Illegal distributions - AMF sues Albert Edward Moore


Montréal - The Autorité des marchés financiers ("AMF") is launching a penal proceeding in the judicial district of Iberville against Albert Edward Moore and his firm, Edward Moore Design inc., for acting illegally as securities dealers and making illegal distributions.

The AMF intends to prove that Albert Edward Moore solicited investors through his firm, Edward Moore Design inc., to finance a project to develop and market different inventions. Neither Albert Edward Moore nor his firm was registered with the AMF as a securities dealer, and the proposed distributions were made without an application to the AMF for a prospectus receipt or an exemption.

Albert Edward Moore faces 10 charges: five for illegal practice as a dealer and five for illegal distributions without a prospectus. Under the Securities Act, he is liable to a minimum penalty of $30,000 if found guilty of these offences. Edward Moore Design inc. faces 12 charges: six for illegal practice as a dealer and six for illegal distribution without a prospectus. The firm is liable to a minimum fine of $36,000.

The Autorité des marchés financiers (the AMF) is the regulatory and oversight body for Québec's financial sector.

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