Designated Benchmarks and Benchmarks Administrators
A benchmark administrator controls the creation or provision of a benchmark.
A benchmark means a price, estimate, rate, index or value that is regularly determined by applying a formula or method, that is published or made available to the public, and that is used as a reference under a contract or a financial instrument.
* Please note that most of the following documents are available in French only.
- Revocation of the designation of the Canadian Dollar Offered Rate and of Refinitiv Benchmark Services (UK) Limited as being subject to the Securities Act
This link will open in a new window (in French only) — (Decision 2024-PDG-0044 (pdf - 839 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on September 18, 2024Révocation de la décision de désignation du Canadian Dollar Offered Rate et de Refinitiv Benchmark Services (UK) Limited)
- Notice authorizing Refinitiv Benchmark Services (UK) Limited to cease providing the Canadian Dollar Offered Rate (in French only) — (Decision 2022-PDG-0032 (pdf - 60 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on May 13, 2022Avis autorisant Refinitiv Benchmark Services (UK) Limited à cesser de fournir le Canadian Dollar Offered Rate)
- Designation of the Canadian Dollar Offered Rate and of Refinitiv Benchmark Services (UK) Limited as being subject to the Securities Act
This link will open in a new window (in French only) — (Decision 2021-PDG-0046 (pdf - 20 KB)
This link will open in a new windowDÉCISION N° 2021-PDG-0046)
- OSC and AMF Notice of Designation of Term CORRA as a Designated Interest Rate Benchmark and CanDeal Benchmark Administration Services Inc. as its Designated Benchmark Administrator (pdf - 204 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on September 15, 2023Désignation du taux CORRA à terme à titre de taux d’intérêt de référence désigné et de CanDeal Benchmark Administration Services Inc. en tant que son administrateur d’indice de référence désigné. (in French only)
- Designation of Term CORRA and CanDeal Benchmark Administration Services Inc. as being subject to the Securities Act
This link will open in a new window — (Decision 2023-PDG-0045 (pdf - 643 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on September 15, 2023Désignation du taux CORRA à terme et de CanDeal Benchmark Administration Services Inc. comme étant assujettis à la LVM) (in French only)