Fund for Investor Education and the Promotion of Good Governance


Montréal – The President and CEO of the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), Jean St-Gelais, is pleased to announce the 2007 projects that have been selected for financial support by the Fund for Investor Education and the Promotion of Good Governance ("Fund").

At the close of the call for projects on October 31, 2007, a total of 21 projects had been submitted to the AMF. Further to a review by the Fund's assessment committee, the following seven projects were selected:

  • The "L’École de l’argent en milieu scolaire" project of the Carrefour jeunesse emploi de l’Outaouais. This initiative consists in setting up a finance training program for secondary school students in Gatineau.
  • Research carried out by Professor Nabil Khoury (University of Québec at Montréal) on protecting Québec investors in the context of anticipated changes to the Canadian financial market.
  • Launch of a fraud awareness campaign for seniors. This campaign is an initiative of the Association québécoise de défense des droits des personnes retraitées et préretraitées.
  • Research carried out by Professor Sébastien Lanctôt (University of Sherbrooke) to explore and explain in plain language various practical concepts pertaining to insurance and coinsurance.
  • Continuation and consolidation of the "Initiation aux marchés financiers" training program intended for Québec investors, an initiative of the Mouvement d’éducation et de défense des actionnaires.
  • Research carried out by Professor Jean-Marc Suret (Laval University) on the information required for a review of financial market access practices or for improvements to the regulation of such practices.
  • Awareness campaign launched by Collectif autonome des Carrefour jeunesse-emploi du Québec on the dangers and different forms of fraud and the best ways to identify and report fraud.

"The Fund for Investor Education and the Promotion of Good Governance aims to support projects that help educate and protect Québec investors. In this respect, the Fund is perfectly aligned with the AMF's mission and reflects our resolve to better protect consumers of financial products and services," said Mr. St-Gelais.

The Fund was set up to support initiatives within three areas of intervention: investor protection, investor education and the promotion of good governance. Since its creation in May 2004, the Fund has distributed nearly $5 million toward 44 projects. A complete list of those projects, as well as a description, is available on the AMF website under Fund for Investor Education and the Promotion of Good Governance.

The Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) is the regulatory and oversight body for Québec’s financial sector.

— 30 —


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