Warning - Caution Regarding www.anyoption.com

Investor warnings - News

Montréal - The Autorité des marchés financiers (the "AMF") warns investors about www.anyoption.com, which is headquartered in Cyprus. This website provides a trading platform for options.

The anyoption.com website is not registered with the AMF and does not rely on any exemption which would allow it to solicit investors in Québec. So far, the AMF has received at least one complaint from a Québec investor who traded through this site. It should be noted that the site does not specifically mention, solicit or target Québec investors.

France has also placed this website on its list of sites not authorized to trade binary options This link will open in a new window (in French only).

Don't become a victim of fraud
Whether on the Internet or in person, offering investments is a regulated activity. The person or company asking for your money must be registered with the AMF. Don't become a victim of this type of approach; make sure you check whether the person or company is in the register of firms and individuals authorized to practise.

If you think you have detected or been the target of a scam, do not hesitate to contact the Information Centre. Your information could help the AMF better protect consumers.

Visit the AMF website to learn about other ways to prevent fraud.

The Autorité des marchés financiers (the AMF) is the regulatory and oversight body for Québec's financial sector.

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Information :

Media only:
Sylvain Théberge : 514-940-2176

Information Center:
Québec City: 418-525-0337
Montréal: 514-395-0337
Toll-free: 1-877-525-0337
Twitter: @lautorite This link will open in a new window