Call for Candidates - AMF creates a technological innovation advisory committee


Montréal - The Autorité des marchés financiers (the "AMF") is calling for candidates to serve on a Technological Innovation Advisory Committee (TIAC).

Set up and co-ordinated by the AMF, the TIAC will be composed of around fifteen outside members from various areas and professions related to technological innovation in the Québec financial services and products industry as well as AMF representatives. Members must have extensive experience in their fields and a solid understanding of financial markets or the regulation of financial markets.

The TIAC's work will be closely related to that of the AMF's Fintech Working Group, whose primary mandate is to analyze technological innovations in the financial sector and anticipate regulatory and consumer protection issues.

"The creation of this committee further demonstrates the AMF's resolve to serve as a partner and a go-to point of contact and reference for all industry stakeholders interested in financial sector technological innovation in Québec," said AMF President and CEO Louis Morisset. "The committee's work will be especially useful for maintaining an open and constructive dialogue between stakeholders and the AMF while helping to ensure a solid balance between consumer protection and market efficiency."

Committee members will be appointed for a two-year term, which may be extended in accordance with certain conditions determined by the AMF. The Committee will meet four to six times a year and members will not be paid for their participation.

Anyone interested in being part of the TIAC should read the call for candidates. The deadline for submitting an application is October 4, 2016.

The Autorité des marchés financiers (the "AMF") is the regulatory and oversight body for Québec's financial sector.

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