Information regarding registration as Advising Representatives and Associate Advising Representatives
The Canadian Securities Administrators (the "CSA") has published CSA Staff Notice 31-332 - Relevant Investment Management Experience for Advising Representatives and Associate Advising Representatives of Portfolio Managers (pdf - 67 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on January 17, 2013Investement Management.
The Notice provides applicants for registration as Advising Representatives ("ARs") and Associate Advising Representatives ("AARs"), as well as sponsoring firms, with a summary of CSA staff decisions about the qualifications and experience required of applicants. The information will be particularly useful to prospective applicants when deciding whether to apply for AR or AAR registration, and when preparing an application.
The Notice is further to numerous requests from registrant firms and prospective applicants for information about the factors taken into account when determining "relevant investment management experience" and the chances of success with a specific application. The Notice is in response to these requests for additional information.
CSA Staff Notice 31-332 - Relevant Investment Management Experience for Advising Representatives and Associate Advising Representatives of Portfolio Managers is available on the AMF website.