Securities - previous consultations
AMF public consultations are published primarily in French. Please visit the French version of this page to consult all available public consultations.
Multilateral CSA Notice 45-311, Exemptions from Certain Financial Statement-Related Requirements in the Offering Memorandum Exemption to Facilitate Access to Capital by Small Businesses
Previous consultation
February 20, 2012
See details on Multilateral CSA Notice 45-311, Exemptions from Certain Financial Statement-Related Requirements in the Offering Memorandum Exemption to Facilitate Access to Capital by Small Businesses
Draft Regulation 51-103 respecting Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers
Previous consultation
October 27, 2011
See details on Draft Regulation 51-103 respecting Ongoing Governance and Disclosure Requirements for Venture Issuers
- Notice (pdf - 547 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on July 29, 2011
- Regulation 51-103 (pdf - 1 MB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on July 29, 2011
- Amendments to Regulations arising from Regulation 51-103 (pdf - 1 MB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on July 29, 2011
- Amendments to Policy Statements arising from Regulation 51-103 (pdf - 3 MB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on July 28, 2011
Draft Regulation to amend Regulation 11-102 respecting Passport System (pdf - 95 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on September 2, 2011
Previous consultation
October 20, 2011
Notice and Request for Comment: Regulation to amend Regulation 31-103 respecting Registration Requirements and Exemptions and Amendments to Policy Statement to Regulation 31-103 respecting Registration Requirements and Exemptions (pdf - 491 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on June 22, 2011
Previous consultation
September 23, 2011
See details on Notice and Request for Comment: Regulation to amend Regulation 31-103 respecting Registration Requirements and Exemptions and Amendments to Policy Statement to Regulation 31-103 respecting Registration Requirements and Exemptions
- Performance Report Testing prepared by Allen Research Corporation (pdf - 343 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on June 21, 2011 (February 2011)
- Report on Performance Reporting and Cost Disclosure prepared by The Brondesbury Group (pdf - 433 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on June 21, 2011 (August 2010)
Comments received (comments are published in their original language)
- Association des Banquiers Canadiens (pdf - 379 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- Association of Canadian Compliance Professionals (pdf - 262 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- Advocis (pdf - 67 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- Alternative Investment Management Association (pdf - 77 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- Alain Richard (pdf - 183 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 25, 2011
- Banque Laurentienne (pdf - 102 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- Banque Nationale (pdf - 2 MB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- Borden Ladner Gervais (pdf - 350 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- Banque de Montréal (pdf - 281 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- Brandes Investment Partners (pdf - 52 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- Burgeonvest Bick Securities Limited (pdf - 87 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 25, 2011
- Canfin Financial Group (PDF - 164 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- Capital International (PDF - 62 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- CIBC (pdf - 419 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- Desjardins (pdf - 2 MB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on September 23, 2011
- Dundee Wealth (pdf - 86 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- Edward Jones (pdf - 85 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- FAIR - Canadian Foundation for Advancement of Investor Rights (pdf - 600 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- Fidelity Investments (pdf - 104 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- Federation of Mutual Fund Dealers (pdf - 181 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- Franklin Templeton (pdf - 171 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- Global Securities Corporation (pdf - 114 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 21, 2011
- GP Wealth Management (pdf - 49 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 21, 2011
- Horizons Exchange Traded Funds (pdf - 118 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- Highstreet Asset Management (pdf - 76 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- Independent Accountants’ Investment Group Inc. (pdf - 163 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- Independent Financial Brokers of Canada (pdf - 324 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- The Investment Funds Institute of Canada (pdf - 394 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- Investment Industry Association of Canada (pdf - 276 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- Independent Planning Group (Anne Valenti) (pdf - 435 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- Independent Planning Group (Carol Clements) (pdf - 359 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- Independent Planning Group (Gerry Myers) (pdf - 471 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 25, 2011
- Independent Planning Group (Nathalie Terreault) (pdf - 170 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 25, 2011
- Independent Planning Group (Ronald Harvey) (pdf - 299 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 25, 2011
- Independent Planning Group (Sonia LeRoy) (pdf - 284 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 25, 2011
- Independent Planning Group (Thomas Mills) (pdf - 1 MB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- Manulife Securities (pdf - 273 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- MD Physician Services (pdf - 110 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- Mérici Services Financiers (pdf - 379 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- Montcalm & Associates Financial Group (pdf - 431 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 25, 2011
- P. Kelleher (pdf - 422 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- PEAK (pdf - 182 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- Planifax (pdf - 273 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 25, 2011
- Portfolio Management Association of Canada (pdf - 307 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- Primerica (pdf - 109 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- Queensbury Securities (pdf - 80 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- Royal Bank of Canada (pdf - 48 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- RESP Dealers Association of Canada (pdf - 86 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- Robin Cornwell (pdf - 704 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 21, 2011
- Scotia Bank Group (pdf - 704 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 21, 2011
- Steadyhand (pdf - 111 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- Success Strategies Financial (pdf - 255 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- TD Bank (pdf - 763 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
- TK Financial Group (pdf - 59 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 25, 2011
- Tradex (pdf - 327 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 21, 2011
- Worldsource (pdf - 1 MB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on October 24, 2011
Draft Regulation 51-105 respecting Issuers Quoted in the U.S. Over-the-Counter Markets and Policy Statement to Regulation 51-105 respecting Issuers Quoted in the U.S. Over-the-Counter Markets (pdf - 876 KB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on June 10, 2011
Previous consultation
September 9, 2011
Regulation 41-103 respecting Supplementary Prospectus Disclosure Requirements for Securitized Products; Regulation 51-106 respecting Continuous Disclosure Requirements for Securitized Products and Concordants Regulations (pdf - 1 MB)
This link will open in a new windowUpdated on April 1st, 2011
Previous consultation
August 31, 2011
See details on Regulation 41-103 respecting Supplementary Prospectus Disclosure Requirements for Securitized Products; Regulation 51-106 respecting Continuous Disclosure Requirements for Securitized Products and Concordants Regulations