- Canada's Securities Regulators consider changes to mining disclosure rule
- Penal proceedings launched against Daniel Bélanger and Michel Galipeau
- Dominic Longpré pleads guilty to 42 counts
- Bureau de décision et de révision en valeurs mobilières extends freeze order against Enviromondial
- AMF launches penal proceedings against three individuals linked to Club de placement Gestimum inc.
- Autorité des marchés finanicers obtains interlocutory injuction in the matter of coopérative de producteurs de bois précieux Québec Forestales and Michel Maheux
- Renewal of freeze order in respect of Productions Actions Motivation
- Autorité des marchés financiers recognizes IDA as SRO
- Penal proceedings instituted against Victor Darac
- Motion for special rule ordering Jean-Pierre Nadeau to appear in court to answer a charge of contempt of court