Canaccord Capital Corporation imposed administrative penalty of over $5,000

Securities Decisions and Freeze and cease trade orders

Montréal – In a decision handed down at the request of the Autorité des marchés financiers and dated March 31, 2009, the Bureau de décision et de révision en valeurs mobilières (BDRVM) imposed an administrative penalty in the amount of $5,199.75 on Canaccord Capital Corporation.

The AMF argued that Canaccord Capital, a duly registered securities dealer with an unrestricted practice:

  • failed to furnish to the AMF, within 90 days after the end of its 2006 financial year, the annual regulatory financial questionnaire and report as required under section 158 of the Securities Act (the "Act") and section 77 of Policy Statement Q-9, Dealers, Advisers and Representatives (the "Policy Statement"); and
  • failed to furnish to the AMF, within 90 days after the end of its 2006 financial year, a copy of appendix CO-771.R. 3-V, as required under section 158 of the Act and section 77 of the Policy Statement.

In its decision, the BDRVM stressed the importance for the AMF to have the documents required of market participants by law and by regulation for the purpose of assessing adherence to solvency standards and compliance by registrants to ensure the protection of investors.

The Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) is the regulatory and oversight body for Québec's financial sector.

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