IOU Central Inc. - Partial lifting of cease trade order

Securities Decisions and Freeze and cease trade orders

Montréal – In a decision issued on March 20, 2008, the Bureau de décision et de révision en valeurs mobilières (BDRVM) lifted the cease trade order against Mazen Haddad and André Gauthier. Although Mr. Haddad and Mr.. Gauthier were listed as directors on the IOU Central website, the evidence revealed otherwise.

On February 27, 2008, at the request of the Autorité des marchés financiers, the BDRVM ordered Philippe Marleau and all directors, officers, employees, representatives and mandataries of IOU to cease any activity in respect of a transaction in securities related to a form of investment governed by the Securities Act for and on behalf of IOU, including any activity as a securities dealer.

The Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) is the regulatory and oversight body for Québec’s financial sector.

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