be disclosed
If you do not have an electronic copy of your supporting documents, you can mail in photocopies of these documents, together with your reply coupon or your application number. Ensure that you provide copies of all supporting documents related to your application, as incomplete applications will not be considered.
When the AMF receives your application, you will be sent a confirmation showing your application number and client number. You can check the status of your application in the “Client File” tab under “Follow up on applications/requests” in E-Services.
You must wait for the AMF’s written decision before applying for authorization to register for examinations.
Using AMF E-Services will speed up your transactions with the AMF.
If you are unable to register for AMF E-Services, you must:
- complete the Application or Review of Application for Recognition of Education Equivalent to a Diploma of Collegial Studies (DCS) (pdf - 266 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 1st, 2025Recognition of Education Equivalent to a Diploma of Collegial Studies (DCS) form;
- submit the official transcript confirming that you hold an SSD issued in Canada, a DVS consisting of at least 60 units, an AESS or a CESS issued in Québec, or the official assessment report issued by one of the members of the Alliance of Credential Evaluation Services of Canada
This link will open in a new window confirming a result similar or higher to an SSD;
- submit official transcripts of other studies you completed in which one or more additional years of education can be added.
Ensure that you provide a copy of all supporting documents, as incomplete applications will not be considered.
You must wait for the AMF’s written decision before applying for authorization to register for examinations.
The attestation of three years of full-time employment is one of the requirements defined by the AMF to apply for authorization to register for AMF examinations in the following sectors and their related sector classes:
- Damage insurance
- Claims adjustment
What are the conditions for obtaining an attestation of employment (3 years)?
- Not hold a diploma evidencing successful completion of any of the minimum qualifications required to apply for authorization to register for examinations
- Have at least three years of full-time experience, and
- Hold one of the following:
- A secondary school diploma (SSD) issued in Canada
- A diploma of vocational studies (DVS) consisting of at least 60 units issued in Québec
- A Certificate of Equivalence of Secondary Studies (CESS) issued in Québec
- An Attestation of Equivalence of Secondary V Studies (AESS) issued in Québec
- Comparative evaluation for studies done outside Canada issued by one of the members of the Alliance of Credential Evaluation Services of Canada
This link will open in a new window confirming a result similar to or higher than an SSD
To find the names of people who have been appointed by the Minister of Justice to administer oaths, Search for a Commissioner for Oaths ( This link will open in a new window.
A number of people besides Commissioners for Oaths are allowed to administer oaths owing to their office or function (e.g,, lawyers (advocates), notaries, mayors, and municipal councillors). Their names are not included in the register. For a complete list of the kinds of people who are allowed to administer oaths, refer to sections 219 and 220 of the Courts of Justice Act This link will open in a new window.
See this document This link will open in a new window prepared by the Ministère de la Justice for the requirements related to the remote administration of oaths.
The AMF may add additional years to this basic education requirement after analyzing your full-time occupations or years spent as a full-time business owner. The AMF will base this analysis on the system of reference for an attestation of employment (3 years) (pdf - 66 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on September 26, 2022Attestation of Employment (3 years) - One path to a career as a representative in damage insurance and claims adjustment is the attestation of employment (3 years) based on the system of reference established by the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF)..
Official Documents
To obtain the official documents, consult the following table of institutions with which you must communicate:
Official documents | Contact | |
Secondary studies | Official transcript before 1974 | Québec city: 418 643-1761 |
Secondary studies | Official transcript or Achievement record for secondary studies (SSD, AESS, CESS or DVS) | Québec city: 418 643-1761 To find out about the rules for obtaining an Attestation of Equivalence of Secondary V Studies (AESS) or the Certificate of Equivalence of Secondary Studies (CESS), contact your school service centre |
Secondary studies outside Québec | Official transcript of secondary studies issued in a Canadian province other than Québec | The department of education of the province where you obtained your secondary school diploma, or the secondary school you attended |
College or university studies | Official college or university transcript | The college or university you attended in Canada |
Studies outside Canada | Comparative evaluation for studies done outside Canada issued by one of the members of the Alliance of Credential Evaluation Services of Canada |
Accepted proofs of employment experience
- Records of employment (if you are no longer employed by a company). To obtain all your records of employment, contact Service Canada
This link will open in a new window;
- Appendix 1 (pdf - 69 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 1st, 2022 (if you are employed by a company). This appendix must be completed by your employer;
- Appendix 2 (pdf - 68 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 1st, 2022 (if you are or were self-employed or if you are or were a business owner). This appendix must be signed by a commissioner of oaths. Additional documents may be required.
Note that tax slips (T4, T4A, Relevé 1, etc.) and tax returns are not accepted as attestations of employment or proof of cessation of employment, because they do not indicate the period worked or the number of hours worked per week.
The Application or Review of Application for Attestation of Employment (3 years) form is available in the “Becoming a Professional” tab under “Equivalences of minimum qualifications.”
To complete your on-line application, you will need:
- Your client number (10 digits)
- An electronic copy of the official transcript confirming that you hold an SSD issued in Canada, a DVS consisting of at least 60 units, an AESS or a CESS issued in Québec, or a copy of the assessment report issued by one of the members of the Alliance of Credential Evaluation Services of Canada confirming a result similar to or higher than an SSD
- An electronic copy of your valid proof of Canadian identity
- If applicable, an attestation of guarantor (Appendix 1 (pdf - 69 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 1st, 2022) for the employment you currently hold (must be signed by your employer, this attestation is not issued by Service Canada).
- If applicable, an attestation of entrepreneur (Appendix 2 (pdf - 68 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 1st, 2022) if you are currently an entrepreneur or were an entrepreneur
- If applicable, a photocopy of your Records of Employment (issued by Service Canada
This link will open in a new window)
- If applicable, your American Express, MasterCard or Visa credit card
- If applicable, the client number of the third-party payer
- If applicable, the client number of the organization that is sponsoring you
- If applicable, the client number or address of the third party to whom you would like the results of the analysis of your application to be disclosed
If you do not have an electronic copy of your supporting documents, you can mail in photocopies of these documents, together with your reply coupon or your application number. Ensure that you provide a copy of all supporting documents related to your application, as incomplete applications will not be considered.
When the AMF receives your application, you will be sent a confirmation showing your application number and client number. You can check the status of your application in the “Client File” tab under “Follow up on applications/requests” in E-Services.
You must wait for the AMF’s written decision before applying for authorization to register for examinations.
Using AMF E-Services will speed up your transactions with the AMF. If you are unable to register for AMF E-Services, you must:
- complete the Application or Review of Application for Attestation of Employment (3 years) (pdf - 245 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 1st, 2025Application or review of application for attestation of employment (3 years)
- submit the official transcript confirming that you hold an SSD issued in Canada, a DVS consisting of at least 60 units, an AESS or a CESS issued in Québec, or the official assessment report issued by one of the members of the Alliance of Credential Evaluation Services of Canada confirming a result similar or higher to an SSD
- submit proof of your employment experience (attestation of guarantor (Appendix 1 (pdf - 69 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 1st, 2022), attestation of entrepreneur (Appendix 2 (pdf - 68 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 1st, 2022) or records of employment issued by Service Canada
This link will open in a new window
Ensure that you provide a copy of all supporting documents, as incomplete applications will not be considered.
You must wait for the AMF’s written decision before applying for authorization to register for examinations.