Replacement cost and replacement insurance

Automobile insurance usually covers the actual cash value of your vehicle, meaning its value at the time of the loss, not how much you paid when you bought it.

If, for example, you buy a new truck for $30,000, but it’s worth only $10,000 a few years later, your insurer will reimburse you up to an amount of $10,000 if you are in an accident.

However, additional coverage may be purchased to make up for the loss in value, whether in the event of total loss or in the parts used for repairs following an accident or other covered damage.

The additional coverage is available for both purchased vehicles and vehicles leased on a long-term basis.

There are two types of coverage for this type of loss in value:

  • A replacement cost endorsement, which is added to your automobile insurance and offered by your damage insurance agent or broker or by your damage insurance firm via an on-line platform.
  • Replacement insurance, which is separate from your automobile insurance and may be purchased through your automobile dealer, your damage insurance agent or broker or your on-line damage insurance firm.

Damage insurance agents and brokers and damage insurance firms with an on-line platform can advise you on and help you compare these two products. Note that automobile dealers are not authorized to help you compare these options.

To understand the differences between a replacement cost An endorsement is a document appended to an insurance policy to amend the scope or conditions of the policy. and replacement insurance, refer to the following tables.


A replacement cost endorsement and replacement insurance are NOT mandatory!

While automobile insurance is mandatory, you are not required by law to have a replacement cost endorsement or replacement insurance. If these products aren’t for you, don’t buy them!

End of the warning

Differences between a replacement cost endorsement and replacement insurance

Replacement cost endorsement
  • Damage insurance agents or brokers.
  • Damage insurance firms that offer products online
Replacement insurance
  • Damage insurance agents or brokers
  • Automobile dealers
  • Damage insurance firms that offer products online

Replacement cost endorsement


Replacement insurance

Not necessarily.

Replacement cost endorsement

For the term of your insurance contract. The price may therefore change each time the contract is renewed.

Replacement insurance

The price is fixed only once, at the time of purchase.

Replacement cost endorsement

Using all the factors applied by insurers (value of the vehicle, your driving record, etc.).

Replacement insurance

Based on the term of the contract and the value of the vehicle.

Replacement cost endorsement


Replacement insurance

Not necessarily. The cost of the insurance may be included in the car loan.

Replacement cost endorsement

With a replacement cost endorsement, you can choose the dealer that will replace your vehicle. You can also decide not to replace the vehicle and instead receive a lump sum amount equal to the value of the new vehicle.

Replacement insurance

This depends on the option you chose when you purchased replacement insurance:

  • Option 1: The dealer named in the contract
  • Option 2: A dealer of your choice

Important: If you took out replacement insurance after February 28, 2019, the dealer that will replace the vehicle may be chosen by you at any time.

Replacement cost endorsement

The choice is yours. You can:

  • replace your vehicle or 
  • receive a lump sum amount equal to the value of the new vehicle.
Replacement insurance

You must replace the vehicle.

Replacement cost endorsement

Damaged parts are replaced with new original equipment manufacturer parts.

Replacement insurance

Damaged parts are replaced with new original equipment manufacturer parts.

Replacement cost endorsement

Yes, usually.

Replacement insurance

The deductible will be refunded.

You usually have to pay a deductible to the primary insurer of the vehicle. However, the deductible is refunded by the replacement insurance.

Replacement cost endorsement

That’s often the case, yes, but check with your insurer.

Replacement insurance


Replacement cost endorsement

Yes, at the same time as your automobile insurance, on conditions set by your insurer.

Replacement insurance

No, this insurance is sold for a fixed term.

Replacement cost endorsement

Yes. The unused portion of the premium, minus a penalty, is refunded.

Replacement insurance

Yes. The unused portion of the premium, minus a penalty, is refunded.

If your premium was financed (combined with the car loan), the refund could be used to decrease the amount of the loan. This may simply result in fewer payments, which means the impact of the refund won’t be seen until the financing ends.

If you purchased the insurance from an automobile dealer, you can cancel your insurance within 10 days without penalty.

You can also ask for the insurance contract to be cancelled retroactively if both of the following conditions are met:

  • your vehicle is a total loss;
  • your replacement insurance coverage does not apply because you removed coverage from your automobile insurance.

You will be entitled to a refund of any overpayment of insurance premiums, minus a penalty, on the condition that you provide supporting documents.

Replacement cost endorsement

The insurer can end the contract and, therefore, the endorsement that goes with it:

  • if you do not pay your insurance; or
  • if the risk for the insurer increases significantly.

The insurer can also end the contract in the first 60 days after the policy comes into force, without having to provide any justification.

Replacement insurance

Yes, but only if you don’t pay for your insurance.

Replacement cost endorsement
  • Damage insurance agents or brokers.
  • Damage insurance firms that offer products online
Replacement insurance
  • Damage insurance agents or brokers
  • Automobile dealers
  • Damage insurance firms that offer products online

Replacement cost endorsement


Replacement insurance

Not necessarily.

Replacement cost endorsement

For the term of your insurance contract. The price may therefore change each time the contract is renewed.

Replacement insurance

The price is fixed only once, at the time of purchase.

Replacement cost endorsement

Using all the factors applied by insurers (value of the vehicle, your driving record, etc.).

Replacement insurance

Based on the term of the contract and the value of the vehicle.

Replacement cost endorsement


Replacement insurance

Not necessarily. The cost of the insurance may be included in the car loan.

Replacement cost endorsement

With a replacement cost endorsement, you can choose the dealer that will replace your vehicle. You can also decide not to replace the vehicle and instead receive a lump sum amount equal to the value of the new vehicle.

Replacement insurance

This depends on the option you chose when you purchased replacement insurance:

  • Option 1: The dealer named in the contract
  • Option 2: A dealer of your choice

Important: If you took out replacement insurance after February 28, 2019, the dealer that will replace the vehicle may be chosen by you at any time.

Replacement cost endorsement

The choice is yours. You can:

  • replace your vehicle or 
  • receive a lump sum amount equal to the value of the new vehicle.
Replacement insurance

You must replace the vehicle.

Replacement cost endorsement

Damaged parts are replaced with new original equipment manufacturer parts.

Replacement insurance

Damaged parts are replaced with new original equipment manufacturer parts.

Replacement cost endorsement

Yes, usually.

Replacement insurance

The deductible will be refunded.

You usually have to pay a deductible to the primary insurer of the vehicle. However, the deductible is refunded by the replacement insurance.

Replacement cost endorsement

That’s often the case, yes, but check with your insurer.

Replacement insurance


Replacement cost endorsement

Yes, at the same time as your automobile insurance, on conditions set by your insurer.

Replacement insurance

No, this insurance is sold for a fixed term.

Replacement cost endorsement

Yes. The unused portion of the premium, minus a penalty, is refunded.

Replacement insurance

Yes. The unused portion of the premium, minus a penalty, is refunded.

If your premium was financed (combined with the car loan), the refund could be used to decrease the amount of the loan. This may simply result in fewer payments, which means the impact of the refund won’t be seen until the financing ends.

If you purchased the insurance from an automobile dealer, you can cancel your insurance within 10 days without penalty.

You can also ask for the insurance contract to be cancelled retroactively if both of the following conditions are met:

  • your vehicle is a total loss;
  • your replacement insurance coverage does not apply because you removed coverage from your automobile insurance.

You will be entitled to a refund of any overpayment of insurance premiums, minus a penalty, on the condition that you provide supporting documents.

Replacement cost endorsement

The insurer can end the contract and, therefore, the endorsement that goes with it:

  • if you do not pay your insurance; or
  • if the risk for the insurer increases significantly.

The insurer can also end the contract in the first 60 days after the policy comes into force, without having to provide any justification.

Replacement insurance

Yes, but only if you don’t pay for your insurance.


Replacement insurance and automobile insurance: Avoid problems in the event of loss!

Be careful when you remove coverage from your automobile insurance contract. If, for example, you drop collision coverage because your car has decreased in value due to age and, as a result, your automobile insurance doesn’t pay an indemnity in the event of a total loss, your replacement insurance won’t pay anything, either.

You’ll only be entitled to a refund of the replacement insurance premium, calculated from the time you dropped, for example the collision coverage, from your automobile insurance contract.

The takeaway: If you remove coverage from your automobile insurance contract, ask your insurer what the impact will be on your replacement insurance coverage.

End of the warning