Illegal Practices and DistributionsAMF launches penal proceeding against Antonio Care


Montréal - The Autorité des marchés financiers (the AMF) has launched a penal proceeding in the judicial district of Montréal against Antonio Care and two of his companies, Tonmik Import/Export Solutions Inc. ("TIE Solutions Inc.") and Tire International Environmental Solutions Inc., accusing them of various violations in connection with illegal distributions.

More specifically, the AMF accuses Antonio Care of acting illegally as a securities dealer on five occasions and of aiding Tonmik Import/Export Solutions Inc. ("TIE Solutions Inc.") with illegal distributions on one occasion. The AMF is seeking fines totalling $10,000 against him.

The AMF also filed two counts against Tonmik Import/Export Solutions Inc. ("TIE Solutions Inc."), of which Antonio Care is the only shareholder, officer and director, and eight counts against Tire International Environmental Solutions Inc., of which Antonio Care is the senior officer. The AMF accuses these two companies of acting illegally as a securities dealer and with making illegal distributions, and is seeking fines totalling $30,000.

The Autorité des marchés financiers (the AMF) is the regulatory and oversight body for Québec's financial industry.

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